Troubleshooting Guide --------------------- Here at Team 17 we endeavour to make our games as compatible with as many machine configurations as is possible within the PC market. But unfortunately, due to the vast number of hardware manufacturers and different system setups, there may be times when some further action may be required by you, as the user, to enable you to get up and running. The aim of this document is to outline the questions we are frequently asked and help you avoid calling us up and asking them again! However, we are confident that the vast majority of WORMS:REINFORCEMENTS players will be up and running with a minimum of fuss. If, at the end of this document, you are still finding that you are unable to get the game running fine, then preferably EMAIL us at SUPPORT@TEAM17.COM or if it`s extremely urgent, you can call our Tech Support on +44 (0)1924 271637 during Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00 GMT. Why can't I get the game to install? ------------------------------------ Firstly check the minimum system requirements for this game and make sure your machine complies to all of them. Ensure that your CD ROM drive is working fine and that you are logged onto it. You can do this by typing the name of the device at the command prompt. Eg. Assuming your CD ROM drive is identified by the letter 'D'... D: The prompt will then show; D:\> To install the game from here, type; INSTALL If you are using doublespace or any other drive compression software, You may have to try installing the game to another uncompressed drive or partition. If none of the above works try installing the game on another machine, if possible, to see if the disk/disks are faulty or if there is a conflict within your machine. Team17 installation software is written as simple as possible and is designed to work on all hardware. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have installed the game fine, but it is very unstable under Windows 3.0/3.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worms has not been designed to run under Windows 3.0/3.1/3.11. If you have this system setup then exit Windows and run/install from DOS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am running the game under Windows 95 but it seems very slow/or have sound/memory problems --------------------------------------------------------------------- Depending on your Spec, Worms runs slightly slower under Win'95. You will also have problems running the game under Windows 95 with only 8Mb of RAM or whilst other large applications are running. It is recommended that you configure Worms to run in DOS (Single Application Mode). You can do this by selecting the WORMS icon and selecting Properties. Click on PROGRAM and then on ADVANCED. In here, click on the MS-DOS mode button and USE CURRENT MS-DOS configuration. You may also like to click on the WARN BEFORE ENTERING MS-DOS MODE button to skip the warning box. Worms will then go to MS-DOS, run, then restart Windows when you have finished playing. Owners of higher spec machines (Eg. Pentium with 16Mb of Ram, should not encounter any problems running Worms under Windows). Note that your MS-DOS must have appropriate sound-drivers and CD drivers present, this should work automatically, but you may find that you have to re-install DOS versions of the drivers to re-enable them. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I have installed the game, but when I try and run it, it says that I do not have a mouse. But I have and it works fine in Windows. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason for this is that the game you are running requires a DOS mouse driver. When using Windows it automatically loads a program to enable the mouse to work, but when you run the game in DOS this does not happen. You need to install a DOS mouse driver, which is similar to the same program that Windows loads for you. When you purchased your machine, or mouse, there would have been a disk that came packaged with the mouse. Place the mouse disk in your floppy drive and follow the instructions as supplied. Installing a mouse driver is usually very quick and efficient. You only need to do it once. If you do not have this disk then you must contact the company where you purchased the machine from. ----------------------------------------------------------- The game plays fine but I don't get any GAME sound effects. ----------------------------------------------------------- Firstly check that your speakers are connected correctly and that you can get sound on the test software that came with the soundcard. Make sure that you have a 100% compatible soundcard and that you have chosen the correct settings in the setup program. For example if your test software states you have a Soundblaster Pro set at A220 I5 D1 then you must make sure that the settings in the setup program match. Make sure that if you are using a Soundblaster or compatible sound card that you have a "Set Blaster" command in the autoexec.bat file. An example of this would be SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 If you have a printer connected and your sound card is set to IRQ7, you will need to change this to 5, assuming that this IRQ is free within your system, as the printer is defaulted to this interupt setting and may cause problems. If your machine only just meets the minimum system requirements, there may not be enough performance/memory left to enable sound effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I get the sound effects during the game but I do not get any music. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Check that other programs (notably CD player software) can get sound from the CD ROM. Check that the cable that supplys audio signals is connected from your CD ROM to your soundcard. This is a small, thin cable with a small 3/4 pin square connection. If the CD ROM light is on, check the output by plugging some personal stereo headphones into the CD ROM jack on the front. (Be careful to adjust the volume beforehand!) If you are using the CD rom version of this game and are still experiencing problems, ensure that the surface of the disk is clean and free from dust. This can be done by using a soft dry cloth, preferably a CD cleaning cloth, and lightly stroke the cloth from the center of the disk to the outer edge. Ensure that your soundcard mixer settings have not got the sound volume for the CD ROM output set to zero! -------------------------- How do I make a Boot Disk? -------------------------- If all else fails and you are still experiencing random lock-ups or not able to get the game to run correctly then follow the listed steps on how to make a boot disk. This help will eliminate all possible software conflicts. 1> You will need a blank floppy disk inserted into the floppy drive of your machine. 2> At the C:\>_ prompt type Format A:/S and then press the return/enter key. This will produce a system disk. 3> Once this is completed type once again from the C:\>_ prompt COPY CONFIG.SYS A: and then press return. Once this is complete type COPY AUTOEXEC.BAT A: and then press return. Once this is complete type A: and press return to log onto the floppy drive. Now type: EDIT CONFIG.SYS and then press return. You will be presented with a blue screened text editor that contains your computer's configuration file. You will need to remove anything that is not required by the game you are trying to run. The best way to achieve this is to place a REM command at the start of the line, then if you subsequently find you have removed a line that is needed by your system it can easily be replaced by removing the REM statment. If the game uses DOS4GW which is a memory manager you will not need another manager present, and in some cases will cause problems. An example is given below of the typical config.sys file needed to run the game. Obviously you may have a different sound card and CD ROM drive so you will need to replace them with your own commands found in your config file. The file below would setup a Soundblaster AWE32, an Aztech CD rom drive and a Microsoft mouse.. rem DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS rem DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM rem FILES=50 rem DOS=UMB rem DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CSP.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CTSB16.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5 P:330 DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CTMMSYS.SYS DEVICE=C:\CDROM\SGIDE268.SYS /D:MSCD000 Once you have finished editing your file, press the ALT key and then press F for the file menu and S to save. Press the ALT key again, then F and then X to quit. Now you need to repeat this process but this time for the autoexec.bat file. So at the A:\>_ prompt type EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT and then press return. @ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G C:\DOS\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD000 SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6 PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\MSINPUT\MOUSE;C:\SB16 keyb uk,,C:\DOS\keyboard.sys C:\msinput\mouse\mouse *NOTE: Check location of MOUSE!* Once you have finished editing your file, press the ALT key and then press F for the file menu and S to save. Press the ALT key again, then F and then X to quit. You have now created a boot disk. Leave this disk in the drive and reset your machine. ------------------------------------- That's great but I'm using Windows 95! -------------------------------------- Ok what you need to do is; Go to your Windows directory and locate the DOSPRMPT file within it. Press and hold the right mouse button on this file and drag it to the desktop. You will be presented with a list of choices, highlight "create shortcut here" and release. Now right-click on the icon that has been created. Once again you are presented with a list of choices, highlight "properties" and then left click. You are now shown a box, across the top of this box are small menu bars of which one will say "program", click on it. Click on the button that says advanced. Turn on the statement that says "MS-DOS mode" and specify a new MS-DOS configuration. Now click on the start button that is located on the Windows 95 taskbar, choose "run" and type SYSEDIT in the space provided. You are now presented with your startup files that can be cut and pasted into the "specify a new MS-DOS configuration" window in the box we discussed earlier. Now follow the steps mentioned previously about making a boot disk so that you remove any programs that may be causing conflicts by entering the REM statement at the start of each line you wish to remove. Once you have done this close all windows by clicking ok, and you have just created a DOS mode for your PC. When you double click on this icon your machine will reset and take you to the DOS loaded system you have specified. To return to Windows simply type exit and your machine will be as normal. If you are still experiencing trouble and you have tried all the previous suggestions then please contact the Team 17 Tech Support Helpline. But before you reach for that phone please make sure that you have a complete a listing of your system as is possible. This entails a copy of the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files you are using, the Chip type and running speed (i.e 486 DX2 66), the amount of ram that is installed in your computer (i.e 8 meg), the make and model of your sound card (i.e.Soundblaster Pro), what make and speed of your CD rom (i.e Aztech quad speed) and anything else you may feel relevant. Also make sure you have a pen and paper handy. Team 17 Tech support can be contacted on 01924 271637 between the hours of 09.00-17:00 GMT Mon-Fri. Or alternatively, email us at SUPPORT@TEAM17.COM Email is cool as we can include files and suggested configs as attachments!