Electronic Arts' WORLD TOUR GOLF To run GOLF: If you have a Color Graphics Adapter (CGA): Type GOLF at the DOS prompt. If you have a Hercules Monochrome Graphics Card: Type either GOLF /H or HERCGOLF at the DOS prompt, whichever you find easier to remember. To run GOLF with no sound: Type GOLF /V (for the CGA) or HERCGOLF /V (for the Hercules card). If you have a Compaq portable with an external color monitor: Type Ctrl-Alt-< (press the Ctrl, Alt, and < keys simultaneously) at the DOS prompt before starting Golf to activate the color display. If you use memory resident utilities, such as Sidekick or Microsoft Windows, try running the DOS program CHKDSK to determine how much free memory your computer has. It is recommended that you have at least 220000 bytes free before attempting to run Golf. A program information file (PIF) is included for use with Windows.