@frame 0 @frame 50 The Vigilance Program is a very risky proposition. @frame 110 Even for something as admirable as @frame 170 helping to rid us of the Resistance nuisance. @frame 228 Politics is a risky business, Senator Snell. @frame 281 You shouldn't be in it if you don't want to take chances. @frame 370 Besides, everything is already in place. @frame 400 @frame 441 Once the public sees the significant... breakthroughs @frame 490 that the Vigilance Program can provide, Mr. Chairman, @frame 530 I'm certain that no one will object to keeping the, uh... @frame 580 Status quo, Doctor? Exactly. @frame 661 And once the Resistance has been crushed, who would not @frame 715 vote for the visionary leaders who brought world peace? @frame 810 @frame 841 Make sure that the other Senators approve the funding, @frame 910 and I'll see that Vigilance's first use targets @frame 960 your concerns. @frame 1000 Providing, of course, that Doctor Hoffman's experiments @frame 1095 prove more successful than some of his others... @frame 1200 @frame 1204