-------------------- WORMS AND WINDOWS'95 -------------------- For running Worms:Reinforcements on Windows'95 we recommend that you have the following MINIMUM requirement; DX4-100 CPU, 16Mb Ram, 2X CD Rom, 16Bit Soundblaster or compatible, 512Mb+ HD, Mouse, Keyboard. We also recommend that you do not run any other games or large applications at the same time as Worms:Reinforcements. If your spec does not match or supercede the one above, then we recommend that you run Worms through DOS mode. Details on how to do this are in the TROUBLE.TXT document. Windows howver does make Network games much easier! Worms has been tested on various Windows'95 configurations and has proved to be very stable. The game itself was written in a Win'95 environment and no problems were encountered. That said, Worms is not Windows 95 native and should not be run from within a small window on the desktop.