[SETUP] ; product's full name ProductName=Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & the Flame ; executable file name ExeName=PRINCE ; minimum disk space on destination drive DiskSpace=5500 ; default destination path DestPath=C:\PRINCE2 ; Disk labels of product's disks VolumeNames=Disk 1,Disk 2,Disk 3,Disk 4,Disk 5 ; source files' root name InFileRoot=PRINCE ; version number of source files Ver=1.0 ;Licensing - Consumer, Site or Network Licensing=Consumer ; additional files to copy from Disk 1 to user specified destination path AddFiles=SETUP.EXE,SETUP.CFG MemItemList=1,2 InputItemList=1,3 MainMenuItemList=2,3,4,5,8,9,10 [DIGITAL] ; Driver, Disk, Description DXXXXXXX.DRV, -2, "Standard PC Internal Speaker" DSB_PRO.DRV, 1, "Sound Blaster Pro" DSBLAST.DRV, 1, "Sound Blaster" DMVISION.DRV, 1, "Pro Audio Spectrum" DPS1.DRV, 1, "IBM PS/1" DTANDY.DRV, 1, "Tandy Sound" DDISNEY.DRV, 1, "Disney Sound Source" MIDI.DRV, -1, "Roland MT-32/LAPC-1/CM-32L" MADLIB.DRV, 1, "Ad Lib" [MIDI] ; Driver, Disk, Description, Type, MXXXXXXX.DRV, -2, "Standard PC Internal Speaker", 0 MADLIB.DRV, 1, "Ad Lib", 33 MSB_PRO.DRV, 1, "Sound Blaster Pro", 33 MSBLAST.DRV, 1, "Sound Blaster", 33 MMVISION.DRV, 1, "Pro Audio Spectrum", 33 MPS1.DRV, 1, "IBM PS/1", 32 MTANDY.DRV, 1, "Tandy Sound", 32 MIDI.DRV, -1, "Roland MT-32/LAPC-1/CM-32L", 40 MIDI.DRV, -1, "General MIDI device", 41 [MIDI.DRV] ; Driver, Disk, Description MMPU401.DRV, 1, "Roland MPU-401 MIDI interface" MCMS101.DRV, 0, "CMS101, CMS404 and CMS444 MIDI interface"