# NOTES: # The # Symbol at the start of a line counts as a Comment. To include in dialog, use a \# # The . Symbol will cause a pause unless escaped with \. (ex: Mr. Oshiro has a pause, Mr\. Oshiro does not) # Newlines automatically create a Page Break, unless there is an {n} command on the previous line # Commands: Anything inside of curly braces {...} is a command and should not be translated. # Inline Text Commands: # {~}wavy text{/~} # {!}impact text{/!} # {>> x}changes speed at which characters are displayed{>>} # {# 000000}this text is black{#} (uses HEX color values) # {+MENU_BEGIN} inserts the dialog from the MENU_BEGIN value (in English, "CLIMB") # {n} creates a newline, without a page break # {0.5} creates a 0.5 second pause # {big}this text is large{/big} # Gameplay Control Commands (should never change) # {trigger x} this triggers an in-game event # {anchor} controls the visual position of the textbox in-game # Language (id,label) LANGUAGE=english,English ICON=Icons/canadian-english.png ORDER=0 # Font (Face, Base Size) # Use BMFONT to generate the .fnt and image files FONT=Renogare,64 # Done loading Meta Data BEGIN=true # Auto-Saving AUTOSAVING_TITLE_NS= This game features Auto Saving AUTOSAVING_DESC_NS= Do not turn off the console when this icon is displayed AUTOSAVING_TITLE_PS4= This game features Auto Saving AUTOSAVING_DESC_PS4= Do not turn off the console when this icon is displayed AUTOSAVING_TITLE_XB1= This game features Auto Saving AUTOSAVING_DESC_XB1= Do not turn off your console when this icon is displayed AUTOSAVING_TITLE_PC= This game features Auto Saving AUTOSAVING_DESC_PC= Do not turn off your computer when this icon is displayed # Main Menu MENU_DEBUG= ~DEBUG~ MENU_BEGIN= CLIMB MENU_PICO8= PICO-8 MENU_OPTIONS= Options MENU_CREDITS= Credits MENU_EXIT= Exit # Options OPTIONS_TITLE= OPTIONS OPTIONS_CONTROLS= CONTROLS OPTIONS_RUMBLE_PC= Rumble OPTIONS_RUMBLE_PS4= Vibration OPTIONS_RUMBLE_XB1= Vibration OPTIONS_RUMBLE_NS= Rumble OPTIONS_RUMBLE_ON= 100% OPTIONS_RUMBLE_HALF= 50% OPTIONS_RUMBLE_OFF= Off OPTIONS_KEYCONFIG= Keyboard Config OPTIONS_BTNCONFIG= Controller Config OPTIONS_VIDEO= VIDEO OPTIONS_FULLSCREEN= Fullscreen OPTIONS_WINDOW= Window Scale OPTIONS_VSYNC= Vertical Sync OPTIONS_VIEWPORT_NS= Adjust Screen Size OPTIONS_VIEWPORT_PS4= Adjust Screen Size OPTIONS_VIEWPORT_XB1= Adjust Screen Size OPTIONS_VIEWPORT_PC= Adjust Screen Size OPTIONS_DISABLE_FLASH= Photosensitive Mode OPTIONS_DISABLE_SHAKE= Screen Shake Effects OPTIONS_AUDIO= AUDIO OPTIONS_MUSIC= Music OPTIONS_SOUNDS= Sounds OPTIONS_GAMEPLAY= GAMEPLAY OPTIONS_SPEEDRUN= Speedrun Clock OPTIONS_SPEEDRUN_CHAPTER=Chapter OPTIONS_SPEEDRUN_FILE= File OPTIONS_DASHES= Dash Counter OPTIONS_LANGUAGE= Language OPTIONS_ON= ON OPTIONS_OFF= OFF # KEYBOARD CONFIG KEY_CONFIG_TITLE= Keyboard Config KEY_CONFIG_MOVEMENT= MOVEMENT KEY_CONFIG_LEFT= Left KEY_CONFIG_RIGHT= Right KEY_CONFIG_UP= Up KEY_CONFIG_DOWN= Down KEY_CONFIG_GAMEPLAY= ACTIONS KEY_CONFIG_JUMP= Jump KEY_CONFIG_DASH= Dash KEY_CONFIG_GRAB= Grab KEY_CONFIG_TALK= Talk KEY_CONFIG_MENUS= MENU KEY_CONFIG_CONFIRM= Confirm KEY_CONFIG_CANCEL= Cancel KEY_CONFIG_PAUSE= Pause KEY_CONFIG_JOURNAL= Journal KEY_CONFIG_QUICKRESTART=Quick Restart KEY_CONFIG_RESET= Reset to Default KEY_CONFIG_CHANGING= PRESS KEY FOR # CONTROLLER CONFIG BTN_CONFIG_TITLE= Controller Config BTN_CONFIG_INFO= PRESS | TO ADD A BUTTON, | TO CLEAR BUTTONS BTN_CONFIG_CHANGING= PRESS BUTTON TO ADD FOR BTN_CONFIG_NOCONTROLLER=Please Attach a Controller # PICO-8 PICO8_UNLOCKED= Now playable from the Main Menu PICO8_PAUSE_TITLE= PAUSED PICO8_PAUSE_CONTINUE= Resume PICO8_PAUSE_RESTART= Reset PICO-8 PICO8_PAUSE_QUIT= Exit PICO-8 # FILE MENU FILE_DEFAULT= Madeline FILE_CORRUPTED= Corrupted :( FILE_FAILEDTOLOAD= Failed to Load FILE_NEWGAME= Start New Game! FILE_CONTINUE= Continue FILE_DELETE= Delete FILE_BEGIN= Begin FILE_ASSIST_OFF= Assist Mode : OFF FILE_ASSIST_ON= Assist Mode : ON FILE_VARIANT_OFF= Variant Mode : OFF FILE_VARIANT_ON= Variant Mode : ON FILE_RENAME= Rename FILE_DELETE_REALLY= Are you sure? FILE_DELETE_NO= Cancel FILE_DELETE_YES= Delete FILE_DELETE_FAILED= Failed to Delete File! # Assist Mode ASSIST_MODE_0= {# 44adf7}Assist Mode{#} allows you to modify{n} the game's rules to fit your specific needs. ASSIST_MODE_1= This includes options such as slowing the game speed,{n} granting yourself invincibility or infinite stamina,{n} and skipping chapters entirely. ASSIST_MODE_2= Celeste is intended to be a challenging and rewarding experience.{n} If the default game proves inaccessible to you, we hope that{n} you can still find that experience with {# 44adf7}Assist Mode{#}. ASSIST_ASK= Would you like to play with {# 44adf7}Assist Mode{#}? ASSIST_YES= Yes ASSIST_NO= No ASSIST_SKIP= Assist{n}Skip # File Naming NAME_LETTERS= ABCDEFGHI abcdefghi JKLMNOPQR jklmnopqr STUVWXYZ stuvwxyz 1234567890+=:~!@$% ^&*_-#"'()<>/\.,|` NAME_SPACE= space NAME_BACKSPACE= backspace NAME_ACCEPT= ACCEPT NAME_BACK= CANCEL # Xbox One Stuff XB1_MENU_SWITCH_PROFILE= Switch Profile XB1_SIGN_OUT_MESSAGE= A sign-in change has occured. Please sign back in or exit to the title screen. XB1_SIGN_IN= Sign-in XB1_RECONNECT_CONTROLLER= Please reconnect your controller to continue. # Intro Vignette INTRO_VIGNETTE_RESUME= Continue INTRO_VIGNETTE_SKIP= Skip INTRO_VIGNETTE_QUIT= Quit # Overworld OVERWORLD_START= Start OVERWORLD_NORMAL= CLIMB OVERWORLD_INTERLUDE= BEGIN OVERWORLD_REMIX= B-SIDE OVERWORLD_REMIX2= C-SIDE OVERWORLD_REMIX_UNLOCKED= B-Side Unlocked! OVERWORLD_REMIX_UNLOCKED2= C-Side Unlocked! # Chapter Titles AREA_CHAPTER= Chapter {x} AREA_0= Prologue AREA_1= Forsaken City AREA_2= Old Site AREA_3= Celestial Resort AREA_4= Golden Ridge AREA_5= Mirror Temple AREA_6= Reflection AREA_7= The Summit AREA_8= Epilogue AREA_9= Core AREA_10= Farewell # Checkpoints CHECKPOINT_1_0= Crossing CHECKPOINT_1_1= Chasm CHECKPOINT_2_0= Intervention CHECKPOINT_2_1= Awake CHECKPOINT_3_0= Huge Mess CHECKPOINT_3_1= Elevator Shaft CHECKPOINT_3_2= Presidential Suite CHECKPOINT_4_0= Shrine CHECKPOINT_4_1= Old Trail CHECKPOINT_4_2= Cliff Face CHECKPOINT_5_0= Depths CHECKPOINT_5_1= Unravelling CHECKPOINT_5_2= Search CHECKPOINT_5_3= Rescue CHECKPOINT_6_0= Lake CHECKPOINT_6_1= Hollows CHECKPOINT_6_2= Reflection CHECKPOINT_6_3= Rock Bottom CHECKPOINT_6_4= Resolution CHECKPOINT_7_0= 500 M CHECKPOINT_7_1= 1000 M CHECKPOINT_7_2= 1500 M CHECKPOINT_7_3= 2000 M CHECKPOINT_7_4= 2500 M CHECKPOINT_7_5= 3000 M CHECKPOINT_8_0= Into the Core CHECKPOINT_8_1= Hot and Cold CHECKPOINT_8_2= Heart of the Mountain CHECKPOINT_9_0= Singular CHECKPOINT_9_1= Power Source CHECKPOINT_9_2= Remembered CHECKPOINT_9_3= Event Horizon CHECKPOINT_9_4= Determination CHECKPOINT_9_5= Stubbornness CHECKPOINT_9_6= Reconciliation CHECKPOINT_9_7= Farewell # B-Side Checkpoints CHECKPOINT_1H_0= Contraption CHECKPOINT_1H_1= Scrap Pit CHECKPOINT_2H_0= Combination Lock CHECKPOINT_2H_1= Dream Altar CHECKPOINT_3H_0= Staff Quarters CHECKPOINT_3H_1= Library CHECKPOINT_3H_2= Rooftop CHECKPOINT_4H_0= Stepping Stones CHECKPOINT_4H_1= Gusty Canyon CHECKPOINT_4H_2= Eye of the Storm CHECKPOINT_5H_0= Central Chamber CHECKPOINT_5H_1= Through the Mirror CHECKPOINT_5H_2= Mix Master CHECKPOINT_6H_0= Reflection CHECKPOINT_6H_1= Rock Bottom CHECKPOINT_6H_2= Reprieve CHECKPOINT_7H_0= 500 M CHECKPOINT_7H_1= 1000 M CHECKPOINT_7H_2= 1500 M CHECKPOINT_7H_3= 2000 M CHECKPOINT_7H_4= 2500 M CHECKPOINT_7H_5= 3000 M CHECKPOINT_8H_0= Into the Core CHECKPOINT_8H_1= Burning or Freezing CHECKPOINT_8H_2= Heartbeat # Postcards POSTCARD_AREA_1= Select {#ff1144}Save and Quit{#} from the pause menu at any time to take a break. You'll resume from the same screen and you won't lose any progress! POSTCARD_AREA_2= {#ff1144}Strawberries{#} will impress your friends, but that's about it. Only collect them if you really want to! POSTCARD_AREA_3= Be proud of your {#ff1144}Death Count{#}!{n}The more you die, the more you're learning.{n}Keep going! POSTCARD_AREA_4= {# F94A4A}Climbing Tip!{#}{n}Low on energy in a pinch?{n}{n}Jumping away from walls{n}doesn't consume stamina! POSTCARD_AREA_5= {# F94A4A}Did You Know?{#}{n}Most climbing mishaps{n}occur due to exhaustion.{n}{n}Remember to take regular breaks! POSTCARD_AREA_6= {# F94A4A}Did You Know?{#}{n}{n}It is impossible to{n}outrun your own reflection. POSTCARD_CSIDES= Ready for a real challenge?{n}{n}{# F94A4A}C-Sides{#} have been unlocked, and{n}{# dbb63f}Golden Strawberries{#} have appeared{n}at the start of every chapter!{n}{n}Good luck, {+MADELINE}! POSTCARD_VARIANTS= Wow, you did it!{n}{n}{# 9B3FB5}Variants{#} are now accessible from the File Select Menu. # Journal JOURNAL_OF= JOURNAL_PROGRESS= PROGRESS JOURNAL_SPEEDRUNS= RECORDS:{n}SPEEDRUNS JOURNAL_DASHES= RECORDS:{n}FEWEST DASHES JOURNAL_DEATHS= RECORDS:{n}FEWEST DEATHS JOURNAL_POEM= CRYSTAL HEARTS JOURNAL_MODE_NORMAL= CLEAR JOURNAL_MODE_NORMAL_FULLCLEAR= FULL CLEAR JOURNAL_MODE_BSIDE= B-SIDE JOURNAL_MODE_CSIDE= C-SIDE JOURNAL_TOTALS= TOTALS JOURNAL_GRANDTOTAL= GRAND TOTAL # Stats STATS_TITLE= Global Steam Stats STAT_BERRIES= Strawberries STAT_DEATHS= Deaths STAT_DASHES= Dashes STAT_GOLDBERRIES= Golden Berries STAT_PICO_BERRIES= PICO-8 Strawberries STAT_PICO_DEATHS= PICO-8 Deaths STAT_PICO_COMPLETES= PICO-8 Completes # Saving / Loading Failed SAVEFAILED_TITLE= UNABLE TO SAVE SAVEFAILED_RETRY= Try Again SAVEFAILED_IGNORE= Continue Without Saving LOADFAILED_TITLE= UNABLE TO LOAD LOADFAILED_GOBACK= Go Back LOADFAILED_IGNORE= Continue Without Saving # Tutorial TUTORIAL_CLIMB= CLIMB TUTORIAL_HOLD= HOLD TUTORIAL_DASH= DASH TUTORIAL_DREAMJUMP= JUMP TUTORIAL_CARRY= CARRY # Area Complete AREACOMPLETE_NORMAL= Chapter Complete AREACOMPLETE_NORMAL_FULLCLEAR= Chapter Clear AREACOMPLETE_BSIDE= B-Side Complete AREACOMPLETE_CSIDE= C-Side Complete MOUNTAIN_COMPLETE_NORMAL= Complete MOUNTAIN_COMPLETE_NORMAL_FULLCLEAR= Clear MOUNTAIN_COMPLETE_BSIDE= B-Side Complete MOUNTAIN_COMPLETE_CSIDE= C-Side Complete # Game Paused MENU_PAUSE_TITLE= PAUSED MENU_PAUSE_RESUME= Resume MENU_PAUSE_SKIP_CUTSCENE= Skip Cutscene MENU_PAUSE_RETRY= Retry MENU_PAUSE_ASSIST= Assist Options MENU_PAUSE_VARIANT= Variants MENU_PAUSE_OPTIONS= Options MENU_PAUSE_RESTARTAREA= Restart Chapter MENU_PAUSE_SAVEQUIT= Save and Quit MENU_PAUSE_RETURN= Return to Map MENU_PAUSE_RESTARTDEMO= Restart Demo MENU_RETURN_TITLE= RETURN TO MAP? MENU_RETURN_CONTINUE= Yes MENU_RETURN_CANCEL= Cancel MENU_RETURN_INFO= Returning to Map will save your progress{n} but you must restart at the last checkpoint MENU_RESTART_TITLE= RESTART CHAPTER? MENU_RESTART_CONTINUE= Yes MENU_RESTART_CANCEL= Cancel # Assist UI MENU_ASSIST_TITLE= ASSIST MODE MENU_ASSIST_SUBTITLE= Assists MENU_ASSIST_GAMESPEED= Game Speed MENU_ASSIST_INVINCIBLE= Invincibility MENU_ASSIST_AIR_DASHES= Air Dashes MENU_ASSIST_DASH_ASSIST= Dash Assist MENU_ASSIST_AIR_DASHES_NORMAL= Default MENU_ASSIST_AIR_DASHES_TWO= 2 MENU_ASSIST_AIR_DASHES_INFINITE= Infinite MENU_ASSIST_INFINITE_STAMINA= Infinite Stamina # Variant UI MENU_VARIANT_TITLE= VARIANTS MENU_VARIANT_SUBTITLE= Variants MENU_VARIANT_MIRROR= Mirror Mode MENU_VARIANT_360DASHING= 360 Dashing MENU_VARIANT_INVISMOTION= Invisible Motion MENU_VARIANT_PLAYASBADELINE= Other Self MENU_VARIANT_NOGRABBING= No Grabbing MENU_VARIANT_LOWFRICTION= Low Friction MENU_VARIANT_SUPERDASHING= Super Dashing MENU_VARIANT_HICCUPS= Hiccups # Misc UI UI_CUTSCENE_SKIP= Skip UI_REMIX_UNLOCKED= B-Side Unlocked UI_CANCEL= Back UI_CONFIRM= Confirm UI_QUICK_RESTART_TITLE=Quick Restart: UI_QUICK_RESTART_HOLD=Hold UI_QUICK_RESTART_PRESS=Press # B SIDES REMIX_BY= Music by REMIX_ALBUM= Celeste B-Sides AREA_1_REMIX= (Sever the Skyline Mix) AREA_2_REMIX= (Black Moonrise Mix) AREA_3_REMIX= (Good Karma Mix) AREA_4_REMIX= (Golden Feather Mix) AREA_5_REMIX= (Mirror Magic Mix) AREA_6_REMIX= (Center of the Earth Mix) AREA_7_REMIX= (No More Running Mix) AREA_9_REMIX= (Say Goodbye Mix) # Credits CREDITS_THANKYOU= Thanks for playing :) # Names THEO= {# FF9523}Theo{#} THEO_UNDER_STARS= {# FFFF4C}TheoUnderStars{#} MIXMASTER_THEO= {# FF9523}Mix Master Theo{#} MOM= {# 339CC7}Mom{#} MROSHIRO= {# 7BD838}Mr\. Oshiro{#} OSHIRO= {# 7BD838}Oshiro{#} ELCREEPO= {# 7BD838}El Creepo{#} MADELINE= {# F94A4A}{savedata Name}{#} MS_MADELINE= {# F94A4A}Ms\. {savedata Name}{#} RESORT= {# b864be}Celestial Resort{#} THOUGHT= {# 696a6a}{~}( ENDTHOUGHT= ){/~}{#} MOUNTAIN= {# 96EFFF}Mountain{#} CELESTE_MOUNTAIN= {# 96EFFF}Celeste Mountain{#} PART_OF_ME= {# d678db}{~}Part of Me{/~}{#} PART_OF_YOU= {# d678db}{~}Part of You{/~}{#} ST_BAD= {# d678db}{~} END_BAD= {/~}{#} GRANNY= {# 66ea3a}Granny{#} PART_OF_HER= {# 66ea3a}{~}Part of Her{/~}{#} PART_OF_GRANNY= {# 66ea3a}{~}Part of Granny{/~}{#} # Theo sister name # if the player name is the same as this one, theo's sister name becomes the ALT_NAME THEO_SISTER_NAME= Alex THEO_SISTER_ALT_NAME= Maddy ALEX= {# F94A4A}{savedata TheoSisterName}{#} # ================================== IN-GAME DIALOG BEGINS HERE! ================================== # *** Prologue *** CH0_INTRO= This is it, {+MADELINE}. Just breathe. Why are you so nervous? CH0_GRANNY= {anchor top} [MADELINE left normal] Excuse me, ma'am? {trigger 0 Madeline walks forward} [MADELINE left normal] The sign out front is busted...{n}is this the {+mountain} trail? [GRANNY right normal] You're almost there.{n}It's just across the bridge. {trigger 1 Madeline walks to the right of the house, turns left} [MADELINE right sad] By the way, you should call someone about your driveway. The ridge collapsed and I nearly died. {trigger 2 Granny laughs} [GRANNY left laugh] If my {>> 0.3}"driveway"{>>}{0.2} almost did you in,{n}the {+mountain} might be a bit much for you. {trigger 3 Laugh Continues} [MADELINE right upset] {0.5}...{0.2} [MADELINE right angry] Well, if an old bat like {~}you{/~} can{n}survive out here, I think I'll be fine. {trigger 4 Stop laughing} [GRANNY left normal] Suit yourself. {silent_trigger 5 Ominous zoom-in} [GRANNY left normal] But you should know,{n}{+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN} is a strange place. [GRANNY left creepA] You might see things. [GRANNY left creepB] Things you ain't ready to see. {trigger 6 pan to Maddy} [MADELINE right upset] You should seek help, lady. {trigger 3 resume laughing} CH0_END= You can do this. # *** Chapter 01 *** CH1_THEO_A= [THEO left normal] Ho there, fellow traveller! [MADELINE right distracted] Oh... hi. {trigger 0 Madeline approaches} [THEO left normal] What a killer night for a hike! [MADELINE right distracted] I guess so. [THEO left normal] This place is so crazy. [THEO left excited] I kind of can't believe it exists! [MADELINE right sad] Not the easiest climb, is it? [MADELINE right distracted] But I guess that's what I was looking for... [THEO left normal] Whoa, that sounds pretty serious. I'm just happy to see another{n}human in such a lonely place. [THEO left excited] I'm {+ theo} by the way, an adventurer from a {>> 0.3}{~}far off land!{/~}{>>} [MADELINE right sad] ...{0.2} [THEO left thinking] Not much of a talker, are you? [THEO left normal] Mysterious lone wolf type, I get it.{n}I'll just imagine some dark backstory for you. CH1_THEO_B= [MADELINE right sad] Hey, sorry. I'm {+MADELINE}. I've got a lot on my mind. [THEO left normal] Well, {+MADELINE}, I'd say you've come to the right place! [THEO left thinking] I'm freezing my toes off, but I can't imagine{n}a better place to be for some quiet reflection. [MADELINE right sad] Yeah, maybe you're right. [MADELINE right normal] What "{>> 0.5}{~}far off land{/~}{>>}" do you hail from? [THEO left excited] Well, my inquisitive compatriot, I doth hail{n}from the {0.3}{~}mystical,{0.4} exotic{/~}{0.4} kingdom of... [THEO left normal] {0.4} Seattle. [MADELINE right normal] It sounds like a special place. CH1_THEO_C= [THEO left excited] This place is wild! [THEO left normal] Why would an entire city be abandoned? [MADELINE right normal] I read that some mega-corporation started{n}building it, but then no one wanted to live here. [MADELINE right distracted] I wonder why... [THEO left excited] My money's on a government cover-up. [MADELINE right distracted] What a waste, to build all of this for no reason... [THEO left normal] At least we get to enjoy the leftovers. CH1_THEO_D= [MADELINE right normal] Are you here to explore this city? [THEO left normal] Yeah, I have a thing for abandoned places. [THEO left thinking] And I like to think of myself{n}as a budding photographer. [MADELINE right normal] Oh really? Cool! Do you have a blog or something? [THEO left thinking] A blog? {+MADELINE}. Everyone uses {# FFFF4C}InstaPix{#} now. [THEO left excited] I'm {+THEO_UNDER_STARS}, look me up! CH1_THEO_E= [THEO left normal] This terrain is pretty tricky,{n}are you turning back soon? [MADELINE right normal] Nope. I'm heading for the summit. [THEO left excited] I can really see the determination in your eyes! [THEO left normal] It's inspiring. [MADELINE right distracted] If you say so. [MADELINE right normal] I bet you could make it to the summit too. [THEO left normal] Maybe. [THEO left thinking] I don't really care about reaching the top, TBH. [THEO left normal] {!}Oh!{/!} But I heard there are some {~}legit{/~}{n}old ruins up beyond the city. [THEO left excited] Like 1800's legit. [THEO left normal] I know it's risky but I have to see them for myself. CH1_THEO_F= [THEO left normal] What's that thing you say right before{n}you do something irresponsible? [MADELINE right sad] Uh... "throw caution to the wind?" [THEO left wtf] No, that's not it. [THEO left excited] Oh right... {trigger 0 Theo pumps his fist in the air} [THEO left yolo] {big}{~}Y{>> 0.5}OLO{>> 0.2}OOOOOOOO!!{>>}{/~}{/big} MEMORIAL= -- CELESTE MOUNTAIN -- This memorial dedicated to those Who perished on the climb CH1_END= [MADELINE left distracted] Ugh, I'm exhausted. {trigger 0 MADELINE sits down to rest. A bird swoops in, lands on her head, and goes to sleep} [MADELINE left deadpan] {>> 0.4}This might have been a mistake. # *** Chapter 02 *** CH2_BADELINE_INTRO= {anchor top} [BADELINE left normal] {+MADELINE}, darling, slow down. {trigger 0 Madeline turns around} [MADELINE right distracted] Who said that? [BADELINE left normal] Oh, I'm simply a concerned observer. {trigger 1 Badeline is revealed} [MADELINE right sad] Are you... me? [BADELINE left normal] I'm {+PART_OF_YOU}. [MADELINE right sad] Why would {+PART_OF_ME} look so {0.3}{*}creepy?{/*} [BADELINE left worried] ... [BADELINE left angry] This is just what I look like, okay? Deal with it. [MADELINE right distracted] Sorry, I didn't mean- [BADELINE left angry] Forget about it. I can't tell you what a relief it is{n}to {~}finally{/~} get out of your head. [BADELINE left upset] But look, I'm worried about us. [BADELINE left normal] We need a hobby, but this... [MADELINE right sad] I know it sounds crazy, but{n}I need to climb this {+mountain}. {trigger 2 Badeline starts laughing} [BADELINE left scoff] You are many things, darling,{n}but you are not a {~}mountain climber{/~}. [MADELINE right distracted] Who says I can't be? {trigger 3 Badeline stops laughing} [BADELINE left upset] I know it's not your strong suit,{n}but be reasonable for once. You have no idea what you're getting into. You can't handle this. [MADELINE right upset] That is exactly why I need to do this. Are you the weak {+PART_OF_ME}, or the lazy part? [BADELINE left upset] I'm the pragmatic part. [BADELINE left scoff] And I'm {~}trying{/~} to be diplomatic here. [BADELINE left serious] {s 4}Let's go home {.6}[BADELINE left serious_alt]together. CH2_DREAM_PHONECALL= [MADELINE_PHONE left distracted] Hello? [EX_PHONE right normal] {+MADELINE}? ...are you calling from a payphone? [MADELINE_PHONE left distracted] Yeah. [MADELINE_PHONE left sad] No, wait... you called me. [EX_PHONE right normal] What are you talking about? [MADELINE_PHONE left distracted] It doesn't matter. I'm in trouble. I'm being chased by... someone. [MADELINE_PHONE left sad] I don't really understand what's going on,{n}but I know I'm in danger. I can feel it. [EX_PHONE right normal] {+MADELINE}, you only call me when you're{n}panicking in the middle of the night. You don't have to make up some{n}ridiculous story just to get my attention. [MADELINE_PHONE left angry] I'm not making it up! You always do this! [EX_PHONE right normal] {~}Shhh{/~} {0.5}it's alright, calm down. I'm sorry sweetheart. Talk to me. [MADELINE_PHONE left sad] I'm climbing {+celeste_mountain}.{n}I found this old mirror, and it shattered,{n}but part of me escaped, and... [MADELINE_PHONE left upset] ... ...I'm dreaming, aren't I? [EX_PHONE right normal] {+MADELINE}. Of course you're dreaming. I haven't spoken to you in months. Why would I start now? [MADELINE_PHONE left angry] Ugh! Why am I even climbing this stupid {+mountain}? {trigger 0 Badeline appears} [BADELINE right scoff] I'm wondering the same thing. [BADELINE right upset] It's time to give up and go home. # if the MADELINE has never met Theo before CH2_THEO_INTRO_NEVER_MET= [THEO left normal] Ho there, fellow explorer! [MADELINE right distracted] Oh... hi. {trigger 0 Madeline approaches} [THEO left normal] Did you also trek up here to scope out these old ruins? [MADELINE right sad] Uhh... no, I'm headed for the summit. [THEO left excited] Whoa, that's crazy! [THEO left normal] I'm {+ theo} by the way, an adventurer from a {>> 0.3}{~}far off land!{/~}{>>} [MADELINE right sad] ...{0.2} [THEO left thinking] Not much of a talker, are you? [THEO left normal] Mysterious lone wolf type, I get it.{n}I'll just imagine some dark backstory for you. # if the MADELINE has met Theo, but never introduced herself CH2_THEO_INTRO_NEVER_INTRODUCED= [MADELINE right sad] Hey {+ theo}, sorry about earlier.{n}I'm {+MADELINE}. I've got a lot on my mind. [THEO left normal] Well this is a good place for it. Something about these ruins feels so introspective. It's really making me take a{n}look in the mirror, so to speak. [MADELINE right distracted] Yeah... I get that. [MADELINE right normal] So what "{>> 0.5}{~}far off land{/~}{>>}" do you hail from? [THEO left excited] Well, my inquisitive compatriot, I doth hail{n}from the {0.3}{~}mystical,{0.4} enigmatic{/~}{0.4} kingdom of... [THEO left normal] {0.4} Seattle. [MADELINE right normal] It sounds like a special place. # added to the start of the CH2_THEO_A if the MADELINE has met and introduced themselves to Theo # (if NEVER_MET and NEVER_INTRODUCED are skipped) CH2_THEO_A_EXT= [THEO left excited] Hey, {+MADELINE}!{n}You made it! {trigger 3 Madeline Approaches} {+ CH2_THEO_A} # normal conversation once introductions are out of the way CH2_THEO_A= [THEO left normal] Climbing up here was tough,{n}but totally worth it. [THEO left excited] Just look at these ruins! I took so many great pics, wanna see? [MADELINE right sad] Oh... [MADELINE right normal]sure. {trigger 0 Maddy walks to Theo} [MADELINE right normal] {+ theo}, these are great! [THEO left thinking] Maybe I'll finally hit a thousand followers with these. {trigger 1 Theo puts away phone} [THEO left normal] Oh! We need to formally commemorate this occasion... [THEO left excited] Take a selfie with me! [MADELINE right distracted] Uhh... I don't know if that's such a good idea right now... [THEO left normal] Come on, it's easy. Like this! {trigger 2 Theo takes a selfie with Maddy by surprise} [MADELINE right upset] ... CH2_THEO_B= [THEO left normal] Sorry about that. Don't worry, I won't post that one. [MADELINE right distracted] ... [MADELINE right sad] No, it's alright. You can post it. I'm just{.2} not... photogenic. [THEO left normal] {+MADELINE}, don't be so hard on yourself! No one looks good without a filter. {trigger 0 Add filter to selfie} [THEO left thinking] Casual, yet refined. CH2_THEO_C= [MADELINE right normal] What made you want to try photography? [THEO left normal] My grandpa was really into it. [THEO left thinking] Apparently he was semi-famous{n}in the photography world. [THEO left wtf] I don't know if I'll ever be that good at it. [THEO left normal] But it's nice to feel close to him. CH2_THEO_D= [THEO left excited] So you're determined to climb the entire {+mountain}? [MADELINE right normal] Yeah, I told myself I would. [MADELINE right sad] I'm done breaking promises to myself. [THEO left excited] Life goals! I dig it. [THEO left normal] I doubt I'll make it to the top like you,{n}but I'm not ready to turn back just yet. CH2_THEO_E= [THEO left wtf] Are you getting any data up here? [MADELINE right normal] I don't have a smartphone. [THEO left wtf] {+MADELINE}. I don't even know how to respond to that. CH2_END_PHONECALL= [MOM_PHONE right normal] Hello? [MADELINE_PHONE left distracted] Hey {+ mom}. [MOM_PHONE right normal] {+MADELINE}, what a nice surprise! How's your trip? [MADELINE_PHONE left distracted] It's okay, I'm just kind of... overwhelmed. [MOM_PHONE right concerned] Oh no, are you having another panic attack? Focus on your breathing honey, I'm here. What's going on? CH2_JOURNAL= There's a dusty old book open on the table. A poem is written on the faded page. CH2_POEM= An apparition{n} Not of this world{n} But because of it{n} Lurking out of frame{n}{n} Awake, my heart is a fortress{n} In dreams I am vulnerable # *** Chapter 03 *** CH3_OSHIRO_FRONT_DESK= [OSHIRO right normal] Welcome! May I help you? [MADELINE left surprised] Are you... a ghost? [OSHIRO right worried] A ghost? Don't be silly. [OSHIRO right normal] I am the concierge of this fine establishment. [OSHIRO right worried] Welcome to{.3} {~}{>> .2}the world-renowned{/~}{>>}{n}{big}Celestial Resort Hotel!{/big} [OSHIRO right normal] {+ mroshiro}, at your service. [OSHIRO right sidehappy] {+thought}Two guests in one day!{n}Business is finally picking up!{+endthought} [OSHIRO right normal] How long will you be staying with us? [MADELINE left normal] Oh... I'm just passing through.{n}I'm climbing the {+mountain}. Do you have a back exit? [OSHIRO right worried] ...a back exit? [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}Just passing through? This will not do.{+endthought} [MADELINE left distracted] You know I can still hear you, right? [OSHIRO right nervous] ... [OSHIRO right normal] In any case, our rear service door{n}is reserved for hotel staff only. [OSHIRO right worried] However, our top floor presidential suite{n}features a world-class view of the peak. [OSHIRO right normal] Yes, you'll be quite comfortable up there. [MADELINE left distracted] Maybe I could get on the roof from{n}there and climb down the back? [OSHIRO right sidehappy] {+thought}The presidential suite, marvelous idea {+ oshiro}!{+endthought} [OSHIRO right normal] What is your name, for our records? [MADELINE left normal] I'm {+MADELINE}. [MADELINE left sad] But again, I'm really not interested in staying. {trigger 0 Camera zooms back out} [OSHIRO right normal] Right this way, {+MS_MADELINE}. CH3_GUESTBOOK= It appears to be a very old and dusty guestbook. Many of the pages are damaged or missing. The comments, however, are glowing... "We'll never forget our time here." "I've never felt more at peace. Thank you." CH3_OSHIRO_HALLWAY_A= [OSHIRO right normal] Please follow me closely, {+MS_MADELINE}. The elevator is just down the hall. [MADELINE left distracted] The hotel is in pretty rough shape... [MADELINE left sad] Is it really open for business? [OSHIRO right nervous] Of course we're open! [OSHIRO right worried] The Celestial Resort Hotel would never{n}close during prime tourism season! [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}Rough shape? What did she mean by that?{+endthought} [OSHIRO right normal] Oh! Please allow me to carry your luggage. [MADELINE left sad] My bag? [MADELINE left normal] No thanks, I'll keep it. [OSHIRO right normal] Hmm. Very well. [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}What a peculiar guest.{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_HALLWAY_B= [OSHIRO right normal] {+MS_MADELINE}, I really must implore you to keep up. [OSHIRO right worried] I'm running a world-class establishment here.{n}I don't have time to wait around for meandering guests. [MADELINE left sad] You really don't have to wait for me,{n}I'm just looking for a way through this place. [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}{+oshiro} you idiot, the customer is always right!{+endthought} {+thought}Business is finally picking up{n}and you lose your temper!?{+endthought} [OSHIRO right nervous] Oh... of course {+MS_MADELINE}! My sincere apologies, I was out of line. [OSHIRO right normal] Please, feel free to explore at your leisure. CH3_MEMO_OPENING= An old paper sticks out from amid the clutter... CH3_MEMO= {big}Attention hotel staff:{/big}{n}{n} It is my sad duty to inform you that the Celestial Resort Hotel will close indefinitely following this season, due to circumstances beyond our control.{n}{n} It was an honor to have served alongside you all, as we worked tirelessly to ensure that our guests enjoyed the most hospitable and memorable experience possible.{n}{n} I write this with a heavy heart. This hotel has become my home, its staff and patrons my family. I will miss you all dearly.{n}{n} -Mr\. Oshiro CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER0= [OSHIRO left worried] Argh! This clutter is out of control! {trigger 1 Oshiro paces to the left} [OSHIRO left worried flip] When did this happen!? {trigger 2 Oshiro paces back to the right} [OSHIRO left worried] I don't even know where to begin... [MADELINE right sad] {+mroshiro}, do you run this whole place by yourself? [OSHIRO left nervous] You're right {+MS_MADELINE},{n}I'll never sort this mess out alone. {trigger 0 Oshiro Collapses} [OSHIRO left drama] It's hopeless. [MADELINE right distracted] That's not what I meant... [MADELINE right sad] Just breathe, {+MROSHIRO}. Breathe. It's just a little spring cleaning. [MADELINE right distracted] Well, more than a little... [MADELINE right normal] But I can help! [OSHIRO left normal] You're too kind. [OSHIRO left drama] But I wouldn't even bother. It's a lost cause. CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER0_B= [MADELINE right normal] How long have you been running the hotel? [OSHIRO left normal] Oh, quite some time now. [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}Business has been... slow.{+endthought} [MADELINE right sad] You must really love your work. [OSHIRO left normal] Oh yes, {+MS_MADELINE}. {trigger 0 Oshiro gets back up} [OSHIRO left normal] In the hotel business, our passion is{n}perfecting the delicate art of hospitality. [OSHIRO left worried] A truly great hotel lives{.2} {~}eternally{/~} in the{n}cherished memories of its satisfied guests. [MADELINE right normal] That's the spirit! Now let's get started on this mess. CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER1= [OSHIRO right normal] I haven't even begun cleaning and already{n}I feel a renewed lightness of spirit! That's the power of positive thinking! [MADELINE left distracted] Umm, actually... [MADELINE left normal] I cleared out some of the clutter for you. [OSHIRO right normal] Oh yes, thank you, {+MS_MADELINE}. But please, relax, and let the hotel staff handle it! [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}{+oshiro}, you fool. You're losing her.{+endthought} [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}Guests don't want to spend their time cleaning!{+endthought} [MADELINE left distracted] Are you okay? [OSHIRO right nervous] Yes, of course. [OSHIRO right worried] This is the finest hotel you'll ever visit, you'll see! [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}How could I let my problems pile up like this?{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER1_B= [MADELINE left sad] {+mroshiro}, it's okay if the{n}mess is making you anxious. [MADELINE left normal] I still can't stay the night, but I can help before I leave. [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}She pities you, {+oshiro}. You're pathetic.{+endthought} [MADELINE left upset] ... CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER2= [MADELINE left normal] It's looking a lot nicer in here! [MADELINE left distracted] Can you show me to the exit now? [OSHIRO right worried] But {+MS_MADELINE}, you've barely enjoyed the{n}myriad luxuries that our hotel has to offer! [OSHIRO right normal] We can talk more once I finish cleaning. [OSHIRO right worried] I'm very busy! [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}Yes... young people have no respect these days.{+endthought} [MADELINE left upset] ...you're welcome, sheesh. CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER2_B= [MADELINE left angry] Do you want my help{.3} or not? [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}It's over, {+oshiro}. She hates you.{+endthought} [MADELINE left upset] I{.3} don't... [MADELINE left distracted] I'm sorry. [MADELINE left sad] Your hotel is... it's beautiful. Truly world class. I wish I could stay. [OSHIRO right serious] No need to humor me, {+MS_MADELINE}. I understand. CH3_OSHIRO_CLUTTER_ENDING= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO left normal] There you are! You certainly have a knack for wandering off. [MADELINE right distracted] It was tough, but I sorted everything out for you. [OSHIRO left normal] The Celestial Resort Hotel extends its{n}gratitude for your assistance, {+MS_MADELINE}. Of course, the staff had the mess under control. [MADELINE right upset] Oh, sure. Yeah. [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}How humiliating.{+endthought} [OSHIRO left worried] You must be eager to see your room! [OSHIRO left normal] It's just up the elevator and down the hall. [MADELINE right upset] Sure, what the heck. Show me the presidential suite. It sounds lovely. [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}Now's your last chance, {+oshiro}. Don't lose her now.{+endthought} CH3_THEO_NEVER_MET= [MADELINE left sad] Oh hey, are you... {0.2}a guest here? {trigger 0 Theo stops trying to pry off the vent cover} [THEO right worried] Wow, I am {~}{!}so{/!}{/~} happy to see another person right now. This place seriously gives me the creeps. [MADELINE left sad] There's definitely something strange about it. [MADELINE left normal] I'm {+MADELINE}, by the way. [THEO right normal] Oh, I'm {+theo}. [THEO right thinking] I'm all about spooky mysteries,{n}but this is getting too real. {+CH3_THEO_ESCAPING} CH3_THEO_NEVER_INTRODUCED= [MADELINE left normal] {+theo}! Are you a "guest" here too? {trigger 0 Theo stops trying to pry off the vent cover} [THEO right worried] Wow, I am {~}{!}so{/!}{/~} happy to see another person right now. I'm all about spooky mysteries,{n}but this is getting too real. [MADELINE left sad] There's definitely something strange about it. [MADELINE left normal] I'm {+MADELINE}, by the way. Sorry about being antisocial earlier,{n}I had a lot on my mind. {+CH3_THEO_ESCAPING} CH3_THEO_INTRO= [MADELINE left normal] {+theo}! Are you a "guest" here too? {trigger 0 Theo stops trying to pry off the vent cover} [THEO right worried] {+MADELINE}! I am {~}{!}so{/!}{/~} happy to see you right now. I'm all about spooky mysteries,{n}but this is getting too real. {+CH3_THEO_ESCAPING} CH3_THEO_ESCAPING= [MADELINE left sad] Have you talked to {+mroshiro}? [MADELINE left distracted] I think he could really use some help. {trigger 0 Theo stops trying to pry off the vent cover} [THEO right wtf] You {~}think?{/~} He's a creepy old weirdo. I bet he's cleaning out a nook{n}to hide our bodies as we speak. {trigger 1 Theo goes back to prying off the vent cover} [THEO right worried] I'm gonna crawl through this vent,{n}it's blowing cold air in from outside. Come on! [MADELINE left sad] {+mroshiro}'s troubled, but...{n}I don't think he wants to hurt us. [MADELINE left normal] He just needs to clean up this mess. I want to help him. [THEO right worried flip] {+MADELINE}, that's very sweet, but this is dangerous. {trigger 2 Theo removes vent cover and it flies off. Theo falls down as it comes off, and gets back up} [THEO right worried] We need to get out of here and call{n}an expert on {0.2}{*}creepy old dudes{/*}. We aren't prepared for this. [MADELINE left distracted] I think I can get through to him. [MADELINE left normal] Go on ahead and I'll catch up with you later. [THEO right wtf] Man, you're more stubborn than my sister. I thought that was impossible. {trigger 3 Theo walks to Maddy} [THEO right serious] Take care of yourself. [MADELINE left normal] Thanks {+theo}. I'll see you outside. CH3_THEO_VENTS= {anchor bottom} [THEO right normal upsidedown] Man, it's a maze in here. How's it going with {+elcreepo}? [MADELINE left sad] I helped him clean up that huge mess,{n}but he was kind of a jerk about it. [MADELINE left upset] And he still thinks he can convince me to stay. [THEO right wtf upsidedown] {+MADELINE}, seriously. My bad idea radar is {~}off the charts{/~} on this one. You should get out of here. [MADELINE left sad] If I disappear now, {+mroshiro} could have a meltdown. [MADELINE left distracted] And maybe I can actually do{n}something good.{.3} For once. [THEO right worried upsidedown] Forget your {~}karma{/~}, dude. [THEO right wtf upsidedown] I think that guy is going to melt down no matter what. [THEO right worried upsidedown] You have to think about your safety. [MADELINE left upset] {+theo}. I'll be okay. [THEO right thinking upsidedown] Yeah yeah, I didn't expect you to listen. [THEO right wtf upsidedown] See you on the outside, jailbird. CH3_OSHIRO_BREAKDOWN= {anchor top} [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}This is it {+oshiro}, your last chance.{+endthought} {trigger 0 Oshiro paces} [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}You already ruined it.{n}Making a guest clean up your mess?{+endthought} {+thought}She'll never stay.{+endthought} {trigger 1 Oshiro paces} [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}No, she's still here. There's still a chance!{+endthought} {trigger 0 Oshiro paces} [OSHIRO right sidehappy] {+thought}The presidential suite is the key.{n}It will surely impress her!{+endthought} {trigger 2 Oshiro falls to ground, spawns dust creatures} [OSHIRO left sideworried] {+thought}Get it together, {+oshiro}!{+endthought} {trigger 3 Enter Madeline} [OSHIRO left nervous] There you are, {+MS_MADELINE}! Follow me quickly! We're almost there. CH3_DIARY= {anchor bottom} It's {+MROSHIRO}'s diary. The final entry appears to be decades old... "As of today the hotel is officially closed. Charlotte organized the staff for a farewell hike up the mountain. Most of us have never seen the summit." "It seemed like a fitting goodbye, but when the time came, I couldn't bear to leave without looking around one last time. I told them to go on without me." "I will catch up with them soon, after{n}I double-check that everything is in order..." "I can't believe my time here is over.{n}What am I going to do now?" "Perhaps I'll stay one last night, so that{n}the hotel and I can have a proper goodbye..." CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO left normal] Here we are, our award-winning presidential suite! [OSHIRO left worried] Truly, it is the very definition of rustic luxury. [OSHIRO left normal] I'll stand back and allow you to soak in the majesty. I understand it can be a lot to handle. {trigger 3 Madeline walks around the room and looks around} [OSHIRO right nervous] So? What do you think? [MADELINE left sad] It's... uh, it's beautiful. The furniture looks expensive... [MADELINE left distracted] It's very... spacious. [MADELINE left sad] The colors are elegant. [MADELINE left normal] I can tell you put a lot of work into it. [OSHIRO right worried] {*}I knew it would impress you!{/*} [MADELINE left sad] Yeah. [MADELINE left distracted] ... So, can I get on the roof from here? [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}You imbecile, you're losing her!{+endthought} [OSHIRO right nervous] Oh err, I almost forgot to mention... Valued guests such as yourself stay in{n}our finest accommodations at half price! [MADELINE left sad] I... don't want to stay. {trigger 0 Badeline appears in the mirror} [OSHIRO right serious] Please, {+MS_MADELINE}. Please stay. [MADELINE left upset] {+mroshiro}, I've already been sidetracked too long... {trigger 1 Badeline escapes the mirror} [BADELINE right normal] {+MADELINE}, sweetie, forget this loser. [OSHIRO left serious] Loser? {silent_trigger 6} [BADELINE right upset] You're in denial, old man. This resort is a {*}{!}dump{/!}{/*}{0.3}. [BADELINE right yell] No one would {*}{!}ever{/!}{/*} want to stay here. [BADELINE right scoff] Someone had to say it. {trigger 4 Madeline steps closer to Oshiro} [MADELINE left sad] She doesn't mean that. [OSHIRO right serious] I... [OSHIRO right lostcontrol] I'm very busy. Please leave, {+MS_MADELINE}. {silent_trigger 5 Madeline jumps back} [BADELINE right upset] Come on {~}{+MS_MADELINE}{/~}, you heard the man. {trigger 2 Badeline blasts a hole in the ceiling} [BADELINE left normal] Where would you be without me? CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD0= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}Why would she say my beautiful hotel is a dump?{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD1= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}How dare she insult you like that.{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD2= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}What if she's right?{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD3= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right sidesuspicious] {+thought}Of course she's right.{n}You couldn't even clean up without her help.{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD4= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right lostcontrol] {+thought}I tried. I'm doing my best.{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD5= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right serious] {+thought}{+MS_MADELINE} only wanted to help!{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_SUITE_SAD6= {anchor bottom} [OSHIRO right sideworried] {+thought}But why was she so cruel?{+endthought} CH3_OSHIRO_START_CHASE= [BADELINE left normal] I thought we'd never get rid of him. You owe me one. [BADELINE left scoff] Add it to the list. [MADELINE right upset] Leave me alone. {trigger 0 Maddy walks away} [BADELINE left upset] I thought you were {~}soooo{/~}{n}determined to keep climbing. [BADELINE left scoff] Now all of a sudden you're some weirdo's therapist? {trigger 1 Maddy turns around} [MADELINE right angry] Why won't you go away? {trigger 2 Oshiro enters} [OSHIRO left serious] {+MS_MADELINE}, before you go... I need to ask one question... [OSHIRO left serious] Why would you be so nice to me, only to run away? What did I do wrong? [BADELINE right scoff] Oh, give it a break. You still don't get it? [BADELINE right upset] She only helps people to feed her twisted ego. [BADELINE right yell] She {*}never{/*} cared about you. [MADELINE right angry] Shut up! [MADELINE right sad] I just wanted to help. [BADELINE right scoff] You're both pathetic. {trigger 3 Badeline disappears, Oshiro gets angry} [OSHIRO left lostcontrol] Pathetic!? You only came here to humiliate me... I won't grovel at your feet any longer! CH3_OSHIRO_CHASE_END= {anchor top} [MADELINE right surprised] {+mroshiro}, stop! {trigger 0 Oshiro slams the roof below their feet and it begins shaking} [MADELINE right surprised] I just wanted to help! CH3_ENDING= [OSHIRO left serious] ... I've decided to close the hotel for repairs. The second floor plumbing is leaking... ...the library is in complete disarray... ...not to mention the hole in the{n}ceiling of the presidential suite. {trigger 0 Turn and pause, turn back} [OSHIRO left serious] Please, just leave me alone. # *** Chapter 04 *** CH4_GRANNY_1= [MADELINE left upset] Oh great, you again. {trigger 3 zoom in} [GRANNY right normal] Well well, I didn't expect to see you up here! I'm glad you're still in one piece. I see you made it through the hotel,{n}did you meet {+mroshiro}? {trigger 4 maddy turns around} [MADELINE left upset flip] Oh, I met him alright. He chased me out of there. After I cleaned up a bunch of junk for him. {trigger 0 Start Laughing} [GRANNY right laugh] Oh ho ho, that sounds like a fun morning. {trigger 1 Stop Laughing} [GRANNY right normal] {+oshiro} is a lost soul, dear. That place is much more than just a hotel to him. Don't make him your project. {trigger 5 maddy approaches} [MADELINE left angry] You know what I think? I think this {+mountain} drove both of you crazy. {trigger 2 Wait a beat} [GRANNY right normal] Y'know, you're not the first person to say that. {trigger 0 Start Laughing} [GRANNY right laugh] Maybe you're right. How would I know if I were crazy? {trigger 1 Stop Laughing} [GRANNY right normal] The way I see it, the {+mountain} can't{n}bring out anything that isn't already in you. {trigger 0 Start Laughing} [GRANNY right laugh] But you gotta be a few crows short of a murder{n}to live up here in the first place, right? {trigger 2 Wait a beat} [MADELINE left upset] What are you even talking about? {trigger 1 Stop Laughing} [GRANNY right mock] Oh, I'm just rambling like the old bat I am. [GRANNY right normal] Are you ready to give up?{n}I know a shortcut back to your car. {trigger 6 Maddy walks past granny} [MADELINE right upset flip] Back off, lady. I'm heading for the summit. [GRANNY left normal flip] Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference{n}between stubbornness and determination, isn't it? You remind me of myself when I was young. {trigger 0 Start Laughing} [GRANNY left laugh flip] Good luck, and mind the wind! CH4_GRANNY_2= [MADELINE left upset] You don't get many visitors up here, do you? [GRANNY right normal] No, I can't say I do. I don't mind the solitude, though. [MADELINE left distracted] Sometimes I think I should live in solitude too. [MADELINE left sad] I really tried to get through to {+mroshiro}.{n}I wanted to help him. [GRANNY right normal] {+OSHIRO} needs to move on from that hotel. But it's not going to happen on your schedule. And it doesn't help that you've got something to prove. [MADELINE left distracted] ... CH4_GRANNY_3= [MADELINE left sad] Don't you get lonely in that little cabin? [GRANNY right normal] I have friends, dear. [GRANNY right mock] I may be crazy, but I'm not a hermit. [MADELINE left distracted] Sorry. I didn't mean to assume. [GRANNY right normal] When I was younger I couldn't imagine{n}staying in one place for this long. But then I found this {+MOUNTAIN}. I knew right away that it would be my home. [MADELINE left sad] What's so special about it? [GRANNY right normal] The {+MOUNTAIN} shows you who you really are. Whether you're ready for it or not. It keeps me honest. CH4_GONDOLA= {anchor top} [UNKNOWN] {+MADELINE}! Wait up! {trigger 0 Enter Theo from above, he falls and lands on the ground face-down} [THEO left nailedit] {%}{*}N a i l e d i t .{/*}{/%} {trigger 1 Check on Theo} [MADELINE right sad] {+theo}! Are you alright? [THEO left nailedit] Oof. Yeah. Just give me a sec. {trigger 2 Theo gets up} [THEO left excited] A gondola! I've always wanted to ride one of these. [MADELINE right sad] It looks pretty old, but maybe it still works. [MADELINE right distracted] I don't see any other way to cross this chasm. [THEO left excited] Let's do it! {trigger 3 Look at Lever} [THEO right normal] This lever looks important. {trigger 4 Pull Lever} [THEO right normal] Easy every time. [THEO right thinking] I was probably a gondola operator in a past life. [MADELINE left distracted] Do you think this thing is safe? [THEO right normal] I'm sure it's fine. {trigger 5 Wait a bit} [THEO right normal] How'd it shake out with {+oshiro}? [MADELINE left sad] You were right. [MADELINE left distracted] I shouldn't have tried to help him. [THEO right thinking] I hate to say I told you so, but... [MADELINE left upset] Yeah yeah... I should've listened to you. [THEO right normal] You didn't get hurt, that's what matters. {trigger 5 Wait a bit} [MADELINE left sad] The air is so thin up here. [MADELINE left distracted] I can barely breathe. {trigger 6 Wait for gondola to reach center} [THEO right excited flip] Okay, if we don't get a selfie on{n}this thing we're going to regret it. [MADELINE left distracted flip] I can't even see the ground through the mist... How high up are we? [THEO right thinking flip] Less panicking, more posing. {trigger 7 Seflie, then gondola stalls out and badeline appears} {anchor bottom} [MADELINE left surprised] What was that? [THEO right wtf flip] Huh. Looks like we stalled out. {trigger 8 Madeline moves left} [MADELINE left sad] This is really bad... [THEO right wtf] Maybe if I... {trigger 9 lever snaps off} [THEO right worried] Well, that's not good. {trigger 10 tentacles appear} [MADELINE left panic] No, this really isn't good. {trigger 11 tentacles grow} [THEO right worried] {+MADELINE}, you cool? [MADELINE left panic] Yeah... I just... {trigger 12 Maddy can't breathe} [MADELINE left panic] No, I'm not cool. I can't breathe. [THEO right serious] You're having a panic attack. [MADELINE left angry] Why would you think it's a good{n}idea to ride this stupid thing? [THEO right thinking] Come on, don't take this out on me. [THEO right serious] Stay with me here. My grandpa taught me a trick for this. Close your eyes. {trigger 13 Play breathing minigame} [THEO right normal] See? Easy every time. {trigger 14 Gondola continues to the end station} {anchor top} [THEO left normal] Feeling any better? [MADELINE right distracted flip] I think so. Thanks for helping me calm down. {trigger 15 Wait a bit} [MADELINE right sad flip] How did you know we'd start moving again? [THEO left normal] Oh, I totally thought we were done for. {trigger 16 Theo takes out phone} [THEO left excited] Oh. My. God. {silent_trigger 17 Maddy faces theo} Look at this selfie though! CH4_GONDOLA_FEATHER_1= Picture a feather floating in front of you. CH4_GONDOLA_FEATHER_2= See it? CH4_GONDOLA_FEATHER_3= Okay. CH4_GONDOLA_FEATHER_4= Your breathing keeps that feather floating. CH4_GONDOLA_FEATHER_5= Just breathe slow and steady, in and out. # *** Chapter 05 *** CH5_ENTRANCE= [THEO right excited flip] Oh man, look at this place! Feeling adventurous? {trigger 0 Maddy turns right} [MADELINE left sad] Uh, I don't know. It looks pretty dark in there. [MADELINE left distracted] More like a nightmare than an adventure. {trigger 1 Theo turns left} [THEO right normal] I'll just take a quick peek, snap a few photos. {trigger 1 Theo turns right} [THEO right excited flip] This place must be ancient! [MADELINE left sad] {+THEO}, wait. [THEO right excited flip] My {# FFFF4C}InstaPix{#} followers are gonna eat this up. {trigger 2 Theo leaves} [MADELINE left distracted] There's no way this ends well. CH5_PHONE= [MADELINE left sad] Uh oh. {trigger 0 Maddy walks to phone, ducks to pick it up} [MADELINE left distracted] This is {+THEO}'s phone... {trigger 1 Maddy stands back up} [MADELINE left determinedclosed] Don't panic, {+MADELINE}. Maybe it just fell out of his pocket. I'll give it back to him when I find him. CH5_THEO_MIRROR= [MADELINE left normal] {+theo}! There you are! [THEO_MIRROR right excited] {+MADELINE}! Hey! [THEO_MIRROR right wtf] ...uh, why are you inside a mirror? [MADELINE left sad] I'm pretty sure you're the one in the mirror. What happened? [THEO_MIRROR right wtf] Well, I was taking a nonchalant mirror selfie... Y'know, {~}{# aaaaaa}"It's your boy {+THEO}{# aaaaaa} in this{n}ancient temple, no big deal."{#}{/~} [THEO_MIRROR right thinking] {# ffff9b}\#blessed{#} [THEO_MIRROR right serious] Next thing I know I wake up lying on the ground. [MADELINE left sad] What does it look like over there? How can I find you? [THEO_MIRROR right serious] It's, uh... it's really dark and weird. There's... [THEO_MIRROR right wtf] Wait, something's coming. I'm feeling a strong inclination to run away. [THEO_MIRROR right serious] Be careful, okay? CH5_SHADOW_MADDY_0= [MADELINE left angry] {*}Hey!{/*} Where are we? {!}What did you do to {+theo}?{/!} [BADELINE right scoff] You think {~}I'm{/~} doing this? That's cute. [BADELINE right upset] Sweetheart, this is exactly what I warned you about. CH5_SHADOW_MADDY_1= [MADELINE left angry] Don't try to make this my fault. [BADELINE right scoff] You still don't get it? [BADELINE right upset] The {+mountain} gave me this body. [BADELINE right scoff] But I'm not the only {*}creepy thing{/*} living{n}in that messed up head of yours. [BADELINE right normal] Don't like what you see? [BADELINE right scoff] {~}What a surprise.{/~} [MADELINE left angry] Shut up! [BADELINE right angry] I {~}tried{/~} to stop you. [BADELINE right yell] Look into the mirror, all of this is yours. [BADELINE right angry] This temple only magnifies the {+mountain}'s power. [BADELINE right upset] You're in control here, not me. CH5_SHADOW_MADDY_2= [MADELINE left sad] I don't believe you. [MADELINE left distracted] If you're {+PART_OF_ME}, why do you want to hurt me? [BADELINE right angry] Poor {+MADELINE}, {~}always the victim.{/~} [BADELINE right yell] All I do is babysit you, and you hate me for it. [BADELINE right angry] You're unravelling and you know it. [MADELINE left angry] If you care so much about protecting me,{n}why didn't you just {*}explain{/*} what was going on? [BADELINE right angry] Like you would have listened? You never gave me a chance. CH5_SHADOW_MADDY_3= [MADELINE left panic] Please, just help me get out of here. [BADELINE right scoff] {~}Now{/~} you want me to save you? [MADELINE left panic] Why are you doing this? Just be on my side here. Please. [BADELINE right angry] Stop trying to make me feel like a monster. You {~}really{/~} want to know why I won't help? [BADELINE right yell] Because you {*}deserve{/*} this. [MADELINE left panic] ... [BADELINE right angry] Still think you can {~}climb this {+MOUNTAIN}?{/~} [MADELINE left angry] {*}SHUT UP!{/*} {trigger 0 Badeline Leaves} [MADELINE left angry] {*}I don't need your help.{/*} I'll do this alone. CH5_REFLECTION= [MADELINE right sad] If this is all in my head, why is it so hostile? [MADELINE right distracted] Those {*}things{/*} are hunting me. I'm a trespasser in my own world. {trigger 0 Madeline falls to knees} [MADELINE right panic] {+theo} is trapped somewhere in here because of me. If I give in fully, maybe the temple will let him go... {trigger 1 Madeline stops panicking} [MADELINE_MIRROR left determinedclosed flip] ... Breathe. [MADELINE_MIRROR left determined flip] This is all coming from inside me. Get up, {+MADELINE}. {trigger 2 Madeline gets up} [MADELINE_MIRROR left determinedclosed flip] Think of the feather. You can save {+theo}. CH5_SEE_THEO= [MADELINE left normal] {+theo}! Thank God I found you. [THEO right excited] {+MADELINE}! Wow, am I happy to see you. {trigger 0 zoom in} [MADELINE left sad] Are you alright? [THEO right serious] Yeah, I'm fine. [THEO right thinking] I've just been stuck in this... crystal thing for ages. [THEO right wtf] Do you get the feeling that this place{n}knows you better than you know yourself? [MADELINE left distracted] Yeah... I'm so embarrassed that you{n}have to see this side of me. [MADELINE left upset] I tried to stop you. I hope that selfie was worth it. [THEO right yolo] Selfies are always worth it, dude. [MADELINE left distracted] I shouldn't be mad, this isn't your fault. [MADELINE left sad] I'm glad you're safe, but{n}you're trapped because of me. {trigger 1 Madeline turns around} [MADELINE left distracted flip] And now this temple is showing{n}you what I'm really like. I'm horrible... {trigger 2 wait a bit} [THEO right thinking] Hey, we're in this together. [THEO right wtf] Don't act like this is all on you. {trigger 3 Madeline turns back, zoom out, room gets brighter} [MADELINE left sad] What do you mean? [THEO right wtf] You didn't trap me in this crystal. Sure, those monsters are coming from you,{n}but the temple is shaping itself around me too. [THEO right worried] I can {*}feel{/*} it. These {~}eyes{/~} are staring at me... [THEO right wtf] And this crystal is coming from me, I know it. [THEO right serious] I hate to ask, but I really need your help right now. {trigger 0 zoom back in} [MADELINE left sad] ... [MADELINE left distracted] Okay. [MADELINE left normal] I've got your back. I'll bust you out of that thing,{n}then we'll escape together. [MADELINE left sad] Just as soon as I find my way around to you... [THEO right serious] {+MADELINE}, you're my only hope right now. I believe in you, for real. [MADELINE left distracted] I hope that's not a mistake. CH5_SEE_THEO_B= [MADELINE left distracted] If the temple is showing me who I really am... [MADELINE left sad] ...then I deserve this, don't I? [THEO right wtf] {+ALEX}, you have to stop being so hard on yourself. [MADELINE left sad] ... Who's {+ALEX}? [THEO right thinking] Sorry, I meant {+MADELINE}. [THEO right wtf] But my comment still stands. No one deserves this, least of all you. [MADELINE left sad] Yeah... you're right. [MADELINE left determinedclosed] Okay, I can do this. CH5_FOUND_THEO= [MADELINE left normal] {+theo}! I finally found you. [THEO right excited] I knew you'd make it! [MADELINE left sad] It wasn't easy... [MADELINE left distracted] Are those monsters really coming from inside me? [THEO right thinking] {+MADELINE}, that's a valid question. I'll be happy to discuss how the{n}monsters relate to your inner self... [THEO right wtf] But right now, {~}my{/~} inner self is real{n}sick of being stuck in this crystal. [MADELINE left sad] Oh, right. [MADELINE left normal] Don't worry, I'll break you out! {trigger 0 Attempt to break the crystal, but it just falls to the ground} [THEO right thinking] Well, this is a solid start, but... [THEO right wtf] This crystal is, like, an expression of my{n}negative psychic energy... or whatever. [MADELINE left sad] Yeah, but how do we break it? [THEO right serious] If I knew {~}why{/~} I trapped myself in{n}this thing, maybe I could bust out. [THEO right wtf] But I don't. [THEO right thinking] And I don't think I can get to the bottom of it{n}while we're stuck in this nightmare dimension. [THEO right serious] I hate to say it, but you might have to- [MADELINE left angry] {+theo}, don't even think about that! I am {*}not{/*} leaving you behind! [THEO right worried] {~}Hell no{/~}, you better not leave me in this place! [THEO right thinking] I was gonna say you might have to carry me. [MADELINE left sad] Oh. [MADELINE left normal] Yeah, I can do that. CH5_THEO_SAVING_LIFT= [THEO left thinking] Dang girl, you can lift. CH5_THEO_SAVING_A= [THEO left excited] {~}Alright{/~}, you got this! CH5_THEO_SAVING_NICE= [THEO left thinking] Crushing it! That door didn't stand a chance. CH5_THEO_SAVING_B= [THEO left worried] Uh oh... I hope you know how to deal with these things. CH5_THEO_SAVING_C= [THEO left worried] Another one!? Come on... CH5_THEO_SAVING_SWITCH= [THEO left thinking] {+theo} saves the day again. CH5_THEO_SAVING_DUNK= [THEO left nailedit] I'm helping. CH5_THEO_SAVING_REALLY= [THEO left thinking] Now you're just showing off. CH5_THEO_SAVING_D= [THEO left excited] We have to be close, I can feel it. CH5_THEO_SAVING_E= [THEO left worried] Just a bit further. You can do this {+MADELINE}. CH5_BSIDE_THEO_A= [THEO left excited] It's the temple remix, featuring your boy {+MIXMASTER_THEO}! CH5_BSIDE_THEO_B= [THEO left wtf] This isn't canon, is it? CH5_BSIDE_THEO_C= [THEO left wtf] Uhh, this one is clearly impossible. # *** Chapter 06 *** CH6_THEO_INTRO= [MADELINE right normal] {+theo}, you're awake! [THEO left thinking] Am I? I'm skeptical... [THEO left wtf] I had a {~}messed up{/~} nightmare. [MADELINE right distracted] Yeah, about that... [THEO left wtf] Wait... [THEO left thinking] Oh, yep, it's all coming back to me now. [THEO left wtf] That actually happened. [THEO left serious] Thanks for getting us out of there. [MADELINE right distracted] I'm glad we were in it together. [MADELINE right sad] I don't know if I could've done that alone. CH6_THEO_ASK_OUTFOR= [THEO left thinking] How long was I out for? CH6_THEO_SAY_OUTFOR= [THEO left thinking] How long was I out for? [MADELINE right sad] It must've been a few hours... [THEO left serious] Man, what a ride. [MADELINE right upset] Tell me about it. [MADELINE right sad] Are you okay? [THEO left thinking] I mean, aside from the existential crisis? [THEO left wtf] Yeah, I'm fine. CH6_THEO_ASK_EXPLAIN= [THEO left wtf] What's really going on here? CH6_THEO_SAY_EXPLAIN= [THEO left wtf] Clearly this isn't a normal {+MOUNTAIN}. What's really going on here? [MADELINE right sad] I should've told you sooner. [MADELINE right distracted] Back at the old ruins, a...{n}{+PART_OF_ME} escaped from a mirror. A part I'm not very proud of. [MADELINE right upset] I swear I dreamt it. [THEO left serious] You think the {+MOUNTAIN} made her real? [MADELINE right distracted] Yeah. She's been haunting me the whole time. [MADELINE right sad] She lashed out at {+MROSHIRO}. [MADELINE right distracted] I think she was the reason the gondola stalled out. [MADELINE right sad] And she was there, in the temple. [THEO left worried] ... Why didn't you say something? I wouldn't have gone into that temple{n}if I knew what this {+MOUNTAIN} was capable of... [MADELINE right upset] I tried to stop you. [THEO left wtf] You could have mentioned that your{n}{+ST_BAD}demon doppelgänger{+END_BAD} was on the loose. [MADELINE right upset] Come on, {+THEO}. You know how crazy this sounds. [MADELINE right distracted] I didn't even believe myself. [THEO left wtf] Okay, okay. I understand. [THEO left thinking] Next time just {0.3}talk to me, though. I promise I'll believe you. [MADELINE right distracted] Okay. CH6_THEO_ASK_THANKYOU= [MADELINE right distracted] Thank you, for believing in me back there. CH6_THEO_SAY_THANKYOU= [MADELINE right distracted] Thank you, {+THEO}. ...for believing in me back there, I mean. [THEO left wtf] Believing in you was the easy part. [THEO left thinking] I wish I could've helped. [THEO left wtf] I was pretty useless, stuck in that thing. [MADELINE right sad] You actually helped a lot. [MADELINE right distracted] Honestly, I couldn't have made it without your support. CH6_THEO_ASK_TRUST= [MADELINE right distracted] Why is it so easy for you to trust me? CH6_THEO_SAY_TRUST= [MADELINE right distracted] Why is it so easy for you to trust me? [MADELINE right sad] Seriously, you barely know me. [THEO left normal] Honestly? You remind me of my sister. [MADELINE right normal] That's adorable. What's she like? [THEO left excited] Oh, you'd love her! [THEO left wtf] Actually, you might not get along at first... [THEO left thinking] But you'd eventually love her. [THEO left excited] She's a {~}literal{/~} rockstar. [MADELINE right normal] She's a musician? That's so cool! [THEO left thinking] Okay, she's not {~}literally{/~} a literal rockstar. [THEO left normal] {+ALEX} is just... amazing at everything. She's studying to be a civil rights lawyer. [MADELINE right normal] Wow! [MADELINE right distracted] How do I remind you of her? [THEO left wtf] You both live so deep inside your own heads. [MADELINE right distracted] Oh... [THEO left thinking] {+ALEX} has this amazing internal compass. [THEO left normal] It's obvious that she'll get where she needs to be. I can see that in you too. [THEO left wtf] I wish I could say the same for myself. CH6_THEO_ASK_WHY= [MADELINE right distracted] Your sister sounds great. I really remind you of her? CH6_THEO_SAY_WHY= [MADELINE right distracted] Your sister sounds great. I really remind you of her? [THEO left thinking] Are you kidding me? [THEO left excited] You're the one who's {~}dead set{/~}{n}on climbing this {+MOUNTAIN}. [THEO left thinking] And you {~}{>> .3}don't even know why.{>>}{/~} [THEO left excited] That's classic {+ALEX}. [MADELINE right distracted] ... [THEO left thinking] I'm just teasing you. [THEO left normal] Why {~}are{/~} you climbing the {+MOUNTAIN}, anyways? [MADELINE right distracted] You're right, I don't even know why. [MADELINE right sad] I just{0.4} had to get out of my {*}head.{/*} I'm stuck in a cycle. [THEO left normal] You're preaching to the choir here. I've had many a soul-destroying day job. [MADELINE right sad] Work is fine actually, I just... [MADELINE right distracted] ... [MADELINE right upset] I'm going crazy. I can't stop thinking about{n}dumb crap that doesn't matter. [MADELINE right sad] My brain fixates on these stupid {.4}{>> .3}{*}things{/*}{>>}{.4}{n}that happened forever ago. [MADELINE right angry] I should be {*}over them.{/*} {*}None of it even matters.{/*} {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [MADELINE right distracted] ... I'm good at keeping up appearances, but{n}the truth is I'm barely holding it together. [THEO left worried] I'm sorry, that's pretty rough stuff. Can I help? [MADELINE right sad] You're already helping. It feels good to say it out loud. [THEO left wtf] You don't talk to anyone about it? [MADELINE right distracted] No... not really. [MADELINE right sad] My mom knows I get depressed,{n}and have panic attacks. [MADELINE right distracted] That's about it. [THEO left thinking] No wonder you feel trapped. [THEO left wtf] How do you cope with... anything? [MADELINE right upset] I drink, mostly. And get mad at people on the internet. CH6_THEO_ASK_DEPRESSION= [THEO left serious] Would you mind talking about what depression is like? CH6_THEO_SAY_DEPRESSION= [THEO left serious] Would you mind talking about what depression is like? [MADELINE right distracted] ... [MADELINE right upset] It sucks. [THEO left wtf] Yeah, but what does it {~}feel like?{/~} [THEO left serious] {+ALEX} struggles with it too.{n}I really want to understand. [THEO left normal] We can talk about something else if you want. [MADELINE right distracted] ... It's like... [MADELINE right sad] I'm at the bottom of the ocean. I can't see anything in any direction. [MADELINE right distracted] It's claustrophobic, yet I feel exposed. ... {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [MADELINE right sad] I remember feeling normal. But now it feels just out of{n}reach, no matter what I try. [MADELINE right distracted] Then again, I was probably always messed up. It just took something hurtful to bring it out. [MADELINE right upset] There must be something wrong with me. [THEO left serious] Whatever happened, I'm sure it's not your fault. {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [MADELINE right sad] I guess I thought that I could... [MADELINE right distracted] I don't know. I'm just floating in this abyss,{n}swimming in a random direction. [MADELINE right sad] Hoping that I find {*}something.{/*} [MADELINE right distracted] That's really why I'm here. ... But I can't escape myself. [MADELINE right upset] I'm literally {*}fighting myself{/*} the entire way. [MADELINE right distracted] Maybe this is all pointless. {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [THEO left serious] {+MADELINE}, you {~}just{/~} saved my life. [THEO left wtf] That's not pointless. [MADELINE right distracted] Yeah... {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [THEO left wtf] Look, you're a good person. [THEO left thinking] You're a little intense, but you're a {~}good person.{/~} [THEO left wtf] I think you're just trying to push{n}out of that rut you're stuck in. [THEO left excited] And that's a totally legit reason to climb the {+MOUNTAIN}! [MADELINE right distracted] Maybe. [MADELINE right sad] That's... helpful. {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [THEO left normal] This {+PART_OF_YOU} that's haunting you,{n}maybe she comes with the territory. [MADELINE right upset] So you think I'm stuck with her forever? [THEO left normal] Well, she's stuck with you, too. [MADELINE right upset] That's {*}not{/*} helpful. CH6_THEO_ASK_DEFENSE= [THEO left wtf] So you want to destroy this {+PART_OF_YOU}? CH6_THEO_SAY_DEFENSE= [THEO left wtf] So you want to destroy this {+PART_OF_YOU}? Won't that hurt you, too? [MADELINE right sad] If I don't she's just going to keep bullying me. [MADELINE right upset] She says she's protecting me,{n}but that's obviously not true. [THEO left normal] Maybe she thinks she is. She could be some kind of...{n}twisted defense mechanism. [MADELINE right upset] Honestly, who cares? She has so much control over me. I hate it. [THEO left wtf] Maybe you can learn to control her instead. [MADELINE right distracted] The feather helps a lot. [MADELINE right sad] Thanks for teaching me that. [THEO left thinking] Just one of my grandpa's many nuggets of wisdom. CH6_THEO_ASK_VACATION= [THEO left thinking] Why not take a vacation instead? CH6_THEO_SAY_VACATION= [THEO left thinking] Why not take a vacation instead? [MADELINE right sad] What do you mean? [THEO left normal] Dude, you needed a change{n}so you chose to {>> .2}climb a {+MOUNTAIN}{>>}... [THEO left thinking] Why not do something relaxing instead? [THEO left wtf] Go to Hawaii, or like, {0.3}take a bath. [MADELINE right sad] ... I guess I feel like I need to accomplish something. [THEO left wtf] It sounds like you have{n}enough on your plate already. [MADELINE right distracted] I guess it is kind of extreme. But that's how I am. I need something to challenge me. [MADELINE right sad] And I can't just do something a little bit. It's all of me, or nothing. CH6_THEO_ASK_FAMILY= [MADELINE right normal] What brought you to the {+MOUNTAIN}? CH6_THEO_SAY_FAMILY= [MADELINE right normal] How about you? What brought you to the {+MOUNTAIN}? [THEO left normal] I'm just kind of bumming around. [THEO left thinking] As usual. [THEO left normal] I started this new job in Seattle. I thought I {~}finally{/~} knew what I was{n}supposed to be doing with my life... [THEO left wtf] But I hated it. [THEO left thinking] So I quit after a week and hopped a bus to Canada. [THEO left wtf] I just felt this urge to...{n}get lost in the middle of nowhere. ... Now that I'm saying it out loud,{n}I realize how flakey it sounds. [MADELINE right sad] It just sounds like you're under a lot of pressure. [THEO left thinking] Not really. Everyone is so patient with me. [THEO left serious] Though I guess I am putting a{n}lot of pressure on {~}myself.{/~} [THEO left wtf] People always think I'm comparing myself to{n}{+ALEX}, but I {~}swear{/~} that isn't the problem. I'm just worried that I'll never{n}figure out where I'm going. [MADELINE right distracted] You said you wanted to feel lost... [MADELINE right normal] Maybe you should just embrace that for now. [THEO left serious] Maybe. CH6_THEO_ASK_GRANDPA= [MADELINE right normal] Are you close to your grandpa? CH6_THEO_SAY_GRANDPA= [MADELINE right normal] Are you close to your grandpa? [THEO left serious] Yeah... I was. [MADELINE right distracted] Oh... I'm sorry. [THEO left serious] It's okay. That's just how it is. [MADELINE right distracted] ... [THEO left wtf] All I can do is stay positive. [THEO left serious] And live a meaningful life,{n}because that's what he would want. {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [MADELINE right sad] I'm so sorry, {+THEO}. [THEO left serious] Thanks. CH6_THEO_ASK_TIPS= [MADELINE right normal] What else did you learn from your grandpa? CH6_THEO_SAY_TIPS= [MADELINE right normal] What else did you learn from your grandpa? [THEO left excited] So much stuff! [THEO left normal] Actually, he was the one who{n}told me about {+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN}. He always said that this place changed his life. [THEO left thinking] After I quit my job in Seattle,{n}I realized how close I was to it. I felt like he was telling me to come here. [THEO left wtf] Grandpa said that the {+MOUNTAIN} was {~}"special."{/~} [MADELINE right sad] Do you think he went through the temple like us? [MADELINE right normal] Do you think he understood{n}the power of the {+MOUNTAIN}? [THEO left thinking] He never talked about what happened here. [MADELINE right distracted] I doubt your grandpa was as messed up as me... [MADELINE right sad] His experience was probably less... violent. [THEO left wtf] He found the {+MOUNTAIN} before I was born. I don't know what he was like before that. [THEO left serious] I wonder what he learned about himself here... CH6_THEO_ASK_TEMPLE= [THEO left wtf] Who do you think built the temple? CH6_THEO_SAY_TEMPLE= [THEO left wtf] Who do you think built the temple? [MADELINE right sad] It looks ancient... It must predate everything else on the {+MOUNTAIN}.{n}The resort, the ruins, the city... [THEO left serious] There's a lot of history here. [MADELINE right distracted] Yeah. This {+MOUNTAIN} has meant so{n}many things to so many people. [MADELINE right normal] I'm starting to understand why{n}that crazy old lady lives here. [THEO left excited] You ran into her too? [THEO left thinking] What's her deal? [MADELINE right upset] I think she's just a mean person. [MADELINE right distracted] ...but she does seem pretty content living out here. CH6_THEO_ASK_SELFIE= [MADELINE right normal] I want to remember this night... CH6_THEO_SAY_SELFIE= [MADELINE right normal] You know what? I want to remember this night... Let's take a selfie! [THEO left normal] I thought you'd never ask. {trigger 1 selfie sequence} [MADELINE right normal] Y'know despite everything,{n}I feel pretty good right now. [THEO left wtf] Wait a second... [THEO left excited] You're going to reach the summit tomorrow! [MADELINE right upset] Don't jinx it. [MADELINE right distracted] ...yeah, I'm excited. [MADELINE right normal] I'm ready to put this all behind me. [THEO left normal] I'll be cheering you on. We should get some sleep. [MADELINE right normal] Okay, goodnight, {+THEO}. [MADELINE right distracted] Thanks for... being cool. [THEO left thinking] What can I say? It comes naturally. CH6_THEO_ASK_SLEEP= [MADELINE right distracted] I should get some sleep. CH6_THEO_SAY_SLEEP= [MADELINE right distracted] I should get some sleep. [THEO left thinking] Oh, are you sure you don't want to keep talking? [THEO left normal] I'm tired too, but we have a lot to talk about. CH6_THEO_ASK_SLEEP_CONFIRM= [MADELINE right sad] Yeah, sorry, I'm really tired. CH6_THEO_SAY_SLEEP_CONFIRM= [MADELINE right sad] Yeah, sorry, I'm really tired. {+CH6_THEO_SAY_SELFIE} CH6_THEO_ASK_SLEEP_CANCEL= [MADELINE right normal] You're right, I can sleep later. CH6_THEO_SAY_SLEEP_CANCEL= [MADELINE right sad] You're right, I can sleep later. CH6_DREAMING= [MADELINE left normal] The northern lights are so beautiful. [BADELINE right worried] Yeah... they are... ... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] Where are we? [MADELINE left sad] We need to talk. [BADELINE right worried] ...okay. [MADELINE left distracted] I finally understand who you are. [MADELINE left sad] You're not my true reflection. [BADELINE right worriedAlt] ...I'm not? [MADELINE left sad] You're everything I need to leave behind. You're cruel, paranoid, controlling... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] Why would you say that? [MADELINE left normal] No, it's okay! I understand now. I don't need you anymore. [BADELINE right worried] So you're just... abandoning me? [MADELINE left sad] I'm setting you free. [MADELINE left normal] We'll both be so much happier. [BADELINE right worried] You're so... [BADELINE right sad] so... [BADELINE right freakA pop] {silent_trigger 0 Tentacles Appear} ...so stupid! [BADELINE right freakB pop] {silent_trigger 0 Tentacles Appear More} You think you can just {~}leave me behind?{/~} {silent_trigger 0 Tentacles Appear moooore} You think you can blame everything on me? {silent_trigger 0 Tentacles Appear EVEN MORE} You think you're {~}above{/~} me!? [BADELINE right freakC pop] {silent_trigger 1 Tentacles grab Madeline} {!}{*}ANSWER ME!{/*}{/!} [MADELINE left panic] Calm down, please... {trigger 4 start circling the player} [BADELINE right freakC_cont] {!}{*}Calm down!?{/*}{/!} [MADELINE left determinedclosed] Breathe, {+MADELINE}. Use the feather. {trigger 2 Feather minigame} [BADELINE right freakBAlt] You're going to {~}think about a feather{/~} to stop me? {trigger 3 Destroy feather minigame} [BADELINE right freakBAlt] You are not {*}above me.{/*} And you {*}can't{/*} climb this {+MOUNTAIN}. [BADELINE right freakCAlt pop] It's time to accept that. CH6_THEO_WATCHOUT= [THEO left worried] {+MADELINE}, what's happening!? CH6_REFLECT_AFTER= [MADELINE left sad] I was so close. [MADELINE left panic] It's over now. Why won't she leave me alone? [MADELINE left angry] I {*}hate{/*} her. ... [MADELINE left distracted] ... But she's {+PART_OF_ME}. I'll never be able to get rid of her. [MADELINE left sad] And she was right. I couldn't climb the {+MOUNTAIN}. CH6_OLDLADY= [GRANNY right normal] Oh, hello again. [MADELINE left upset] Of course you're here. {trigger 0 Zoom in} [GRANNY right mock] Callin' it quits I see. [MADELINE left upset] No, I fell. It's over. [GRANNY right normal] That's probably for the best. The {+MOUNTAIN} doesn't pull any punches. [MADELINE left upset] Yeah, I get it. I wasn't strong enough to climb your stupid {+MOUNTAIN}. [MADELINE left distracted] You can laugh at me again if you want. {trigger 1 Start laughing} [MADELINE left upset] I didn't mean actually laugh... {trigger 2 Stop laughing} [GRANNY right normal] Sometimes you gotta know when to throw in the towel. You'll get over it. {trigger 3 Maddy walks right} [MADELINE left angry] You know what? I had a lot of time to think,{n}climbing out of this cave... And I'm already {*}over it.{/*} {trigger 4 Maddy walks left} [MADELINE left upset flip] That {0.4}{+PART_OF_ME}{0.4} was right, I can't do this. [MADELINE left panic flip] I'll just... go home to my sad life{n}and {.4}be miserable forever. {trigger 5 Wait a bit} [GRANNY right normal] You clearly aren't over it. {trigger 6 Maddy turns right} [MADELINE left upset] Shut up, I know. [MADELINE left distracted] I don't want to give up... But no matter how hard I try, she{n}sabotages me every step of the way. [GRANNY right normal] A lot of kids come here to climb{n}this {+mountain}, only to give up. It's a shame that you fell,{n}I was starting to think you'd make it. [MADELINE left sad] What makes me so special? [GRANNY right normal] I've never met someone so angry at themself. {trigger 1 Start lauging} [GRANNY right laugh] Honestly, I thought you'd reach{n}the summit just to spite yourself. [MADELINE left upset] Gee, thanks. {trigger 2 Stop laughing} [GRANNY right normal] This girl you're talking about,{n}it sounds like she's holding you back. Talk to her. Figure out why she's so scared. [MADELINE left sad] You think she's... scared? [MADELINE left distracted] I guess I never thought of it that way. [GRANNY right normal] Stop wasting both of our time and {~}ask her.{/~} What have you got to lose? CH6_OLDLADY_B= [MADELINE left sad] I don't know how to find her... [GRANNY right normal] She's {+PART_OF_YOU}, right? If you look for her, she won't take long to find. [MADELINE left upset] ...so you know about the {+MOUNTAIN}'s power. [GRANNY right normal] Of course I know, I live here. I tried to warn you. [MADELINE left upset] You need to work on your messaging. [GRANNY right normal] A glimpse at the truth is good for people. Even if most can't accept what they see. There's no shame in running back{n}to your car and driving away. Some day you'll be ready,{n}then you'll come back. [MADELINE left distracted] ... No. [MADELINE left sad] I'm going to see this through. No more running. [GRANNY right normal] I thought so. Good luck. CH6_OLDLADY_C= [MADELINE left sad] How can you stand living here? Isn't it hard to deal with this all the time? [GRANNY right normal] It's true, you never really get used to it. But it keeps me sharp. I like that about it. [MADELINE left sad] But the {+MOUNTAIN} is so... confrontational. [GRANNY right normal] Sure, it doesn't beat around the bush. {+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN} is a place of healing, dear. The first step of healing{n}is confronting the problem. It's never easy. [MADELINE left upset] Tell me about it. CH6_BOSS_START= [BADELINE right angry flip] Looking for me? I thought you were done with me. [MADELINE left sad] That was a mistake. I'm sorry. [BADELINE right scoff flip] You think you've got it {~}all figured out.{/~} [BADELINE right angry flip] You think you don't need me. [MADELINE left upset] I said I'm sorry. [MADELINE left sad] We need to move past this. {trigger 0 Badeline floats, zooms in} [BADELINE right yell] You expect me to trust you? [MADELINE left angry] You aren't innocent here either. ... [MADELINE left determinedclosed] But I know you're scared. {trigger 1 Maddy steps forward} [MADELINE left sad] Look, we're at rock bottom. There's no point in fighting. [BADELINE right scoff] I can keep digging. [BADELINE right angry] I could pull us down to the center of the earth. [MADELINE left sad] What would be the point? [MADELINE left together] {s 4}Let's climb out of here {.6}[MADELINE left togetherZoom]together. [BADELINE right yell] Come close to me and I'll make you regret it. CH6_BOSS_TIRED_A= [BADELINE right angry] I did you a favor. CH6_BOSS_TIRED_B= [BADELINE right yell] You aren't a {*}mountain climber.{/*} CH6_BOSS_TIRED_C= [BADELINE right yell] {*}I'm just trying to help you!{/*} CH6_BOSS_MIDDLE= [BADELINE right yell] None of this would have {*}happened{/*}{n}if you had {*}listened to me!{/*} CH6_BOSS_ENDING= [BADELINE right sigh flip] Fine. You win. {silent_trigger 0 Music starts} [BADELINE right worried flip] I guess you don't need me after all. [BADELINE right worriedAlt flip] If you want me to go away, I'll try. [MADELINE left distracted] That's not what I want. I need your help now more than ever. [MADELINE left sad] Please. Let's work together. [BADELINE right worried flip] Work together? [BADELINE right worriedAlt flip] You're joking, right? {trigger 1 Madeline puts hand on Badeline} [MADELINE left sad] It's okay to be scared. {trigger 2 Badeline calms down} [BADELINE right worried flip] ... CH6_ENDING= [MADELINE left surprised] How did we do that? [MADELINE left normal] If we can climb like that, maybe{n}we can still reach the summit! [BADELINE right worriedAlt] You still want to climb the {+MOUNTAIN}? [BADELINE right worried] Why would we go back up there? {trigger 0 Old Lady enters right} [GRANNY right normal] It's good to see you two playing nice. [MADELINE left sad] Hey, thanks for talking some sense into me earlier. [GRANNY right normal] Don't mention it. I'm glad I can still be useful every now and then. {portrait none} {*}{+MADELINE}!!!{/*} {trigger 1 Theo enters left} [THEO left worried] {+MADELINE}! You're okay! [THEO left wtf] I ran down to help, but it looks like you're doing fine. [MADELINE right normal] Thanks, {+THEO}. [MADELINE right distracted] Honestly, maybe that fall was what I needed. {trigger 8 theo stops being tired} [THEO left wtf] Is this the {+PART_OF_YOU} that you were talking about? [THEO left excited] She's like an adorable goth {+MADELINE}! [BADELINE right angry] Hi. [MADELINE right sad] You were right, {+THEO}. I shouldn't be afraid of her. [MADELINE right normal] If her and I work together,{n}I think we can still finish the climb. [THEO left excited] That's so rad! [BADELINE right angry] Wait, {0.4}{*}no{/*}. [BADELINE right worried] ...I didn't agree to this. {trigger 2 Madeline turns to the right} [BADELINE right worriedAlt] You said we'd talk about things first. [MADELINE left sad] You're right. I understand that you're scared. [MADELINE left distracted] But we both know that this is something we want to do. [MADELINE left normal] We have to try one last time. {trigger 7 Theo raises fist} [THEO left yolo] Yeah! You've got this! [BADELINE right worried] I don't know... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] We were so close, and then we, uh, fell... [BADELINE right worried] The {+MOUNTAIN} tore us apart. [MADELINE left upset] Yeah, that happened. [MADELINE left sad] But I have to believe we can put that behind us. I have to believe we're capable of this. {trigger 5 Wait a bit} [GRANNY right normal] It's not a bad idea. {trigger 3 badeline turns right} [GRANNY right normal] It'll still be difficult, mind you. But I'm amazed you got as far as{n}you did, butting heads like you were. I reckon you can make it if you cooperate. [BADELINE right worried flip] ... {trigger 4 badeline turns left} [BADELINE right worriedAlt] Okay. [BADELINE right worried] I'll try. {trigger 5 Wait a bit} [THEO left normal] Can I help? {trigger 6 Madeline turns to the left} [MADELINE right distracted] You've already done so much for me. [THEO left wtf] Let me hold your bag at least. [MADELINE right normal] Good idea. [MADELINE right determined] {>> 0.2}This won't take long.{>>} # *** Chapter 07 *** CH7_HEIGHT_START=Ground Level CH7_HEIGHT_0={X} M CH7_HEIGHT_1={X} M CH7_HEIGHT_2={X} M CH7_HEIGHT_3={X} M CH7_HEIGHT_4={X} M CH7_HEIGHT_5={X} M # Mountain Base -> Forsaken City CH7_ASCEND_0= [MADELINE left normal] We're getting the hang of that. [BADELINE right upset] If you say so... [MADELINE left determined] This mountain doesn't stand a chance. [BADELINE right worried] Stop jinxing it. # Forsaken City -> Old Site CH7_ASCEND_1= [MADELINE left normal] How are you feeling? [BADELINE right upset] I'm fine. [BADELINE right worried] I'm just {0.4}waiting for something to go wrong. [MADELINE left sad] No matter what happens,{n}I'll be right there with you. [BADELINE right worried] You know what's really scary? [BADELINE right upset] I'm starting to believe you. # Old Site -> Celestial Resort CH7_ASCEND_2= [BADELINE right normal] Nice job back there. [MADELINE left surprised] Look at you! [MADELINE left normal] {+ST_BAD}Ms\. Positivity{+END_BAD} over here. [MADELINE left determined] You're so supportive. [BADELINE right angry] Don't push your luck. # Celestial Resort -> Cliffside CH7_ASCEND_3= [MADELINE left distracted] I hope {+MROSHIRO} is okay. [BADELINE right angry] Why? He treated you like garbage. [MADELINE left sad] Yeah, but I still care about him. [MADELINE left upset] And you didn't have to snap at him like you did. [BADELINE right angry] Whatever. [MADELINE left sad] I mean it. You're way too aggressive. [BADELINE right angry] Well {~}you{/~} put too much energy into bad{n}people who will just end up hurting you. [MADELINE left distracted] {+MROSHIRO} isn't a bad person... [BADELINE right yell] He transformed into a {*}monster!{/*} He tried to {*}hurt{/*} you! [BADELINE right worriedAlt] And now you're defending him? [MADELINE left distracted] I'm not defending him... [MADELINE left sad] I'm on your side here.{n}I'm mad at him too. I might still be in that hotel{n}if you hadn't forced the issue. [MADELINE left distracted] ...but I still hope he's alright. [BADELINE right worried] ... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] Okay... ...I'm sorry... [BADELINE right worried] ...for snapping at {+MROSHIRO}. [MADELINE left distracted] Thanks. [MADELINE left sad] It's in the past now. # Cliffside -> Temple CH7_ASCEND_4= [MADELINE left surprised] That was a close one. [BADELINE right worried] Yeah, I wasn't sure if we'd make it. [MADELINE left distracted] Maybe you were right. [MADELINE left sad] Maybe this {~}is{/~} too dangerous. [BADELINE right worried] ... [BADELINE right angry] {*}No.{/*} I was wrong. We can climb this {+MOUNTAIN}. [BADELINE right normal] I've got your back... [BADELINE right worried] ...and... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] ...I believe in you. [MADELINE left sad] That means a lot to me. # Temple -> Summit CH7_ASCEND_5= [MADELINE left determined] This is it, the home stretch. [MADELINE left normal] We're so close.{n}We're going to make it! [BADELINE right worriedAlt] Yeah... [BADELINE right worried] ... [MADELINE left sad] What's wrong? [BADELINE right worried] ...I'm just... ... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] ...I'm sorry. I was holding you back. [BADELINE right worried] I need to learn to trust you. [MADELINE left distracted] It's not your fault. I tried to leave you behind. And honestly, I've been trying to{n}leave you behind my entire life. [MADELINE left sad] {~}I'm{/~} sorry. I wish I tried to understand you sooner. I was too proud, or stubborn, or {*}something.{/*} [BADELINE right worriedAlt] We wasted so much time and energy. [BADELINE right worried] ... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] At least we're finally talking about it. [MADELINE left sad] Yeah... [MADELINE left normal] I'm glad the {+MOUNTAIN} brought you out. I think we can move past this. If we can climb this {+MOUNTAIN} together,{n}we can do anything. [BADELINE right worried] What if we don't make it? [MADELINE left normal] I'd be okay with that. [BADELINE right worriedAlt] You would? [MADELINE left sad] Of course. [MADELINE left normal] I'm just glad we're trying. [MADELINE left sad] I really needed to do this. [BADELINE right upset] I'm finally starting to understand why. [BADELINE right normal] Let's finish it. CH7_ENDING= [BADELINE left normal] We actually did it. I can't believe it! [MADELINE right surprised flip] Wow! It's so beautiful! [MADELINE right normal flip] Look at how far we've come! {trigger 1 Madeline sits down} [BADELINE left normal] I'm glad I got to see this before I... [BADELINE left worriedAlt] Well, before I... [MADELINE right distracted flip] Oh, right. [MADELINE right sad flip] When we leave the {+MOUNTAIN}, you{n}won't be able to talk to me anymore... At least not like this. [BADELINE left worried] Yeah. [BADELINE left upset] I know that we need to go home eventually. But it'll be scary to lose this body. {trigger 2 Badeline moves beside Maddy as camera begins panning right} [MADELINE left sad] You'll still exist, though. You were {+PART_OF_ME} before we came here. [BADELINE left upset] Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna have to depend on you to listen to me. [BADELINE left worried] ...even if I can't talk to you in person anymore. [BADELINE left worriedAlt] I just... can't go back to how it was before. Before the {+MOUNTAIN}. [MADELINE right sad flip] Don't worry, I can't go back to that either. I really want us to work together from now on. [BADELINE left upset] I believe you. [BADELINE left worriedAlt] ...but I'm still nervous. {trigger 0 Wait a bit} [BADELINE left upset] So... now what? [MADELINE right distracted flip] ... [MADELINE right normal flip] Let's just enjoy this for a bit. CH7_BSIDE_ASCEND= [BADELINE left freakA] That was amazing! [MADELINE right surprised] I can't believe we did that! [BADELINE left freakA] Nothing can stop us! [MADELINE right upset] You're scaring me right now. CH7_CSIDE_OLDLADY= [GRANNY right normal] It's hard to believe that it's over, isn't it? [GRANNY right laugh] Funny how we get attached to the struggle. [GRANNY right normal] Promise me that you'll take care of yourself, okay? CH7_CSIDE_OLDLADY_B= [GRANNY right normal] Well? What are you waiting for? # *** Epilogue *** EP_CABIN= [GRANNY right normal] Welcome back. [THEO right excited] {+MADELINE}! Did you make it to the summit? {trigger 0 Badeline emerges} [MADELINE left normal] Yeah, we did. It was incredible. [GRANNY right normal] Beautiful, isn't it? [BADELINE left upset] I didn't think it would be worth it... [BADELINE left normal] But it totally was. [THEO right thinking] I should've given you my phone so{n}you could take {~}The Ultimate Selfie.{/~} {trigger 1 Fade out, hear knock on door, fade in and Oshiro enters} [OSHIRO left normal] Good evening, everyone. [BADELINE right angry] What are {~}you{/~} doing here? [OSHIRO left normal] A little bird told me there was to be a party. [OSHIRO left sidehappy] {+thought}RSVP-by-bird, positively magical!{+endthought} [OSHIRO left drama] But if I am unwelcome, I shall take my leave. [MADELINE right sad] Please stay, {+MROSHIRO}. [MADELINE right normal] It's good to see you. {trigger 2 Oshiro settles in} [GRANNY left normal] Y'know, this is the first time I've seen{n}you outside that hotel of yours, {+OSHIRO}. I'm glad you made it. {+MADELINE} here is baking us a pie with all{n}of the strawberries she's been collecting. [OSHIRO left normal] Oh, that's wonderful, {+MS_MADELINE}. [THEO right normal] I haven't had {# F94A4A}strawberry pie{#} since I was a kid. [THEO right excited] This is gonna be amazing! [BADELINE right scoff] Don't get your hopes up, she's not much of a baker. {trigger 3 Maddy Turns} [MADELINE left normal] You also said I wasn't a mountain climber. [BADELINE right worried] True. {trigger 3 Maddy Turns} [MADELINE right sad] I can't promise it'll live up to the hype, {+THEO}. [MADELINE right normal] But I tried my best. EP_PIE_START= [MADELINE right normal] So? How's it taste? EP_PIE_DISAPPOINTED= [THEO left wtf] I guess this is technically a pie... [OSHIRO left worried] Is this some kind of joke, {+MS_MADELINE}? [GRANNY left normal] Strawberry pies are supposed to{n}have strawberries in them, dear. EP_PIE_GROSSED_OUT= [THEO left wtf] {+MADELINE}, I super appreciate you baking for us... But I don't think I can eat this. [GRANNY left normal] It's the thought that counts. [BADELINE left angry] You people just can't appreciate good food. I'll eat all of it myself. [MADELINE right sad] You don't have to do that. [BADELINE left worried] Yeah... it was an empty threat. EP_PIE_OKAY= [OSHIRO left normal] The important thing is that you{n}tried your best, {+MS_MADELINE}. [BADELINE left angry] Who invited this guy? [THEO left thinking] Come on, it's really good. [GRANNY left normal] I've certainly had worse. [THEO left normal] Thanks for the pie, {+MADELINE}. EP_PIE_REALLY_GOOD= [GRANNY left normal] I'm impressed! This gives my baking a run for its money. [BADELINE left normal] Not bad. [THEO left excited] Holy crap! [THEO left normal] This is so tasty. [OSHIRO left normal] {+MS_MADELINE}, are you available to{n}cater our re-opening banquet? [THEO left excited] Can I take a slice home for {+ALEX}? She'll die when she tastes this. EP_PIE_AMAZING= [THEO left wtf] {+MADELINE}. [THEO left excited] This is the best thing I've ever tasted! [MADELINE right sad] Come on. Be honest. [GRANNY left normal] He's right, dear. This is delicious. [OSHIRO left normal] It's truly magnificent, {+MS_MADELINE}. [OSHIRO left worried] {~}A symphony for the taste buds!{/~} [BADELINE left scoff] Can I take partial credit for this? [MADELINE right normal] Wow, thanks everyone. I worked really hard for it. # *** Appendix *** APP_INTRO= About a year later... APP_OLDLADY_A= [GRANNY right normal] Hey there, kiddo! Nice to see you again. {trigger 0} [GRANNY right normal flip] Here's the cave I told you about{n}on the phone. {silent_trigger 1} Follow me. APP_OLDLADY_B= [MADELINE left sad] What is this place? [GRANNY right normal] This passage leads to the center of the {+MOUNTAIN}. You said you wanted to come{n}back and explore deeper... {trigger 0 start laughing} [GRANNY right laugh] Doesn't get any deeper than this! {trigger 1 stop laughing} [GRANNY right normal] Be careful, though. When you get this close to the heart of the {+MOUNTAIN},{n}its power will start affectin' you differently. [MADELINE left sad] Yeah, I already noticed some of that... [GRANNY right normal] Good luck in there. APP_OLDLADY_C= [GRANNY right normal] Where's that other {+PART_OF_YOU}? [MADELINE left sad] I don't know... I expected her to show up by now. [MADELINE left distracted] Maybe I've changed, and{n}she's not {+PART_OF_ME} anymore. [GRANNY right normal] Or maybe you've grown together. Maybe it's not so easy for the{n}{+MOUNTAIN} to separate you now. I'd wager she's still with you, in some form. [MADELINE left normal] I like that theory better. [MADELINE left distracted] I still wish I could talk to her though. APP_OLDLADY_D= [GRANNY right normal] Do you keep in touch with {+THEO}? [MADELINE left normal] Yeah, he spent the summer in Vancouver. We got to spend some quality time together. [GRANNY right normal] What's he up to these days? [MADELINE left normal] He's back in California with his family now. He wants to be around while{n}his sister finishes law school. [MADELINE left sad] It sounds pretty intense, but he{n}wants to be there to support her. [GRANNY right normal] He seems like a nice young man. APP_OLDLADY_E= [MADELINE left normal] It's been a while. How've you been? [GRANNY right normal] Oh, same old same old. {trigger 0 start laughing} [GRANNY right laugh] And in my case, that's pretty old. {trigger 1 end laughing} [GRANNY right normal] I'm not gettin' any younger, that's for sure. Some days, just keeping the{n}lights on can take all my energy. The {+MOUNTAIN} still keeps me sharp, though. [GRANNY right mock] I'm not ready to give up the ghost anytime soon. [MADELINE left normal] I'd expect no less from you. [MADELINE left sad] Take care of yourself. APP_OLDLADY_LOCKED= [MADELINE left sad] That door up ahead won't budge. Is there another way in? [GRANNY right normal] I'm afraid not, dear. [GRANNY right mock] You think the {+MOUNTAIN} is gonna{n}start going easy on you now? [GRANNY right normal] I guess it doesn't think you're ready yet. [MADELINE left sad] Okay, {+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN} might be {~}weird and magical.{/~} [MADELINE left upset] But now you're telling me it can {~}"think",{/~} too? [GRANNY right normal] It doesn't think like you or me. It's like... how a river thinks to flow to the sea. You can make it sound crazy if you want. [MADELINE left upset] I know better than to doubt you. [MADELINE left sad] How do I convince it I'm ready? [GRANNY right normal] Heck if I know. I'd retrace my steps, and really pay attention. {+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN} must have more to teach you. APP_ENDING= ...this is it? This is what's at the center of all of this? It's so empty... and vast... Yet it feels nostalgic somehow. And peaceful. CH9_GRAVESTONE= [MADELINE left sad] {+GRANNY}... [MADELINE left sadder] I can't believe you're gone, you old bat. [MADELINE left distracted] Well,{0.2} I guess I can. [MADELINE left sadder] It sounded like you were saying goodbye{n}in the last letter you sent me. {silent_trigger 0 Step Forward} [MADELINE left sadder] This isn't fair. I need you. [MADELINE left angry] You didn't prepare me for any of this. {trigger 1 Badeline Appears} [BADELINE left scoff] What do you want her to do, apologize? [BADELINE left upset] She's gone. [BADELINE left angry] And you didn't even go to the funeral. {trigger 2 Sit Down} [MADELINE left distracted] I know, I just... couldn't. [MADELINE left sadder] I fell apart. [MADELINE left sadder] I'm so sorry, {+GRANNY}. [BADELINE left angry] {~}Sorry{/~} won't bring her back. [MADELINE left sadder] You're right. [MADELINE left sad] It was selfish of me to come here. CH9_FLYING_TO_THE_MOON= [BADELINE right concerned] Where are we going, {+MADELINE}? [MADELINE left sad] We have to follow that bird. It's {+PART_OF_GRANNY}, just like you're {+PART_OF_ME}. [BADELINE right worried] I thought it was just her pet or something... [MADELINE left distracted] It {~}has{/~} to be more than that. [MADELINE left sad] That bird was always looking out for me{n}on the {+MOUNTAIN}, just like {+GRANNY} did. [BADELINE right concerned] {+MADELINE}... I hate to say it, but... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] You're in denial. [BADELINE right worried] It's just a bird. [MADELINE left upset] Just shut up and help me for once, okay? CH9_LANDING= [BADELINE left worried] Uh... we're really high up. {trigger 0 Badeline turns} [BADELINE left worriedAlt flip] The mountain looks like a molehill from here. {trigger 0 Badeline turns} [BADELINE left worried] We should really turn back. [MADELINE right upset] We don't have time to argue about this. [BADELINE left concerned] How are you even breathing up here? [MADELINE right sad] {+GRANNY} wants us to follow her. [MADELINE right distracted] We can't let her down again. [BADELINE left angryAlt] {~}...it's a bird,{/~} {+MADELINE}. [BADELINE left angry] {+GRANNY} is gone. [MADELINE right angry] You {*}really{/*} think that's just a regular bird? [MADELINE right sad] It's {+PART_OF_HER}, and it's still here somehow. [MADELINE right distracted] Maybe there's a way to bring her back. [MADELINE right sad] I have to do... something. [BADELINE left angryAlt] ... I can't help you with this. [MADELINE right angry] Then {*}leave!{/*} {trigger 1 Badeline Vanishes} [MADELINE left determined] Don't worry, {+GRANNY}. I won't lose you. CH9_FAKE_HEART= [MADELINE left distracted] Wait, no... [MADELINE left sad] This can't be the end. CH9_KEEP_GOING= [MADELINE left sadder] {+GRANNY} is still out there somewhere. {trigger 0 Step Forward} [MADELINE left determined] Which means I need to keep going. CH9_MISS_THE_BIRD= [MADELINE left angry] {~}Hey!{/~} Don't you want me to help you? [MADELINE left sadder] ...don't you want to see me again, {+GRANNY}? {trigger 0 stand up, face left } [MADELINE left sad flip] I don't understand. [MADELINE left distracted flip] Are you testing me? Are you just afraid to ask for help? [MADELINE left sadder flip] Maybe {+PART_OF_ME} was right.{n}Maybe it {~}is{/~} just a bird. ... {trigger 1 take a step left} [MADELINE left sad flip] Unless... {trigger 2 take a step right} [MADELINE left surprised] The bird doesn't want me to save {+GRANNY}. {trigger 3 black hole flickers } [MADELINE left sadder] It's trying to stop me, just like {+PART_OF_ME}. I'm alone up here. {trigger 4 black hole flickers more, tiles to crack into the sci-fi one} [MADELINE left angry] Well, we don't need their help, right {+GRANNY}? [MADELINE left together] Don't worry, I won't give up on you! I'll catch that stupid bird and set you free. CH9_HELPING_HAND= [MADELINE left upset] I didn't ask for your help. [BADELINE right angryAlt] I know, but come on {+MADELINE}... Think this through. [BADELINE right angry] What's your endgame here? {trigger 0 Madeline faces away} [MADELINE left determined flip] All that matters is finding {+GRANNY}. Then maybe I can bring her home... [MADELINE left sadder flip] Even if the whole universe is against me. [BADELINE right worriedAlt] ... [BADELINE right worried] Aren't you worried about getting lost up here? [MADELINE left angry flip] I'll figure it out. [BADELINE right worriedAlt] ... [BADELINE right worried] Look, {+MADELINE}... [BADELINE right worriedAlt] We're in {~}space{/~} chasing a {~}mysterious bird{/~}. [BADELINE right upset] None of this is real. [BADELINE right concerned] You're dreaming. [MADELINE left sadder flip] ... [BADELINE right concerned] ...she's gone. [BADELINE right upset] It's time to wake up now. [MADELINE left sadder flip] But if we wake up, we'll never see {+GRANNY} again... {trigger 1 Madeline faces towards badeline} [MADELINE left angry] I can't believe you want her to disappear forever! You're always so {*}selfish{/*}. [BADELINE right angry] ... [BADELINE right angryAlt] First of all, it's a {~}bird{/~}. We don't {~}know{/~} that it's her. [BADELINE right yell] And {*}second{/*} of all... ... [BADELINE right sigh] ...we need to take a step back here. {trigger 2 Madeline steps towards badeline} [MADELINE left angry] No, {!}{*}you{/*}{/!} need to take a step back. {*}I'm doing this.{/*} [MADELINE left sad] With or without you. I'm done letting you hold me back. [MADELINE left sadder] {+GRANNY} needs me. [BADELINE right simple_sigh] Okay. Good luck. CH9_CATCH_THE_BIRD= [MADELINE left surprised] Got you! Finally! [MADELINE left angry] Now where's {+GRANNY}!? {trigger 0 bird looks hurt} [MADELINE left angry] ... [MADELINE left surprised] Oh no. Are you okay? {trigger 1 bird squaks} [MADELINE left sad] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. {trigger 2 approach bird, it moves away} [MADELINE left sad] Wait! Please don't leave. {trigger 3 bird flys out of the camera} [MADELINE left sadder] At least tell me... You're {+PART_OF_GRANNY}, right? If you have to go, then... [MADELINE left sad] Take me with you. {trigger 4 badeline appears} [BADELINE right yell] {+MADELINE}, stop! [BADELINE right concerned] You can't go with her. [MADELINE left angry] Shut up! You couldn't force me to give up on the {+MOUNTAIN}. And you can't force me to give up on {+GRANNY}. [MADELINE left sadder] {*}Go away.{/*} [BADELINE right concerned] ... [BADELINE right worried] I'm not forcing you. [BADELINE right concerned] I'm asking you. {trigger 5 Wait a beat} [BADELINE right worriedAlt] I miss {+GRANNY} too. She meant a lot to both of us. [MADELINE left sad] Then why is it so easy for you to leave her behind? [BADELINE right worriedAlt] It's {~}not{/~} easy. [BADELINE right worried] Maybe I pushed us to get over it too quickly... [BADELINE right concerned] But this isn't healthy either. I just want us to survive this. {trigger 6 Madeline sits} [MADELINE left sadder flip] ... I know she's gone. And this is just a dream. Catching this bird won't bring her back. {trigger 7 badeline hugs madeline} [BADELINE left concerned] I'm so sorry, {+MADELINE}. [BADELINE left concerned] Let's wake up, and we'll face this together. [MADELINE right sadder] ... [MADELINE right distracted] No. [MADELINE right sad] Not yet. {trigger 8 stand up} [MADELINE right sad] I want to set things right first. [BADELINE left upset] What do you mean? [MADELINE right sad] The bird, it's trapped here because of me. {trigger 9 shift camera over to the bird} [MADELINE right sad flip] We need to help it escape before we leave. {+GRANNY} wouldn't want it to be stuck like this. [BADELINE left concerned] You're right. [BADELINE left normal] Let's do it. [BADELINE left upset] But as soon as we’re done,{n}we need to wake up. [BADELINE left worried] This place is so {*}weird{/*}.{n}I want to go home. CH9_LAST_ROOM= [BADELINE right normal] This is it! We're almost out of here. [MADELINE left determined] Let's do this, for {+GRANNY}. CH9_LAST_ROOM_ALT= [BADELINE right concerned] Are you alright, {+MADELINE}? [MADELINE left sad] We're so close, but it feels impossible... [BADELINE right upset] Come on, just a few more tries. [BADELINE right normal] We can do this. CH9_LAST_BOOST= [BADELINE right normal] Say goodbye to her for me. CH9_FAREWELL= [MADELINE left normal] {+GRANNY}! [GRANNY right normal] Hey there, kiddo. [MADELINE left normal] It's so great to see you. I didn't know what to do without you. [MADELINE left sad] ... But you aren't real... [MADELINE left sadder] This is just a dream. [GRANNY right normal] So what? That didn't stop you from coming all this way. You finally found me, and {~}now{/~}{n}you care that it's just a dream? [GRANNY right mock] Quit making excuses and{n}say what you need to say. [MADELINE left sad] ... [MADELINE left distracted] I'm sorry that I didn't come to your funeral. [MADELINE left sadder] I couldn't do it... I just shut down. {silent_trigger 0 laugh} [GRANNY right laugh] Heh, that sounds familiar. [MADELINE left upset] ... {silent_trigger 1 stop laughing} [GRANNY right normal] Hey, what do I care who showed up to that thing? {silent_trigger 0 laugh} [GRANNY right laugh] I'm dead! {silent_trigger 1 stop laughing} [GRANNY right mock] Funerals are for all you suckers{n}stuck living without me. {trigger 2 take a step forward} [MADELINE left normal] Thank you for looking out for me on the {+MOUNTAIN}. [MADELINE left distracted] You helped me so much, and... [MADELINE left sadder] I really miss you. {trigger 3 granny fades away} [MADELINE left sadder] What am I supposed to do now? Just keep going, like nothing happened? {silent_trigger 4 fade to white} [MADELINE left panic] Like you aren't... gone forever? CH9_END_CINEMATIC= {anchor bottom} [WEBCAM_THEO right excited] There she is! [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] Long time no see, {# F94A4A}Strawberry{#}. [MADELINE left sad] Hey {+THEO}. [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] It's been forever! [WEBCAM_THEO right thinking] You went off the grid!{n}What happened to you? [MADELINE left sad] Yeah, sorry for not responding to your messages... [MADELINE left distracted] ...or answering your calls... ... ...or replying to your emails. [MADELINE left sad] I kind of had a breakdown when {+GRANNY} died. [MADELINE left distracted] And then I felt weird messaging you. I thought maybe you were{n}mad at me for disappearing. [MADELINE left sad] It snowballed from there. [WEBCAM_THEO right thinking] Yeah yeah, I know you. [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] I figured the funeral might've{n}triggered your anxiety, NBD. [WEBCAM_THEO right thinking] Next time, {~}at least{/~} just let me know you're still alive. [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] You feeling any better? [MADELINE left sad] Yeah... [MADELINE left distracted] I'm finally starting to come to terms with it. [MADELINE left sad] When I first met {+GRANNY},{n}I thought she was crazy. [MADELINE left distracted] But then I got to know her... [MADELINE left upset] ...and I thought she was mean. [MADELINE left sad] But she knew what I needed to hear,{n}and she really helped me. [MADELINE left sadder] I miss her a lot. [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] Yeah, me too. [WEBCAM_THEO right thinking] I honestly thought she'd live forever. [WEBCAM_THEO right excited] Oh! That reminds me!{n}I have to show you something. [MADELINE left normal] Oh? [WEBCAM_THEO right excited] Remember how I told you my grandpa went{n}to {+CELESTE_MOUNTAIN} when he was younger? [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] Well, I was going through{n}some of his old stuff with {+ALEX}... And check out this photo I found. {trigger 0 Shows the photo of Theo's grandpa with Granny at Celeste Mountain.} [MADELINE left surprised] Is that {+GRANNY}!? With your grandpa? [MADELINE left normal] {+THEO}, that's amazing! It looks like they were friends. [WEBCAM_THEO right excited] Just like us! [WEBCAM_THEO right thinking] It really sucks that they're gone. [WEBCAM_THEO right normal] But it's nice to know that we{n}shared the {+MOUNTAIN} with them. [MADELINE left normal] Yeah... [MADELINE left peaceful] {>> 0.3}That {~}is{/~} nice.{>>} # Crystal Hearts POEM_FC= Pointless machines POEM_FCR= Sever the skyline POEM_OS= Resurrections POEM_OSR= Black moonrise POEM_CR= Scattered and lost POEM_CRR= Good karma POEM_CS= Eye of the storm POEM_CSR= Golden feather POEM_T= Quiet and falling POEM_TR= Mirror magic POEM_TF= Heavy and frail POEM_TFR= Center of the earth POEM_TS= Pink sunrise POEM_TSR= No more running POEM_MC= Heart of the mountain POEM_MCR= Say goodbye POEM_FW= Empty Space # Wavedash Tutorial WAVEDASH_DESKTOP_MYPC= My Mountain WAVEDASH_DESKTOP_POWERPOINT= wavedash.ppt WAVEDASH_DESKTOP_RECYCLEBIN= Recycle Bin WAVEDASH_DESKTOP_STARTBUTTON= BerryOS WAVEDASH_PAGE1_TITLE= Wavedashing and You WAVEDASH_PAGE1_SUBTITLE= A practical solution for catching birds in space WAVEDASH_PAGE2_TITLE= Can't|Catch|That|Bird? WAVEDASH_PAGE2_LIST= -Fact: Birds are hard to catch{n} -Wow. It's fast!{n} -Also, it can fly{n} -And {+PART_OF_YOU} won't help{n} -(she's the worst) WAVEDASH_PAGE2_IMPOSSIBLE= IMPOSSIBLE??? WAVEDASH_PAGE3_TITLE= Introducing... Wavedashing!! WAVEDASH_PAGE3_INFO= With Wavedashing, you can jump very far{n}and regain your dash {~}at the same time!{/~} WAVEDASH_PAGE3_EASY= It's "easy!" WAVEDASH_PAGE4_TITLE= How It's Done WAVEDASH_PAGE4_LIST= -Jump{n} -Dash diagonally down to the ground{n} -Immediately jump again and hold forward{n} -{~}You did it!{/~}{n} -(go you) WAVEDASH_PAGE5_TITLE= Trouble in Paradise? WAVEDASH_PAGE5_INFO1= {#ff0000}If you don't regain your dash{#}{n}you're starting {~}too low{/~} to the ground. WAVEDASH_PAGE5_INFO2= {#ff0000}If you don't get much distance{#}{n}you're starting {~}too far{/~} from the ground. WAVEDASH_PAGE6_TITLE= Happy Wavedashing!