GFXCON ------ The aim of this program is to take a PCX file that has your image in it, which is using the first 80 colours (ONLY!) of the palette, with colour 0 acting as transparent, and re-map it to a palette that WORMS:REINFORCEMENTS can use. You MUST use this program or the colours in your file will be corrupt. The program also includes default colour ranges for BLUE normal water and HILLS as seen on the forest level. Usage (From DOS); GFXCON You can use the same name for the out-name as for the in-name, but sometimes you might not wish to do so... Eg. GFXCON TEST.PCX TEST2.PCX The file TEST2.PCX will be remapped and ready to go in the game, assuming you used the first 80 colours (0 for transparency) in TEST.PCX For full details of the CUSTOM GRAPHICS PROCESS, read CUSTOM.TXT