@frame 0 @frame 30 General Maxis assures me that you're the one for this job. @frame 90 Our recent troubles have prompted us to keep this one secret. @frame 150 It's a solo job. Only you will know the true objectives. @frame 210 @frame 260 We've learned about a new WEC encryption chip called Cypher. @frame 320 All our attempts, to decipher communiques encoded @frame 380 by this chip have met with failure. @frame 430 However, Intelligence has located the scientific institute @frame 490 where the WEC manufacture these chips. @frame 550 An operative will give you an access card to gain entry. @frame 620 You are to locate the plans for the Cypher chip @frame 680 and upload them to Corporal Reaves... @frame 740 I shall be standing over to keep his curiosity at bay. @frame 800 Once we have the plans, we will set up an extraction point. @frame 860 If you have any further questions, consult your DataLink. @frame 920 Dismissed. @frame 984