@frame 0 @frame 60 Central confirmed that the Vigilance Platform is now @frame 120 totally independent and fully operational. @frame 180 Draygan has informed all cities that they have 24 hours @frame 240 in which to comply with Consortium strictures, @frame 300 or face total annihilation. If we do not act now, @frame 360 the Resistance is doomed. @frame 420 All attempts to contact your unit directly have failed. @frame 480 I am assuming that this is further work of the saboteur. @frame 540 Our only chance to stop the Consortium's plans @frame 600 is to attack the Platform directly. @frame 660 You are to teleport to the Hawking Space Center. @frame 720 The final shuttle is to depart in less than two hours. @frame 780 Once you have secured the shuttle, we will transport @frame 840 soldiers to your location. You will be their leader @frame 900 during the assault. Maxis, out. @frame 960