@frame 0 @frame 60 Standing by to receive your data, Tin Man. @frame 120 Signal located. I do know how to do my job. @frame 180 Transmission beginning... I'll bet Yo-Yo is behind this. @frame 240 Because I confused the coordinates during his last mission @frame 300 and dumped him in the waste reclamation tank... @frame 360 Confirming partial data receipt... Data received, Colonel. @frame 420 There, are you happy now? All right, all right! @frame 480 Confirmed your location. Commencing cross-linking on my mark. @frame 540 Mark. Teleport pad commandeered. @frame 600 Send to Tin Man, access to the nearest teleport pad @frame 660 for immediate extraction. @frame 720 Wizard, out. @frame 776