@frame 0 @frame 20 One of our informants, a research scientist working out of @frame 80 the WEC's armor and weapons division, has been discovered. @frame 140 @frame 150 He's in maximum security detainment, pending execution. @frame 210 @frame 225 His termination is delayed until he finishes his project. @frame 285 @frame 315 He's fed us invaluable information for a number of years @frame 375 and you are to expedite his immediate release. @frame 425 This is your assignment because you've already met the man. @frame 485 Once you have located Prof. Willmar, and his invention, @frame 545 Reaves will contact you with extraction coordinates. @frame 595 If you have any further questions, consult you DataLink. @frame 645 Dismissed, Captain. @frame 696