================================= QUICK HELP for THE CATACOMB ABYSS ================================= To start THE CATACOMB ABYSS, type the following at the DOS prompt: START (followed by the [ENTER] key) Your computer should have at least the following features: * 640K of conventional memory with at least 590K free * EGA graphics required (supported on EGA, VGA, & SVGA cards) HOW TO CONTACT US! ================== For Product Ordering or inquiries: (0274) 622228 To correspond with us: TRANSEND SERVICES LTD MOORVIEW BUSINESS PARK 628 LEEDS ROAD THACKLEY, BRADFORD, BD10 8JH WEST YORKSHIRE If you have any trouble starting or running this software, please call us at the number listed above! * * * * * * * * * THIS VERSION OF CATACOMB ABYSS IS NOT TO BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED. IT IS A SPECIAL COPY PRODUCED FOR DISTRIBUTION ON THE JANUARY ISSUE OF THE PC-TODAY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY EUROPRESS PUBLICATIONS. THIS PROGRAM IS THE COPYRIGHT OF SOFTDISK PUBLISHING. IF YOU REQUIRE THE FULL SHAREWARE VERSION TO PASS ON TO FRIENDS OR TO DISTRIBUTE AS A LIBRARY THEN YOU MUST REQUEST A FULL COPY BY CONTACTING TRANSEND SERVICES LTD AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER.