----------------------------------------- WORMS - REINFORCEMENTS SAMPLE BANK EDITOR ----------------------------------------- The utility itself has been quickly put together to enable you to organize your own sample banks quickly and efficiently. A seperate document called SAMPLES.TXT explains how to go about preparing your samples before using them in this program. We have also prepared 3 MINIMAL banks which contain soundfx ONLY so you can quickly build up new banks by adding SPEECH/SAMPLES only. You can load these in as MINIMAL.SFX, MINTOON1.SFX, MINTOON2.SFX. The program is pretty straight forward to use; (1) Prepare all your samples and decide roughly what you want before using this program. (Read SAMPLES.TXT for more advice). (2) Load up this program and LOAD an existing bank. For the first time it is easier to load up a full bank and edit that. If you have a full set of samples ready to load in, then select one of the MINIMAL.SFX banks and load that in. (3) Select the EDIT BANK function. (4) Clicking on the soundfx will bring up a file select box, move to where your samples are and click on the file and then load. The file is automatically added into the bank. (5) Continue until you are finished. Remember that a bank CAN NOT and MUST NOT exceed 760K in size. Also note that you CAN load the same sample for 2 effects, the program will automatically only use one amount of data and free the space up for the second set. (6) Select SAVE SOUND SET and save the file in to a temporary directory. Remember to give the file an ".SFX" identifier after the 8 characters of the file name. (7) EXIT out of the program. (8) Copy the file to your Worms:Reinforcements directory, placing it in the DATA/CUSTOM/SFX directory. (9) Run the game and select the sample bank in the Team Entry menu!! (10) Enjoy! * Remember that we shall include all the best sample banks we make and receive on our World Wide Web Site. There will already be some available on the release of REINFORCEMENTS... Free to download and enjoy! HTTP:\\www.team17.com