;===================================================================== ; Blood Initialization File ; ; Copyright (c)1996-1997 Monolith Productions Inc. ; All Rights Reserved Worldwide ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax: ; ; [install] ; SourceDir= drive and path ; ; [Episode#] ; Title = episodeTitle ; BloodBathOnly = flag 0 or not present means multi and single ; any other number means multi play only ; CutSceneALevel = Level number to play Cut Scene A. Defaults to ; first level of episode. ; ; These are set to the file and path of the videos on the CD by ; the Blood install program. ; CutSceneA = File and Path of Smacker video to play at entry ; to specified (in CutSceneALevel) level. ; CutWavA = File and Path of WAV audio to play (during video) ; CutSceneB = File and Path of Smacker video to play at end of ; episode ; CutWavB = File and Path of WAV audio to play (during video) ; ; Map# = mapFile ; ; [mapFile] ; Title = title ; Author = author ; Song = songFile ; Track = redbookTrack# ; EndingA = map# ; EndingB = map# ; Fog = 0 | 1 ; 0 == Fog disabled ; 1 == Fog enabled ; Message1 = message ; .. .. ; Message32 = message ; ;===================================================================== [Install] ; source path will be set by the installation process SourceDir=C:\BLOOD [Episode1] ; location of movies was set at install CutSceneA=c:\blood\movie\cs1.smk CutWavA=c:\blood\movie\cs1822m.wav CutSceneB=c:\blood\movie\cs2.smk CutWavB=c:\blood\movie\cs2822m.wav Title = The Way of All Flesh Map1 = e1m1 Map2 = e1m2 Map3 = e1m3 Map4 = e1m4 Map5 = e1m5 Map6 = e1m6 Map7 = e1m7 Map8 = e1m8 [Episode2] ; location of movies and WAVs was set at install CutSceneB=c:\blood\movie\cs3.smk CutWavB=c:\blood\movie\cs3822m.wav Title = Even Death May Die Map1 = e2m1 Map2 = e2m2 Map3 = e2m3 Map4 = e2m4 Map5 = e2m5 Map6 = e2m6 Map7 = e2m7 Map8 = e2m8 Map9 = e2m9 [Episode3] CutSceneB=c:\blood\movie\cs4.smk CutWavB=c:\blood\movie\cs4822m.wav Title = Farewell to Arms Map1 = e3m1 Map2 = e3m2 Map3 = e3m3 Map4 = e3m4 Map5 = e3m5 Map6 = e3m6 Map7 = e3m7 Map8 = e3m8 [Episode4] CutSceneA=c:\blood\movie\cs5.smk CutWavA=c:\blood\movie\cs5822m.wav CutSceneB=c:\blood\movie\cs6.smk CutWavB=c:\blood\movie\cs6822m.wav Title = Dead Reckoning CutSceneALevel=8 Map1 = e4m1 Map2 = e4m2 Map3 = e4m3 Map4 = e4m4 Map5 = e4m5 Map6 = e4m6 Map7 = e4m7 Map8 = e4m8 Map9 = e4m9 [Episode5] Title = BloodBath BloodBathOnly=1 Map1 = bb1 Map2 = bb2 Map3 = bb3 Map4 = bb4 Map5 = bb5 Map6 = bb6 Map7 = bb7 Map8 = bb8 ;Episode 1 ;The Way of All Flesh [e1m1] Title = Cradle to Grave Author = James "Shade" Wilson Song = UNHOLY Track = 3 EndingA = 2 EndingB = 2 Message1 = Message2 = Hit the switch to end the level. Message3 = Slurp, slurp . . . ;Message4 = Message5 = OUT! OUT! DAMN SPOT! Message6 = They'll need more of these. Message7 = Nevermore . . . Message8 = Open for Business. Message9 = I LIVE AGAIN! Message11 = It is sealed shut. [e1m2] Title = Wrong Side of the Tracks Author = Craig Hubbard [Croweater] Song = cblood10 Track = 8 EndingA = 3 EndingB = 3 Message11 = This probably isn't a good idea. Message12 = You really should consider turning back. Message13 = Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? [e1m3] Title = Phantom Express Author = James Wilson ;Song = PESTIS Track = 9 EndingA = 4 EndingB = 4 Message1 = I must stop this train! Message2 = Safety clamps are in place. This switch is locked. Message3 = Safety clamps disabled. Message4 = Internal engine heat rising! Message5 = Internal engine heat critical! [e1m4] Title = Dark Carnival Author = Kevin Kilstrom & James Wilson Song = cblood4 Track = 4 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 8 Message1 = This doesn't open from this side. Message2 = Hit the switch to end the level. Message3 = You're going to the secret level! Message4 = Congrats! You win a cupie doll! [e1m5] Title = Hallowed Grounds Author = Craig Hubbard, Nick Newhard, & Terry Hamel EndingA = 6 EndingB = 6 [e1m6] Title = The Great Temple Author = James Wilson & Terry Hamel Song = cblood5 Track = 5 EndingA = 7 EndingB = 7 Message3 = I can't believe you found this! Message4 = Here, you can have it all. [e1m7] Title = Altar of Stone Author = James Wilson Song = cblood7 Track = 8 [e1m8] Title = House of Horrors Author = James Wilson Song = cblood4 Track = 8 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 5 Message1 = ;Episode 2 ;Even Death May Die [e2m1] Title = Shipwrecked Author = Craig Hubbard Song = CBLOOD2 Track = 7 EndingA = 2 EndingB = 2 Message2 = The door is jammed shut. [e2m2] Title = The Lumber Mill Author = Craig Hubbard Song = cblood3 Track = 9 EndingA = 3 EndingB = 3 [e2m3] Title = Rest for the Wicked Authors = Kevin Kilstrom & Craig Hubbard Song = cblood5 Track = 5 EndingA = 4 EndingB = 4 Message1 = You hear hedges rustling nearby. [e2m4] Title = The Overlooked Hotel Author = Kevin Kilstrom & Craig Hubbard Song = cblood1 Track = 9 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 9 Message2 = The secret level lies before you. [e2m5] Title = The Haunting Author = James Wilson & Kevin Kilstrom Song = cblood7 Track = 6 EndingA = 6 EndingB = 6 [e2m6] Title = The Cold Rush Author = James Wilson Song = cblood10 Track = 8 EndingA = 7 EndingB = 7 [e2m7] Title = Bowels of the Earth Author = James Wilson Song = cblood2 Track = 7 EndingA = 8 EndingB = 8 [e2m8] Title = The Lair of Shial Author = James Wilson Song = cblood6 Track = 6 [e2m9] Title = Thin Ice Author = James Wilson Song = cblood3 Track = 9 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 5 ;Episode 3 ;Farewell to Arms [e3m1] Title = Ghost Town Author = James Wilson Song = cblood8 Track = 6 EndingA = 2 EndingB = 2 [e3m2] Title = The Siege Author = Craig Hubbard & Terry Hamel ;Song = PESTIS ;Track = 2 EndingA = 3 EndingB = 3 [e3m3] Title = Raw Sewage Author = James Wilson Song = cblood10 Track = 8 EndingA = 4 EndingB = 4 [e3m4] Title = The Sick Ward Author = Craig Hubbard & James Wilson Song = cblood9 Track = 7 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 8 Message1 = The secret level lies before you. [e3m5] Title = Spare Parts Author = James Wilson & Craig Hubbard Song = cblood1 Track = 9 EndingA = 6 EndingB = 6 Message1 = Failsafes disabled. Message2 = Disable failsafes first. [e3m6] Title = Monster Bait Author = James Wilson & Terry Hamel Song = cblood3 Track = 7 EndingA = 7 EndingB = 7 [e3m7] Title = The Pit of Cerberus Author = Craig Hubbard Song = unholy Track = 3 [e3m8] Title = Catacombs Author = James Wilson & Craig Hubbard Song = cblood7 Track = 5 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 5 ;Episode 4 ;Dead Reckoning [e4m1] Title = Butchery Loves Company Author = James Wilson Song = cblood4 Track = 9 EndingA = 2 EndingB = 2 [e4m2] Title = Breeding Grounds Author = James Wilson, Craig Hubbard, and Terry Hamel Song = cblood10 Track = 8 EndingA = 3 EndingB = 3 [e4m3] Title = Charnel House Author = Craig Hubbard & James Wilson Song = cblood7 Track = 5 EndingA = 4 EndingB = 4 [e4m4] Title = Crystal Lake Author = Kevin Kilstrom & James Wilson Song = cblood2 Track = 7 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 9 [e4m5] Title = Fire and Brimstone Author = James Wilson ;Song = cblood1 ;Track = 3 EndingA = 6 EndingB = 6 [e4m6] Title = The Ganglion Depths Author = James Wilson & Terry Hamel ;Song = PESTIS ;Track = 2 EndingA = 7 EndingB = 7 [e4m7] Title = In the Flesh Author = Craig Hubbard & James Wilson ;Song = PESTIS ;Track = 2 EndingA = 8 EndingB = 8 [e4m8] Title = The Hall of the Epiphany Author = Craig Hubbard Song = unholy Track = 2 [e4m9] Title = Mall of the Dead Author = Craig Hubbard ;Song = unholy ;Track = 2 EndingA = 5 EndingB = 5 ;Episode 5 ;BloodBath [bb1] Title = The Stronghold Author = James Wilson Song = unholy Track = 3 [bb2] Title = Winter Wonderland Author = James Wilson Song = cblood2 Track = 5 [bb3] Title = Bodies Author = Craig Hubbard Song = cblood7 Track = 6 [bb4] Title = The Tower Author = James Wilson Song = cblood9 Track = 7 [bb5] Title = Click! Author = Kevin Kilstrom & Craig Hubbard Song = cblood10 Track = 8 [bb6] Title = Twin Fortress Author = James Wilson Song = cblood3 Track = 9 [bb7] Title = Midgard Author = Nick Newhard & Terry Hamel Song = cblood6 Track = 6 [bb8] Title = Fun With Heads Author = James Wilson Song = cblood8 Track = 6