@frame 0 Hello Captain. @frame 50 When I really was a Tax Man I spent most of my life @frame 110 hearing that the Consortium represented the greater good. @frame 170 Now here I am, stuck in the same unit with Shannon Brooks, @frame 230 Resistance Sergeant Extraordinaire. @frame 290 @frame 340 She gave me this rabbit's foot my first day of training. @frame 400 Said I could use all the help I could get. @frame 460 She's as bad as anyone in the Revenue Assessment Division. @frame 520 I've fought with her for a year now, but she still treats me @frame 580 like a Consortium slug. I could almost blame her, too. @frame 640 @frame 700 I heard she lost most of her family when the Consortium @frame 760 flattened Petra for declaring independence from the WEC. @frame 801