@frame 0 @frame 10 According to the data, the Vigilance Platform is not @frame 70 totally independent of ground control yet... but soon. @frame 130 @frame 160 Chairman Draygan has delivered an ultimatum to New York. @frame 220 Cease all dealings with us and hand over rebel leaders. @frame 280 in two days time... or be history! @frame 340 Central believes that whether New York complies or not, @frame 400 it will be used as an example... @frame 460 @frame 470 Our chance to keep them from slagging another city @frame 530 is to drop you into the data bank. @frame 590 Once you're inside, use your DataLink to download @frame 640 new coordinates for the Chairman's demonstration. @frame 700 Reaves will arrange your extraction. Good luck. @frame 760