----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KHR's & JTK's Stunts/4D-SportsDriving Competition http://www.kalpen.de/stunts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, you just downloaded the old yet coolest racing game of the world! Please follow these instructions for successfull setup: 1. Copy the whole archive in one folder (e.g. "Stunts"). 2. Run "setup.exe". 3. Setup "Video Display:" Choose MCGA/VGA graphics or lower. 4. Setup "Sound option:" Choose your sound card. 5. DO NOT ACTIVATE THE "Install game to hard disk:" OPTION (GAME IS ALREADY INSTALLED)! 6. "Exit". 7. If you downloaded Stunts! version: Broderbund 1.0 start with "st.com" to disable the security option, Broderbund 1.1 start with "stunts_k.exe" (...), Mindscape 1.1 start with "stunts.com", this version is already cracked. 8. RACE!!! 9. Go to our Stunts! homepage at http://www.kalpen.de 10.Enter the contest! CU at our scoreboard! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For any questions about the contest, the tracks, our sites or what so ever write to: KHR (e.g. Markus Kalpen): mkalpen@okay.net JTK (e.g. Oliver Kalpen): kalpen@ewf.uni-kiel.de _____________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for visiting our sites and entering the contest! We really appreciate this!