CONVERTING SAMPLES TO USE IN WORMS:REINFORCEMENTS ------------------------------------------------- Worms uses samples that are the following format; RAW 8bit Mono, Signed, played at 15Khz. We recommend that you sample at the following frequency; 12KHz using .WAV files. We also recommend that all editing and replaying is made with standard WAV editors and tools that are commonly available, such as GOLDWAVE and many others available from good shareware/Public Domain resources. When you have finished, simply use the CONVERT.EXE (Supplied as FREEWARE) to quickly and easily convert all the files to the correct format. The resulting files can then be quickly and easily incorporated into the samplebank editor. Read SAMPLES.TXT for an explanation on getting the best out of your samples and WORMS, this is written by Bjorn Lynne, who did the original Worm samples and custom levels for the game.