SuperVGA Test Library, Copyright (C) 1992,1993 Kendall Bennett. Universal VESA TSR, Copyright (C) 1993 Kendall Bennett. All Rights Reserved. The SuperVGA Test Library and the Universal VESA TSR are not public domain software. They are copyrighted software, Copyright (C) 1992,1993 Kendall Bennett. It is however free software, or what some people term 'Freeware'. You may use it for whatever you wish, even using it to write public domain, freeware, shareware and commercial software. You may NOT however re-distribute modified versions of the source code nor distribute the source code for a profit. If you make any worthwhile changes to the source code, you can send them to me for inclusion in a future release. Since this software is free, it is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It is supplied as it, in the hope the people will find it useful, and that it will advance the state of the art of computer software.