
NameSizeLast modification

Parent directory


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:50 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:51 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:51 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:51 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:52 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:53 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:53 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:35:53 -03:00 12 years ago

crack.exe1.5 KB

1.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

dos4gw.exe254.6 KB

254.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

full.bat35 B

35 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

go.bat268 B

268 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

go.com1.2 KB

1.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

install.exe98.7 KB

98.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

intro.exe74.3 KB

74.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mpscopy.exe83.6 KB

83.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago


4 B2010-12-05 21:50:04 -03:00 14 years ago

newxcom.bat268 B

268 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

pkunzip.exe29.4 KB

29.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

readme.bat35 B

35 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

readme.txt6.9 KB

6.9 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

saved.com367 B

367 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

setup.exe21.6 KB

21.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

small.bat16 B

16 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sound.cfg10 B

10 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ufo.bat268 B

268 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

update.bat121 B

121 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

x-com.faq118.0 KB

118.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

xcom.bat268 B

268 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago


             X-COM: UFO Defense
           Update to version 1.4
                Read Me file
                October 1996

Please read this entire text file before installing
the update to version 1.4 for X-COM: UFO Defense. Then
choose one of the four update methods depending on 
whether you have the floppy disk or CD-ROM version of
X-COM and if you are updating to version 1.4 using an
update disk or the downloaded patch file.

Updating the Floppy Disk Version with the Update Disk
1)  Insert the update disk into your floppy disk drive.

2)  At the DOS prompt, type "CD\MPS\UFO" to change to the 
    X-COM directory on your hard drive. (If you chose 
    a different directory when you installed the game, 
    substitute that name instead.)

3)  Type "COPY A:\*.*" at the DOS prompt. Type "A" if you
    are asked if you wish to overwrite files.

4)  Once the files are finished copying, type "UPDATE"
    at the DOS prompt.

5)  Once the update is finished, type "SETUP" and select 
    your sound options.

6)  After your copy of X-COM is updated to version 1.4, be 
    sure to start a new game by changing to the X-COM 
    directory ("CD\MPS\UFO") and then running the game 
    ("UFO"). Unfortunately, your saved games are not 
    compatible with the new version so be sure to select 
    "New Game" instead of "Load Saved Game" at the first
    game menu.
Updating the CD-ROM Version With the Update Disk
1)  You will need to copy all the files from your X-COM 
    CD-ROM to your hard drive. First, change to the hard
    drive where you want to install X-COM by typing 
    "C:" (if your hard drive is a letter other than C, 
    substitute that letter instead).

2)  Create the directory on your hard drive for X-COM by
    typing "MD\MPS" and then "MD\MPS\UFO" at the DOS prompt.

3)  Change to the X-COM directory by typing "CD\MPS\UFO" 
    at the DOS prompt.

4)  Type "XCOPY D:\*.* /S /E" at the DOS prompt. (If your 
    CD-ROM drive is a letter other than D, substitute that 
    letter instead.)

5)  Change to the drive where you installed X-COM by typing 
    "C:" (if you installed X-COM to a drive other than C, 
    substitute that letter instead).

6)  Change to the directory where you installed X-COM by
    typing "CD\MPS\UFO."

7)  To install the update, insert the update disk into your
    floppy disk drive.

8)  Type "COPY A:\*.*" at the DOS prompt. Type "A" if you
    are asked if you wish to overwrite files.

9)  Once the files are finished copying, type "UPDATE" at
    the DOS prompt.

10) Once the update is finished, type "SETUP" and select
    your sound options.

11) After your copy of X-COM is updated to version 1.4, be 
    sure to start a new game by changing to the X-COM 
    directory ("CD\MPS\UFO") and then running the game 
    ("UFO"). Unfortunately, your saved games are not 
    compatible with the new version so be sure to select 
    "New Game" instead of "Load Saved Game" at the first
    game menu.

Updating the Floppy Disk Version With the Downloaded Update
1)  Change to the drive where you installed X-COM by typing
    "C:" (if you installed the game to a hard drive other than 
    C, substitute that letter instead).

2)  Change to the directory where you installed X-COM by 
    typing "CD\MPS\UFO" (if you installed the game to a 
    different directory, substitute that name instead).

3)  Copy the downloaded update (XCOM14.ZIP) into your X-COM

4)  You need to unzip the update file in the X-COM directory. 
    Type "PKUNZIP XCOM14.ZIP" at the DOS prompt.

5)  Once the files are finished unzipping, type "UPDATE"
    at the DOS prompt.

6)  Once the update is finished, type "SETUP" and select 
    your sound options.

7)  After your copy of X-COM is updated to version 1.4, be 
    sure to start a new game by changing to the X-COM 
    directory ("CD\MPS\UFO") and then running the game 
    ("UFO"). Unfortunately, your saved games are not 
    compatible with the new version so be sure to select 
    "New Game" instead of "Load Saved Game" at the first
    game menu.

Updating the CD-ROM Version With the Downloaded Update
1)  You will need to copy all the files from your X-COM 
    CD-ROM to your hard drive. First, change to the hard
    drive where you want to install X-COM by typing 
    "C:" (if your hard drive is a letter other than C, 
    substitute that letter instead).

2)  Create the directory on your hard drive for X-COM by
    typing "MD\MPS" and then "MD\MPS\UFO" at the DOS prompt.

3)  Change to the X-COM directory by typing "CD\MPS\UFO" 
    at the DOS prompt.

4)  Type "XCOPY D:\*.* /S /E" at the DOS prompt. (If your 
    CD-ROM drive is a letter other than D, substitute that 
    letter instead.)

5)  Copy the downloaded update (XCOM14.ZIP) into your X-COM

6)  You need to unzip the update file in the X-COM directory.
    Type "PKUNZIP XCOM14.ZIP" at the DOS prompt.

7)  Once the files are finished unzipping, type "UPDATE" at
    the DOS prompt.

8)  Once the update is finished, type "SETUP" and select
    your sound options.

9)  After your copy of X-COM is updated to version 1.4, be 
    sure to start a new game by changing to the X-COM 
    directory ("CD\MPS\UFO") and then running the game 
    ("UFO"). Unfortunately, your saved games are not 
    compatible with the new version so be sure to select 
    "New Game" instead of "Load Saved Game" at the first
    game menu.
Sound and Music
*  Gravis UltraSound cards should now play new music and
   sound effects. Although it is not absolutely necessary, we
   strongly recommend that you obtain the latest drivers from
   Gravis for your UltraSound card.

*  When it's your turn in the Tactical screen and in the 
   Geoscape screen, you can change the volume of the music
   with the "+" (plus) and "-" (minus) keys on the numeric

Customer Support Information
If you have any questions about this game, please 
contact MicroProse Customer Support at:

* MicroProse
  2490 Mariner Square Loop     
  Alameda, CA  94501           
  Attn: Customer Support       

* (510)522-1164
  9 am to 5 pm Pacific Time
  Monday through Friday

* Fax

* FTP site

* MicroProse bulletin board

* World Wide Web
* America Online: MPS1
  CompuServe: 76004,2223
  Internet: [email protected]