---------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF ALL SAMPLES USED IN THE GAME... ---------------------------------------------- Sample Description. ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Fire Punch Sort of a karate-yell Ooof1 Short sounds of pain: played after one another in quick Ooof2 succession, these will sound like you're falling down Ooof3 the stairs or something. Ooww1 Slightly longer and more vocal "oow!" sounds for when Ooww2 a worm gets injured. Ooww3 Wobble Said when the worm has jumped really far and needs to catch his balance. Does not lose his go, however. Jump1 Two different "hup!" sounds for when the worm is jumping. Jump2 Collect Crate Funny expression for when the worm finds and collects a weapon crate, giving him additional weapons or bonuses. Bungee! Said by worm as he hurls himself out in a bungee jump. Wheeee! Two different things that the worm says as he is swinging Whoooo! on a rope Take Cover Said by worm who is about to be hit by a grenade! Watch This Said by a worm as he throws a grenade. Fire! As above but with bazooka. Grenade! Said by worm who has just realised a grenade has landed by his feet and is about to be hit. Yes sir! Said by worm when you click "start game" from the main menu. Die! Said by worm who is about to throw a grenade or shoot a missile at opponent. Oh dear... Said by worm just as he is about to die / blow himself up. What the... Said by worm who has just realised a grenade has landed by his feet and is about to blow up. Whoops! Said by worm who has just missed his shot. hehe (laugh) Said by a worm as he leaves a dynamite behind and runs off, and when a worm kills a team captain. Noooooo Yelled by a worm as he is thrown off the playing area. Revenge! Said by worm who has just injured an opponent who recently injured himself. Oi Nutter! Said after a worm has injured himself or one of his team-mates. Perfect! Said after a worm has done a particularly great shot. Stupid Said after a worm has injured himself or one of his team-mates. Traitor! As above. You'll regret.. Said by worm who has just been injured by an opponent. I'll get you! As above. Just you wait! As above. Leave me alone! As above. Missed! Said in a teasing way to an opponent who just missed his shot. Bye bye... Said by worm just as he is about to die / blow himself up Excellent! Said after a worm has done a particularly great shot. Fatality! Said after a worm has done a particularly great shot, and it led to the death of an opponent. First Blood! Said by worm in the beginning of the game when things are starting to get nasty. Flawless.. Said by a worm whose team has just won the match but has not lost any energy or worms! Win match Sample for team winning the match. Hello... Said by worm who is waiting for the player to take some action. Hurry! Said by worm who is waiting for the player to take some action, and time is running low. Boring... Said by worm if the player ran out of time or chose to skip his go or misses a shot. Come on then Said by worm who is waiting for the player to take some action. Coward! Said by worm if the player ran out of time or chose to skip his go.