@frame 0 Good work on that last mission, Captain. @frame 60 Maybe General Maxis was right about you, after all. @frame 120 Here's the latest situation. @frame 180 The WEC has several sympathetic cities locked down tight. @frame 240 Starving the civilians along with the rebels. @frame 300 Thousands in Geneva will starve if our shipment is blocked. @frame 360 The public thinks we're shipping in weapons. Newscasters! @frame 420 They blindly report whatever the government tells them. @frame 480 We need to get the food past the WEC blockade. @frame 560 You are to sabotage one of their monitoring stations. @frame 620 Andrews will be your Insertion Reconnaissance man. @frame 680 Once you're inside, locate and destroy the central @frame 740 communications array before our convoy starts to rollin`. @frame 800 Consult your DataLink to locate the receiving array. @frame 860 Place the Blast PAC, then Reaves will give you coordinates. @frame 920 Dismissed. @frame 990