@frame 0 I trust the rebels didn't injure you too severely, Senator. @frame 60 What could I do, Mr. Chairman? How could anyone... @frame 120 one man, have walked through WEC security like that? @frame 190 We all have our lack of foresight, Senator. @frame 240 And you have been under a great deal of strain recently. @frame 310 The destruction of the stockpile will mean a delay in the @frame 385 Resistance's demise. No doubt the World Congress @frame 435 will be looking for someone to pin the blame on. @frame 498 I understand, Chairman. That's very considerate of you... @frame 576 Oh, just one moment, Senator. It's six o'clock, @frame 630 and I never miss the WorldView headlines. @frame 680 We must keep abreast of the news, you know. @frame 735 In an attack aimed at derailing the efforts of the Enders @frame 785 Orbital Facility, Resistance forces seized control of the @frame 842 Farpark Data Processing Center. @frame 925 But WEC forces acted quickly, and the facility was retaken @frame 992 after a bloody skirmish in which all the rebels were killed. @frame 1055 The only confirmed casualty was Senator Snell, who was @frame 1108 there on a fact-finding tour. @frame 1160 What are they talking about? I don't understand... @frame 1230 I don't know where they got their information. I've never @frame 1273 heard of the Farpark Center! And I am certainly not... @frame 1355 Wait! You told me you would recommend early retirement! @frame 1429 @frame 1440 Oh, but I already have, Senator. @frame 1490 Yes, we all have our lack of foresight. Mine was @frame 1558 in thinking that you were competent. Fortunately, @frame 1600 once our true weapon comes on-line, I can deal with the @frame 1675 Resistance once and for all. And move on. @frame 1764 But, for now, you're retired... @frame 1830 Senator. @frame 1948