@frame 0 @frame 30 The spy had to get out a signal with Wizard's gear. @frame 90 Staked out his station. Caught Vargas trying to contact @frame 150 her Consortium pals and she tried to make a break for it. @frame 210 She slammed me into that transporter beam. @frame 270 I'm coming to in their lock-up. The place is crawling @frame 330 with Troopers. There`s no way out! @frame 390 But I should have been here! @frame 450 These people were my, my friends,... @frame 510 ...my family. @frame 570 See, they were all I had left after the Consortium @frame 630 made Petra a paperweight. @frame 690 I'd figured it out quicker! @frame 750 I should have been with my people... @frame 820