**************************** TETRIS CLASSIC Version 1.0 June 15, 1992 **************************** This addendum refers to the following last-minute changes in the TETRIS CLASSIC program: LOADING ------- If you have a Tandy 1000 with a VGA card installed, TETRIS CLASSIC will not correctly detect the VGA card and therefore displays the error message: "TETRISC DOES NOT FIND THAT GRAPHIC CARD INSTALLED." Just press "C" to continue, and you'll be able to play in 256-color VGA mode on your Tandy 1000. MOUSE ----- On certain systems, the mouse control may be erratic. For best results, please move the mouse slowly and evenly. PRO AUDIO SPECTRUM ------------------ Please be sure you have version 1.02 or later of the driver software from Media Vision. In addition, if you wish to increase the volume on your Pro Audio Spectrum card, just press Ctrl-Alt-U for "Up" before starting the game. If you wish to decrease the volume level, press Ctrl-Alt-D for "Down" before running TETRIS CLASSIC. You can set the volume level automatically by inserting the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: PAS SET VOLUME TO [n] (where [n] is a number between 1 and 100). SOUND SUPPORT ------------- TETRIS CLASSIC also supports the Roland Sound Canvas if you installed the game from the 1.44MB 3.5" disk. Its loading parameter is "TETRISC C" for "Canvas." If you installed TETRIS CLASSIC from the 1.2MB 5.25" disk, there was not enough room to include these sound files. In that case, if you want Sound Canvas support, you must copy the files "SC.MUS" and "CANVAS.ADV" to your TETRISC subdirectory from the 1.44MB 3.5" disk or else download them from one of the online services listed in the manual. TRANSPARENT PIT --------------- Page 14 of the manual: The "Transparent Pit" option is not available in EGA or Tandy 1000 16-color modes. JOYSTICK -------- TETRIS CLASSIC automatically remembers your joystick calibration from one game to the next. If you want to recalibrate your joystick, just click on the "Joystick" icon again at the Configuration Screen and follow the onscreen instructions. Spectrum HoloByte recommends the Gravis GamePad as a joystick device for TETRIS CLASSIC.