no remorse/

NameSizeLast modification

Parent directory


2012-03-30 22:23:56 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:23:56 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:23:56 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:23:56 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:23:57 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:23:58 -03:00 12 years ago

asylum.dll90.1 KB

90.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago


275 B2010-04-05 15:55:58 -03:00 14 years ago

crusader.exe979.4 KB

979.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

install.exe454.6 KB

454.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mod2amf.exe351.1 KB

351.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

readme.txt13.5 KB

13.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

univbe.exe74.4 KB

74.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago





To play Crusader: No Remorse, you must have a VESA bios installed. If you do 
not, the game will not run properly. To correct this situation run UNIVBE, 
a Universal VESA driver included with the game, before you begin play. We 
suggest you create a batch file to do this. For example, if you use the 
UNIVBE.EXE file we provided, go into Windows Notepad, and type the following 


Then go to "File" and select "Save As" and change to the directory where 
you installed Crusader. We suggest you name this simple batch file 
CRUSADER.BAT when you save it. Once you do this, typing "Crusader" should
take you directly into the game.



	-demo       - Loops the introduction.
	-x 43       - Disables the low memory check. If you use this option,
			  Crusader: No Remorse will let you into the game with
			  less memory than it may need which may make the game
			  unstable. The parameter following the "x" is the
			  percentage you wish to dedicate to dynamic processes
			  within the game. This should normally be left at 43.
			  Altering this may cause your game to run out of memory.



     The Ctrl-M command allows you to change the music played during a 

     MOD2AMF.EXE is a utility included with the game. It allows you to 
convert regular .MOD files into .AMF files. Four, six and eight channel .MOD 
files are supported. You can use the 'tune??' command in the CRUSADER.CFG 
file to redirect the mission music to your own custom .AMF files. (This
utility is provided for the enjoyment of advanced users and players familiar 
with .MOD files.)



Q:  The game hangs at a black screen every time I run it.
A:  This problem may be caused by not having FILES=40 set in your CONFIG.SYS
    Solution: In your CONFIG.SYS set FILES=40 and BUFFERS=40

Q:  The sound in the intro skips.
A:  You may be running with a disk cache or your system may not meet the 
    minimum requirements of the game. (The most likely problem is that
    your video speed is too slow.)

    Solution: Turn off your disk cache or upgrade your system to meet the
    minimum requirements listed in the documentation.

Q:  I am not getting any sound when I play the game.
A:  You may have selected incorrect settings for your sound card during the
    installation process.

    Solution: First, check your speaker connections and volume. If that 
    does not solve the problem, check your current sound card settings 
    to make sure they match the selections you made when you installed
    Crusader: No Remorse. If you are unsure how to do this, please check 
    your sound card documentation.

Q:  My machine hangs during the install program's Sound Test.
A:  You may have A) an IRQ conflict, B) the wrong sound card selected or 
    C) an incorrect sound card setting. 
    Solution: Verify your sound card settings and make sure there are no 
	      IRQ conflicts on your machine.

Q:  The mouse pointer is stuck in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
A:  Your mouse driver may not be a Microsoft compatible mouse driver.
    Solution: Install a Microsoft compatible mouse driver.

Q:  I am getting a CDR-101 error, how can I fix that?
A:  This error can occur if you eject your CD at the wrong time, when your
    CD gets dirty or when you have out-of-date CD-ROM drivers.

    Solution 1: Make sure that your Crusader CD is in your drive. This error 
    will occur If the CD is ejected.  

    Solution 2: Check to make sure that there are no scratches or dust
    particles on the disk. If there is dust on the disk, clean it 
    with a dry, lint-free cloth.

    Solution 3: You may need to get updated drivers from the manufacturer 
    of your CD-ROM drive.

Q:  When I try to load Crusader: No Remorse, I get an error message reading,
    "CRUSADER requires at least 6.8 megs of RAM."
A:  The game is detecting that you have less than 6.8 megs of XMS memory

    Solution: Use the -x option. A description of this option is included 
    in the "CONFIG FILE OPTIONS" section of this text file. If you
	include the line "CRUSADER -x 50" in your CRUSADER.CFG file, the game
	will bypass the memory check and you will be able to get into the game
	with only a memory warning.  (Note that the game may be somewhat less
    stable than it would if you had more than the minimum 6.8 megs.)

Q:  When I try to install Crusader: No Remorse on my system, an error
    message tells me I do not have enough disk space.  I have more than 
    what is required -- what can I do?
A:  If you are running a disk compression utility such as Microsoft's
    DoubleSpace or DriveSpace, you may need to free up more space to install
    the game.

Q:  I am trying to install the game to C:\GAMES\CRUSADER and I get an error
    message that says the game is unable to create the directory.  What can 
    I do?
A:  You need to make the "GAMES" directory first, using either Microsoft 
    Windows File Manager, or the DOS "MD" command to create the directory.
    After you do this, Crusader should install correctly.

Q:  I am trying to install (or run) Crusader: No Remorse on my system. I 
    think I have enough hard disk space available, but I keep getting error 
    messages that say I don't have enough hard disk space.  What can I do?
A:  If you are running a disk compression utility such as Microsoft's
    DoubleSpace or DriveSpace, you may need to free up more space on your 
    hard disk, so the game will either work or install properly.

Q:  Whenever I exit Crusader: No Remorse and go into an application that 
    includes sound, I get some popping or crackling. What can I do to solve 
A:  If this problem occurs, you may need to reboot your system after exiting
    the game. It should work properly after that.

Q:  I have a Pentium 66 Mhz or higher system, and an NEC triple spin CD-ROM. 
    At random times during the movies, my system will lock up. What can I do?
A:  This problem was encountered during our Hardware Lab testing of Crusader: 
    No Remorse. It was isolated to NEC 3X Internal (Triple Spin) CD-ROM 
    drives (Model #CDR-510) on Pentium 66 Mhz or faster systems. This model 
    may generate bad data reads from which the Crusader: No Remorse movies 
    cannot recover. This error does not affect normal gameplay -- only the
	Solution: To avoid this problem, change the flicpath parameter in the
	CRUSADER.CFG file so that it points to an invalid directory.  For
	example, change the flicpath statement in the file to flicpath=\flicsx.
	This will cause the game to skip all of the video clips and rendered
	midgames.  Contact NEC for further information or possible firmware

Q:  I dropped my weapons in the Rebel Base and now they are gone.  Where are
A:  When you drop a weapon in the Rebel Base it is automatically placed in
    a chest outside the bar area. Select and use this chest and you will 
    find your dropped weapons.

Q:  How can I run Crusader: No Remorse if I have Windows 95 on my system?
A:  You will need to create a boot disk, as described in the Install Guide,
    or you can create a shortcut to the game from within Windows 95.


If you wish to run Crusader: No Remorse on a system containing Windows 95,
you can do so by creating a shortcut to the program. Since Crusader: No 
Remorse was written for use under MS-DOS, it will not run natively under 
Windows 95 -- Windows 95 will have to restart your system in order 
to run the game.

For directions on how to create a shortcut, please see your Windows 95
owners manual.

If your graphics card is VESA compliant and you do not need to load a VESA
driver, then you can select the CRUSADER.EXE file from the directory into 
which you installed it. If you do not have a VESA compliant video card, 
then UNIVBE or another VESA driver will need to be loaded first. We suggest 
you create a batch file for that, and call it CRUSADER.BAT. You will need to 
load the VESA driver first, then run Crusader: No Remorse. Create a batch 
file with the VESA driver and the CRUSADER.EXE file in it. For example, if 
you use the UNIVBE.EXE file that is in the directory that you installed 
Crusader: No Remorse to, then go into Windows Notepad, and type the following 


After you do this go to "File," select "Save As" and change to the directory
containing Crusader: No Remorse. We suggest you save it under the file name 
CRUSADER.BAT. Once you do that, you can tell the Shortcut Program where to 
find the batch file.

If your video card is VESA compliant, you will not have to load the VESA 
driver to run Crusader; you will just need to tell the Shortcut Command line, 
where your CRUSADER.EXE file is. If you selected our default recommendations
during installation, you would type "C:\CRUSADER\CRUSADER.EXE" on the
Shortcut Command line.

You may need to edit the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files that Windows 95
will use to run Crusader. You should go into Properties for your Shortcut, 
and select "Advanced" under the "Program" page. You will need to run Crusader 
in MS-DOS mode, and may need to modify the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, 
as normally your CD-ROM and Sound Card drivers will not load automatically.

Normally, you will need to add the CD-ROM drivers as well as any sound card
drivers that are required by your soundcard. Consult your sound card and 
CD-ROM manuals for driver information if you are not sure what items you will 
need to add.



Below you will find a list of commands found in the CRUSADER.CFG file. To 
change game options manually add or modify these through any DOS text editor.
(If you do not understand these commands you're probably better off leaving
them alone and modifying them only through the install program.)

     sound=x             : Used to turn sound on or off.
			      x = on - ( Sound on )
			      x = off - ( Sound off )

     music=x             : Used to turn music on or off.
			      x = on - ( Music on )
			      off - ( Music off )

     port=x              : Digital port used by the Asylum Sound System
			      x = 0x200-0x290 - ( Sound card port )

     irq=x               : Sound card irq
			      x = 0-15 - (Irq vector)

     dma=x               : Sound card dma
			      x = 0-7 - (Dma channel)

     soundcard=x         : Sets the sound card type for the sound system.
			      x = 0 ( None )
			      1 ( Sound Blaster )
			      2 ( Sound Blaster Pro )
			      3 ( Sound Blaster 16 )
			      4 ( Sound Blaster AWE32 )
     mixrate=x           : This sets the mixrate for the sound system.
			      The default is 22050.

     fullinstall=x       : Installation type
			      x = true/false

     cdletter=x          : Drive letter of CD-ROM
			      x = a-z

     flicpath=x          : Path to video.
			      x = PATH ( ex. flicpath=\FLICS )

     bigvideo=x          : Double sized video option
			      x = true/false

     filter=x            : Digital filtering
			      x = true/false

     animation=x         : Pause game animation
			      x = 0-1 ( 0 - anims, 1 - anims paused )

     limitblasts=x       : Area limiting for explosions
			      x = true/false

     frameskip=x         : Animation frame skipping
			      x = true/false

     mousespeed=x        : Mouse sensitivity
			      x = 0-3 ( 0 being least sensitive )

     musicvolume=x       : Digital music volume setting
			      x = 0-48

     soundvolume=x       : Digital sound effects volume setting
			      x = 0-64

     tune01...tune16=x   : Path to mission music files. (.AMF files)
			      x = PATH to tune
			      (ex. tune05=C:\MYTUNES\MYTUNE.AMF )

     subtitles=x         : Video subtitles setting
			      x = true/false

     noweasel=x          : Weasel video setting
			      x = true/false ( true = No Weasel video )


CRUSADER: NO REMORSE (c) 1995 ORIGIN Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Crusader: No Remorse is a trademark of ORIGIN Systems, Inc. ORIGIN and
We create worlds are registered trademarks of ORIGIN Systems Inc. 
Electronic Arts is a registered trademark of Electronic Arts Inc.
MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 95, DoubleSpace and DriveSpace are trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. UNIVBE is a trademark of SciTech Software.
NEC is a trademark of NEC Technologies. Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, 
Sound Blaster 16 and Sound Blaster AWE 32 are trademarks of Creative 
Labs, Inc. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.