
NameSizeLast modification

Parent directory

main-en.pot667.2 KB

667.2 KB2020-09-07 21:16:38 -03:00 4 years ago

main-fr.pot445.4 KB

445.4 KB2020-09-07 21:16:38 -03:00 4 years ago

readme.txt1.9 KB

1.9 KB2020-07-08 23:33:06 -03:00 4 years ago

settings.json114 B

114 B2020-07-08 23:33:06 -03:00 4 years ago


How to create a language mod

1. Configuration

First create a new directory on your computer (e.g. C:\test\dc).

Then copy the file "settings.json" (which you can find in the Dead Cells lang directory) in to the newly
created directory and open it with any text editor.

This file contains the settings of your mod:
- category: "language"
- name: the name of the language (in that language)
- lang.code: the ISO-639-1 code of the language (e.g. fr, zh, en) with an optional country code (e.g. en-us, fr-ca, zh-cn)
- lang.src: the source language (available: en, fr)
- lang.chars: the font/chars to use for this language (currently available: latin, simplified chinese, greek, cyrrilic)

2. Create your .po file

Dead Cells localization is based on Gettext. 
You should use the free editor Poedit ( to manage your translations.

In Poedit, choose "Create new translation" and select the main-en.pot file in the lang directory of Dead Cells. 
You can now save it as a new file named "main.po" in the directory you created in the first step.

3. Translate

There's nothing unusual about the translation process.
Variables are noted ::var:: You must keep exactly the same variables in the translated text, but the order may change.
For example "The big house has ::var:: windows." can be "There are ::var:: windows in the big house."

4. Add a preview image

Create a thumbnail image for your mod and save it as preview.jpg (or preview.png) in the directory of your mod.
This image should be 268x268 pixel, PNG or JPEG, 1MB max. 

5. Test

You can test your mod locally. Open a command line, go to the Dead Cells directory then launch:
deadcells.exe --workshop-test 
Where  is the local path of your mod.
deadcells.exe --workshop-test c:/test/dc

6. Upload

Open a command line, go to the Dead Cells directory and run:
deadcells.exe --workshop
Follow the prompts.