Short info file for WWF PC. You will need 512k of memory free to run the game. VGA & EGA only. To use another version of the game on a VGA machine, add the starting letter to the command line. eg, Simpsons e to see the EGA version. M - Toggle music ON/OFF F - Toggle FX ON/OFF Press D on the title screen to select double precision joystick reading. This just reads the joystick port for twice as long and should help with duff joysticks. You will need to recalibrate the joystick even if you already did it once. Pressing Fire on Joystick 1 or 2 will take you to the calibration option for the first time. Press J on title screen to calibrate the joystick again.(ESC abort) Note:- You will not be able to use the joystick until calibrated. Use Escape to get back to the Title screen, and again to terminate the game and return to DOS. In the game itself, the following keys may be used, ESC - Return to Title screen PLAYER 1:- Q - Up A - Down O - Left P - Right SPACE - Fire PLAYER 2:- Cursor Up - UP Cursor Down - Down Cursor Left - Left Cursor Right - Right Numeric INS - Fire