@frame 0 @frame 100 Congratulations on a job well done, Captain. @frame 160 Countless Citizens unknowingly owe their lives to you. @frame 220 I hear that there were complications during your extraction. @frame 280 We have been unable to determine if this was coincidence, @frame 340 or more work from your unit's spy. If it was, @frame 400 he's learned to vary the signal to evade detection. @frame 460 @frame 490 You should know that Senator Snell escaped last night. @frame 560 We have not yet determined the circumstances of his release. @frame 620 However, before he left our hospitality, @frame 680 the Senator informed us that the Consortium is building @frame 740 some sort of orbiting weapons platform. @frame 800 We have no facts beyond that, but we're checking into it. @frame 860 Maxis, out. @frame 904