REM STAR TRADERS REM - MODIFIED for 'ALTAIR BASIC 4.0' BY - S J SINGER REM REM rem - Enhanced by Benjamin C. W. Sittler for TurboBasic and QBasic rem Includes printable ASCII from the Kaypro 2x character generator ROM rem All output is sent to a simulated Kaypro screen DEFINT C DEFINT I dim Map%(10,13) dim Shares(5,4) dim Holdings(5) dim SharePrice(5) dim CompanySize%(5) dim PlayerName$(4) dim Cash!(5) dim CompanyName$(5) dim SECInfo(4) dim KFont%(95, 7) dim KScr%(24, 79, 1) dim KDirty%(24) def fnToStr$(n)=mid$(str$(n),2+(n<0)) RESTORE CompanyNames for i%=1 to 5 read CompanyName$(i%) next i% RESTORE KFontData for i%=0 to 95 for l%=0 to 7 read KFont%(i%, l%) next l% next i% KCursorRow%=0 KCursorCol%=0 KCursorVis%=0 sub KPutat(r%, c%, i%) shared KScr%() shared KDirty%() if KScr%(r%, c%, 0) <> i% then KScr%(r%, c%, 0) = i% KScr%(r%, c%, 1) = 1 KDirty%(r%) = 1 end if end sub sub KRedraw shared KFont%() shared KScr%() shared KDirty%() shared KCursorRow%, KCursorCol%, KCursorVis% shared KFG%, KBG%, KGraph% shared KUpper% ' local l%, x%, y%, d% ' local i% ' local r%, c% ' local fg%, bg% static KCursorRowOld% static KCursorColOld% static KCursorVisOld% shared KGraphOld% shared KUpperOld% if KGraphOld%<>KGraph% then on error goto KError if KGraph% then screen 12,1 on error goto 0 else screen 0,1 on error goto 0 end if if KGraph% then color KFG% cls else width 80 color KFG%, KBG% cls end if if KGraph%<>KGraphOld% then KGraphOld%=KGraph% for r%=0 to 24 KDirty%(r%) = 1 for c%=0 to 79 if KScr%(r%, c%, 0) then KScr%(r%, c%, 1) = 1 end if next c% next r% end if end if if KUpperOld%<>KUpper% then KUpperOld%=KUpper% for r%=0 to 24 KDirty%(r%) = 1 for c%=0 to 79 if KScr%(r%, c%, 0) then KScr%(r%, c%, 1) = 1 end if next c% next r% end if if (KCursorRow%<>KCursorRowOld%) or _ (KCursorCol%<>KCursorColOld%) or _ (KCursorVis%<>KCursorVisOld%) _ then KScr%(KCursorRowOld%, KCursorColOld%, 1)=1 KDirty%(KCursorRowOld%)=1 KScr%(KCursorRow%, KCursorCol%, 1)=1 KDirty%(KCursorRow%)=1 KCursorRowOld%=KCursorRow% KCursorColOld%=KCursorCol% KCursorVisOld%=KCursorVis% end if for r% = 0 to 24 if KDirty%(r%) then KDirty%(r%) = 0 for c% = 0 to 79 if KScr%(r%, c%, 1) then i% = KScr%(r%, c%, 0) if KUpper% and i%>=(asc("a")-32) and i%<=(asc("z")-32) then i%=i%-32 end if KScr%(r%, c%, 1) = 0 x% = c% * 8 y% = r% * 16 + 40 if (KCursorVis%=1) and (r%=KCursorRow%) and (c%=KCursorCol%) then fg% = KBG% bg% = KFG% else fg% = KFG% bg% = KBG% end if if KGraph% then line (x%, y%) - (x% + 7, y% + 15), bg%, bf for l%=0 to 7 d% = KFont%(i%, l%) if d% AND &hFF00 then line (x%, y% + l% + l%) - _ (x% + 7, y% + l% + l%), fg%, , d% end if if d% < 0 then d% = d% + 16384 end if d% = (d% AND 255) * 256 if d% then line (x%, y% + l% + l% + 1) - _ (x% + 7, y% + l% + l% + 1), fg%, , d% end if next l% else color fg%, bg% locate r% + 1, c% + 1 print chr$(i% + 32); end if end if next c% end if next r% end sub sub KPutc(i%) shared KCursorRow% shared KCursorCol% shared KScr%() ' local r%, c% if i%=13 then KCursorCol%=0 KCursorRow%=KCursorRow%+1 elseif i%=8 then KCursorCol%=(KCursorCol%+79) mod 80 if KCursorCol%=79 then KCursorRow%=KCursorRow%-1 call KPutat(KCursorRow%, KCursorCol%, 0) elseif i%>=32 and i%<127 then rem if i%>=asc("a") and i%<=asc("z") then rem i%=c%-32 rem end if call KPutat(KCursorRow%, KCursorCol%, i% - 32) KCursorCol%=(KCursorCol%+1) mod 80 if KCursorCol%=0 then KCursorRow%=KCursorRow%+1 elseif i%=7 then rem - bell call KRedraw sound 640,2 elseif i%=-1 then rem - key click rem sound 640,0.2 else : end if while KCursorRow%>24 KCursorRow%=KCursorRow%-1 for r%=1 to 24 for c%=0 to 79 call KPutat(r% - 1, c%, KScr%(r%, c%, 0)) next c% next r% for c%=0 to 79 call KPutat(24, c%, 0) next c% wend while KCursorRow%<0 KCursorRow%=KCursorRow%+1 for r%=23 to 0 step -1 for c%=0 to 79 call KPutat(r% + 1, c%, KScr%(r%, c%, 0)) next c% next r% for c%=0 to 79 call KPutat(0, c%, 0) next c% wend end sub sub KPrint(s$) ' local i%, l% l% = len(s$) for i%=1 to l% call KPutc(asc(mid$(s$, i%, 1))) next i% end sub sub KInputStr(p$, s$) ' local i% ' local g$ ' local t shared KCursorVis%, KCursorRow%, KCursorCol%, KUpper% shared KGraph% call KPrint(p$) call KPrint("? ") s$="" do do t=timer t=t-int(t) if int(t*4) mod 2 then KCursorVis%=1 else KCursorVis%=0 end if call KRedraw g$=inkey$ loop until g$<>"" call KPutc(-1) if len(g$)>1 then i%=&h100+asc(mid$(g$,2,1)) else i%=asc(g$) end if if i%=3 OR i%=27 then KCursorVis%=0 KGraph%=0 call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("Break") call KRedraw color 7, 0 locate KCursorRow%+1, KCursorCol%+1 stop elseif i%=9 then if KUpper%=1 then KUpper%=0 KGraph%=1 - KGraph% else KUpper%=1 end if elseif i%=13 then call KPutc(i%) elseif i%=8 and len(s$)>0 then s$=left$(s$, len(s$)-1) call KPutc(i%) elseif i%=8 then call KPutc(7) elseif i%>=32 and i%<256 then s$=s$+chr$(i%) call KPutc(i%) else rem locate 1,77 rem color 7, 0 rem print using "\ \";hex$(i%); end if loop until i%=13 KCursorVis%=0 call KRedraw end sub sub KInputInt(p$, i%) ' local s$ call KInputStr(p$, s$) i% = val(s$) end sub sub KTab(c%) shared KCursorCol% if c% <= KCursorCol% then call KPrintln("") end if if c% > 1 then call KPrint(string$(c% - KCursorCol%, " ")) end if end sub sub KIndent shared KCursorCol% ' local c% c% = ((KCursorCol% - 1) \ 14 + 1) * 14 + 1 call KPrint(string$(c% - KCursorCol%, " ")) end sub sub KPrintln(s$) call KPrint(s$+chr$(13)) end sub sub KCls shared KCursorRow% shared KCursorCol% shared KCursorVis% shared KScr%() shared KDirty%() shared KGraph%, KFG%, LBG% ' local r%, c% call KRedraw if KGraph%=0 then color KFG%, KBG% end if cls if KGraph% then line (0, 40) - (639, 439), KBG%, bf end if KCursorRow%=0 KCursorCol%=0 KCursorVis%=0 for r%=0 to 24 KDirty%(r%) = 0 for c%=0 to 79 KScr%(r%, c%, 0) = 0 KScr%(r%, c%, 1) = 0 next c% next r% end sub sub KWait(t%) shared KCursorVis% ' local t$, t t%=t%\500 while t%>0 t$=time$ do t=timer t=t-int(t) if int(t*4) mod 2 then KCursorVis%=1 else KCursorVis%=0 end if call KRedraw loop until t$<>time$ t%=t%-1 wend KCursorVis%=0 call KRedraw end sub sub IdentifyPlayer(I) shared PlayerName$() call KPrintln("") call KPrint(PlayerName$(I)) end sub sub PressReturn ' local dummy$ call KInputStr("Press return to continue", dummy$) end sub sub PrintHelp call KCls call KPrintln(" Star Lanes is a game of interstellar trading.") call KPrintln("The object of the game is to amass the greatest amount") call KPrintln("of money. This is accomplished by establishing vast,") call KPrintln("interstellar shipping lanes, and purchasing stock in") call KPrintln("the companies that control those trade routes. During") call KPrintln("the course of the game, stock appreciates in value as") call KPrintln("the shipping companies become larger. Also, smaller") call KPrintln("companies can be merged into larger ones, and stock") call KPrintln("in the smaller firm is converted into stock in the") call KPrintln("larger one as described below.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("Each turn, the computer will present the player with") call KPrintln("five prospective spaces to occupy on a 9x12 matrix") call KPrintln("(rows 1-9, columns A-L). The player, after examining") call KPrintln("the map of the galaxy to decide which space he wishes") call KPrintln("to occupy, responds with the row and column of that") call KPrintln("space, i.e., 7E, 8A, etc. There are four possible") call KPrintln("moves a player can make.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call PressReturn call KCls call KPrintln(" 1. He can establish an unattached outpost- if he") call KPrintln("selects a space that is not adjacent to a star, another") call KPrintln("unattached outpost, or an existing shipping lane, this") call KPrintln("space will be designated with a '+'. He will then proceed") call KPrintln("with stock transactions, as listed below.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln(" 2. He can add to an existing lane- if he selects a") call KPrintln("space that is adjacent to one - and only one existing") call KPrintln("shipping lane, the space he selects will be added to") call KPrintln("that shipping lane and will be designated with the first") call KPrintln("letter of the company that owns that lane. If there are") call KPrintln("any stars or unattached outposts also adjacent to the") call KPrintln("selected space, they, too, will be incorporated into the") call KPrintln("existing lane. Each new square adjacent to a star adds") call KPrintln("$500 per share, and each new outpost adds $100 per share") call KPrintln("to the market value of the stock of that company.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call PressReturn call KCls call KPrintln(" 3. He may establish a new shipping lane- if there") call KPrintln("are five or less existing shipping lanes established,") call KPrintln("the player may, given the proper space to play, establish") call KPrintln("a new shipping lane. He may do this by occupying a space") call KPrintln("adjacent to a star or another unattached outpost, but") call KPrintln("not adjacent to an existing shipping lane. If he") call KPrintln("establishes a new shipping lane, he is automatically") call KPrintln("issued 5 shares in the new company as a reward. He") call KPrintln("may then proceed to buy stock in any active company,") call KPrintln("including the one just formed, as described below.") call KPrintln("The market value of the new stock is established by") call KPrintln("the number of stars and occupied spaces as described") call KPrintln("in #2 above.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call PressReturn call KCls call KPrintln(" 4. He may merge two existing companies- if a player") call KPrintln("selects a space adjacent to two existing shipping") call KPrintln("lanes, a merger occurs. The larger company takes over the") call KPrintln("smaller company - (if both companies are the same size") call KPrintln("prior to the merger, then the survivor is determined by") call KPrintln("alphabetical order of the two company names - the earlier") call KPrintln("survives). The stock of the surviving company is") call KPrintln("increased in value according to the number of spaces") call KPrintln("and stars added to its lane. Each player's stock in") call KPrintln("the defunct company is exchanged for shares in the") call KPrintln("survivor on a ratio of 2 for 1. Also, each player") call KPrintln("is paid a cash bonus proportional to the percentage") call KPrintln("of outstanding stock he held in the defunct company.") call KPrintln("NOTE: After a company becomes defunct through the") call KPrintln("merger process, it can reappear elsewhere on the") call KPrintln("board when, and if, a new company is established.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call PressReturn call KCls call KPrintln(" Next the computer adds stock dividends to the player's") call KPrintln("cash on hand (5% of the market value of the stock in his") call KPrintln("possession), and offers him the opportunity to purchase") call KPrintln("stock in any of the active companies on the board.") call KPrintln("Stock may not be sold, but the market value of each") call KPrintln("player's stock is taken into account at the end of the") call KPrintln("game to determine the winner. If the market value of a given") call KPrintln("stock exceeds $3000 at any time during the game, that") call KPrintln("stock splits 2 for 1. The price is cut in half, and") call KPrintln("the number of shares owned by each player is doubled.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("NOTE: The player may look at his portfolio at any time") call KPrintln("during the course of his turn by responding with 'STOCK'") call KPrintln("to an input statement. Likewise, he can review the map") call KPrintln("of the galaxy by typing 'MAP' to an input statement.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call PressReturn call KCls call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KTab(16) call KPrintln("** Game ends after 48 moves **") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("Player with the greatest net worth at that point is the winner.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KWait(2000) end sub sub PrintMap shared Map%() ' local r%, c%, z% call KCls call KTab(22) call KPrintln("Map of the Galaxy") call KTab(21) call KPrintln("*******************") call KTab(13) call KPrintln(" A B C D E F G H I J K L") for r%=1 TO 9 call KPrint(" "+fnToStr$(r%)+" ") for c%=1 TO 12 call KPrint(" ") z%=Map%(r%,c%) if z%=0 then z%=z%+1 end if call KPrint(mid$(".+*ABCDE",z%,1)+" ") next call KPrintln("") next end sub sub Fanfare call KPrintln(CHR$(7)) call KTab(22) call KPrintln("Special announcement !!!") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") end sub sub Split(Stock%) rem - Calculates stock splits shared SharePrice(), Shares() shared NumPlayers% shared CompanyName$() ' local player% call Fanfare call KPrint("The stock of ") call KIndent call KPrint(CompanyName$(Stock%)) call KIndent call KPrintln(" has split 2 for 1 !") SharePrice(Stock%)=INT(SharePrice(Stock%)/2) call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") for player%=1 TO NumPlayers% Shares(Stock%,player%)=2*Shares(Stock%,player%) next player% end sub sub Merger rem - Calculates the survivor in the event of a merger shared Tile1%, Tile2%, Tile3%, Tile4% shared CompanySize%() ' local Company1%, Company2%, Company3%, Company4% ' local MaxSize%, Largest% Company1%=Tile1%-3 if Company1%<0 then Company1%=0 Company2%=Tile2%-3 if Company2%<0 then Company2%=0 Company3%=Tile3%-3 if Company3%<0 then Company3%=0 Company4%=Tile4%-3 if Company4%<0 then Company4%=0 MaxSize%=CompanySize%(Company1%) Largest%=Company1% if CompanySize%(Company2%)>MaxSize% then MaxSize%=CompanySize%(Company2%) Largest%=Company2% end if if CompanySize%(Company3%)>MaxSize% then MaxSize%=CompanySize%(Company3%) Largest%=Company3% end if if CompanySize%(Company4%)>MaxSize% then MaxSize%=CompanySize%(Company4%) Largest%=Company4% end if if NOT (Company1%=Largest% OR Tile1%<4) then call DoMerger(Largest%, Company1%) end if if NOT (Company2%=Largest% OR Tile2%<4) then call DoMerger(Largest%, Company2%) end if if NOT (Company3%=Largest% OR Tile3%<4) then call DoMerger(Largest%, Company3%) end if if NOT (Company4%=Largest% OR Tile4%<4) then call DoMerger(Largest%, Company4%) end if end sub sub DoMerger(New%, Old%) rem - Performs calculations to accomplish a merger shared Shares(), SharePrice() shared Cash!() shared CompanySize%() shared Map%() shared NumPlayers% shared Tile1%, Tile2%, Tile3%, Tile4% shared CompanyName$() shared R, C ' local Company1%, Company2%, Company3%, Company4% ' local N ' local C1$, C2$ ' local I, I1, J ' local X1 call KCls call Fanfare C1$=CompanyName$(Old%) call KPrint(C1$) call KPrint(" has just been merged into ") C2$=CompanyName$(New%) call KPrintln(C2$+"!") call KPrintln("Please note the following transactions.") call KPrintln("") call KTab(3) call KPrint("Old Stock = "+C1$+" New Stock = ") call KPrintln(C2$) call KPrintln("") call KPrint("Player") call KTab(10) call KPrint("Old Stock") call KTab(22) call KPrint("New Stock") call KTab(34) call KPrint("Total Holdings") call KTab(53) call KPrintln("Bonus Paid") for I=1 TO NumPlayers% call IdentifyPlayer(I) call KTab(10) call KPrint(fnToStr$(Shares(Old%,I))) call KTab(22) call KPrint(fnToStr$(INT((.5*Shares(Old%,I))+.5))) call KTab(34) call KPrint(fnToStr$(Shares(New%,I)+INT((.5*Shares(Old%,I))+.5))) X1=0 for I1=1 TO NumPlayers% X1=X1+Shares(Old%,I1) next call KTab(53) call KPrintln(" $"+fnToStr$(INT(10*((Shares(Old%,I)/X1)*SharePrice(Old%))))) next I for I=1 TO NumPlayers% Shares(New%,I)=Shares(New%,I)+INT((.5*Shares(Old%,I))+.5) Cash!(I)=Cash!(I)+INT(10*((Shares(Old%,I)/X1)*SharePrice(Old%))) next I for I=1 TO 9 for J=1 TO 12 if Map%(I,J)=Old%+3 then Map%(I,J)=New%+3 next J next I Tile1%=Map%(R-1,C) Tile2%=Map%(R+1,C) Tile3%=Map%(R,C+1) Tile4%=Map%(R,C-1) Company1%=Tile3%-3 if Company1%<0 then Company1%=0 Company2%=Tile2%-3 if Company2%<0 then Company2%=0 CompanySize%(New%)=CompanySize%(New%)+CompanySize%(Old%) SharePrice(New%)=SharePrice(New%)+SharePrice(Old%) if SharePrice(New%)>=3000 then call Split(New%) Company3%=Tile3%-3 if Company3%<0 then Company3%=0 Company4%=Tile4%-3 if Company4%<0 then Company4%=0 SharePrice(Old%)=100 CompanySize%(Old%)=0 for I=1 TO NumPlayers% Shares(Old%,I)=0 next I call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") Map%(R,C)=New%+3 end sub sub PrintHoldings(player%) shared CompanyName$() shared SharePrice() shared Shares() ' local I3 call KCls call KPrintln("") call KPrint("Stock") call KTab(30) call KPrint("Price per Share") call KTab(50) call KPrintln("Your Holdings") for I3=1 TO 5 if SharePrice(I3)<>100 then call KPrint(CompanyName$(I3)) call KIndent call KTab(30) call KPrint(fnToStr$(SharePrice(I3))) call KTab(50) call KPrintln(fnToStr$(Shares(I3,player%))) end if next I3 end sub rem - Main Program KFG%=2 KBG%=0 KGraph%=0 KGraphOld%=-1 KUpper%=0 KUpperOld%=-1 call KCls call KRedraw KGraph%=1 for I=1 TO 5 for J=1 TO 4 Shares(I,J)=0 Holdings(I)=0 SharePrice(I)=100 CompanySize%(I)=0 Cash!(I)=6000 next J next I M$="ABCDEFGHIJKL" call KPrintln(" ********** Star Traders **********") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") do call KInputStr("Type a 3 digit number ", RSeed$) loop until val(RSeed$)>0 and val(RSeed$)<1000 and _ instr(RSeed$,".")<1 and instr(RSeed$,"-")<1 RSeed=RND(-val(RSeed$)/1000) for I=1 TO 9 for J=1 TO 12 if INT(20*RND(RSeed)+1)<>10 then Map%(I,J)=1 ELSE Map%(I,J)=3 next J next I call KCls do call KInputInt("How many players (2-4) ", NumPlayers%) loop until NumPlayers%>=2 and NumPlayers%<=4 call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KInputStr("Does any player need instructions ", Q$) if ucase$(left$(Q$,1))="Y" then call PrintHelp call KCls for I=1 TO NumPlayers% do call KPrint("Player") call KIndent call KPrint(fnToStr$(I)) call KIndent call KInputStr(" what is your name ", PlayerName$(I)) for J=1 TO I-1 if PlayerName$(I)=PlayerName$(J) then PlayerName$(I)="" next J loop until len(PlayerName$(I))>0 next I call KCls call KTab(10) call KIndent call KPrintln("...Now I will decide who goes first...") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") I=INT(NumPlayers%*RND(RSeed)+1) call IdentifyPlayer(I) call KPrintln(" is the first player to move.") call KWait(2000) player%=I-1 for K=1 to 48 player%=player%+1 if player%=NumPlayers%+1 then player%=1 if SECInfo(player%) then SECInfo(player%)=SECInfo(player%)+1 if SECInfo(player%)>4 then call KCls call Fanfare call KPrintln("The Galactic Securities and Exchange Commission has foiled an insidious plot") call KPrintln("to cheat shareholders galaxy-wide. Trading irregularities and an anonymous") call KPrintln("tip-off led investigators to the criminal behind this devious scheme.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln(PlayerName$(player%)+" has been imprisoned after a fair and speedy trial.") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln(PlayerName$(player%)+"'s assets have been liquidated to pay fines.") call KPrintln("") for I=1 to 5 Shares(I, player%) = Shares(I, NumPlayers%) next I PlayerName$(player%) = PlayerName$(NumPlayers%) Cash!(player%) = Cash!(NumPlayers%) SECInfo(player%) = SECInfo(NumPlayers%) NumPlayers%=NumPlayers%-1 if NumPlayers%<1 then call KPrintln("No honest players remain, so the game is over.") call KPrintln("") call KInputStr("Press return to exit", X2$) KCursorVis%=0 KGraph%=0 call KRedraw locate KCursorRow%+1, KCursorCol%+1 color 7, 0 end end if call PressReturn end if end if if player%=NumPlayers%+1 then player%=1 for I=1 TO 5 REM SELECT 5 LEGAL MOVES 920 R(I)=INT(9*RND(RSeed)+1) C(I)=INT(12*RND(RSeed)+1) for I1=I-1 TO 0 STEP -1 if R(I)=R(I1) AND C(I)=C(I1) then 920 next I1 if Map%(R(I),C(I))>1 then 920 for I1=1 TO 5 if CompanySize%(I1)=0 then 1170 next I1 if Map%(R(I),C(I)+1)>3 then 1170 if Map%(R(I),C(I)-1)>3 then 1170 if Map%(R(I)+1,C(I))>3 then 1170 if Map%(R(I)-1,C(I))>3 then 1170 Tile1%=Map%(R(I),C(I)+1) Tile2%=Map%(R(I),C(I)-1) Tile3%=Map%(R(I)+1,C(I)) Tile4%=Map%(R(I)-1,C(I)) if Tile1%=2 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile3%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile2%=2 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile3%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile3%=2 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile4%=2 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile3%<4 then 920 if Tile1%=3 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile3%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile2%=3 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile3%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile3%=3 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 920 if Tile4%=3 AND Tile1%<4 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile3%<4 then 920 1170 next I call PrintMap call KPrintln("") 1200 call IdentifyPlayer(player%) call KPrintln(", here are your legal moves for this turn") call KPrintln("") for I=1 TO 5 call KPrint(fnToStr$(R(I))+MID$(M$,C(I),1)+" ") next I call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") 1290 call KInputStr("What is your move ", R$) R$=ucase$(R$) if LEN(R$)=0 then R$="S" if LEFT$(R$,1)="M" then R$="" ELSE 1340 call PrintMap GOTO 1200 1340 if LEFT$(R$,1)="S" then R$="" ELSE 1370 call PrintHoldings(player%) GOTO 1200 1370 if LEN(R$)<>2 then 1420 if ASC(MID$(R$,2,1))-64<1 then 1420 if ASC(MID$(R$,2,1))-64>12 then 1420 ELSE 1440 if VAL(R$)<1 then 1420 if VAL(R$)>9 then 1420 1420 call KPrintln("I didn't understand that - try again ") GOTO 1290 1440 R=VAL(LEFT$(R$,1)) C=ASC(RIGHT$(R$,1))-64 for I= 1 TO 5 if R=R(I) AND C=C(I) then 1510 next I call KPrintln("That space was not included in the list...") GOTO 1290 1510 Tile1%=Map%(R-1,C) Tile2%=Map%(R+1,C) Tile3%=Map%(R,C+1) Tile4%=Map%(R,C-1) if Tile1%<=1 AND Tile2%<=1 AND Tile3%<=1 AND Tile4%<=1 then Map%(R,C)=2 ELSE 1570 GOTO 2110 1570 if Tile1%>3 AND Tile2%>3 AND Tile2%<>Tile1% then call Merger if Tile1%>3 AND Tile3%>3 AND Tile3%<>Tile1% then call Merger if Tile1%>3 AND Tile4%>3 AND Tile4%<>Tile1% then call Merger if Tile2%>3 AND Tile3%>3 AND Tile3%<>Tile2% then call Merger if Tile2%>3 AND Tile4%>3 AND Tile4%<>Tile2% then call Merger if Tile3%>3 AND Tile4%>3 AND Tile4%<>Tile3% then call Merger if Tile1%<4 AND Tile2%<4 AND Tile3%<4 AND Tile4%<4 then 1730 if Map%(R,C)>3 then 2110 if Tile1%>3 then I=Tile1%-3 if Tile2%>3 then I=Tile2%-3 if Tile3%>3 then I=Tile3%-3 if Tile4%>3 then I=Tile4%-3 CompanySize%(I)=CompanySize%(I)+1 SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+100 Map%(R,C)=I+3 GOTO 1920 1730 for I=1 TO 5 if CompanySize%(I)=0 then 1780 next I if Map%(R,C)<3 then Map%(R,C)=2 GOTO 2110 1780 call KCls call Fanfare call KPrintln("A new shipping company has been formed !") call KPrint("Its name is ") call KIndent call KPrintln(CompanyName$(I)) Shares(I,player%)=Shares(I,player%)+5 CompanySize%(I)=1 call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") 1920 if Tile1%=3 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+500 if Tile2%=3 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+500 if Tile3%=3 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+500 if Tile4%=3 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+500 if Tile1%=2 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+100 ELSE 1990 CompanySize%(I)=CompanySize%(I)+1 Map%(R-1,C)=I+3 1990 if Tile2%=2 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+100 ELSE 2020 CompanySize%(I)=CompanySize%(I)+1 Map%(R+1,C)=I+3 2020 if Tile3%=2 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+100 ELSE 2050 CompanySize%(I)=CompanySize%(I)+1 Map%(R,C+1)=I+3 2050 if Tile4%=2 then SharePrice(I)=SharePrice(I)+100 ELSE 2080 CompanySize%(I)=CompanySize%(I)+1 Map%(R,C-1)=I+3 2080 if SharePrice(I)>=3000 then call Split(I) 2100 Map%(R,C)=I+3 2110 for I=1 TO 5 Cash!(player%)=Cash!(player%)+INT(.05*Shares(I,player%)*SharePrice(I)) next I for I=1 TO 5 if CompanySize%(I)=0 then 2420 2160 call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("Your current cash= $"+fnToStr$(Cash!(player%))) call KPrintln("") do call KPrint("Buy how many shares of ") call KPrint(CompanyName$(I)) call KPrintln(" at $"+fnToStr$(SharePrice(I))) call KTab(5) call KPrint("You now own "+fnToStr$(Shares(I,player%))) call KInputStr("", Purchase$) loop until instr(Purchase$,".")<1 and instr(ucase$(Purchase$),"E-")<1 if LEN(Purchase$)=0 then Purchase$="0" if ucase$(left$(Purchase$,1))="M" then Purchase$="" ELSE 2310 call PrintMap GOTO 2160 2310 if ucase$(left$(Purchase$,1))="S" then Purchase$="" ELSE 2340 call PrintHoldings(player%) GOTO 2160 2340 Purchase=VAL(Purchase$) if Purchase<-Shares(I,player%) then SECInfo(player%)=SECInfo(player%)+1+int(2*RND(RSeed)) end if Purchase$="" if Purchase*SharePrice(I)<=Cash!(player%) then 2390 call KPrintln("You only have $"+fnToStr$(Cash!(player%))+" - try again") GOTO 2160 2390 if Purchase=0 then 2420 Shares(I,player%)=Shares(I,player%)+Purchase Cash!(player%)=Cash!(player%)-(Purchase*SharePrice(I)) 2420 next I next K rem - Game Over call KCls call Fanfare call KWait(500) call KPrintln(CHR$(7)) call KWait(500) call KPrintln(CHR$(7)) call KTab(10) call KIndent call KPrintln(" The game is over - here are the final standings") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln(CHR$(7)) call KPrint("Player") call KTab(10) call KPrint("Cash Value of Stock") call KTab(33) call KPrint("Cash On Hand") call KTab(50) call KPrintln("Net Worth") call KPrintln("") for I=1 TO NumPlayers% for J=1 TO 5 Holdings(I)=Holdings(I)+(SharePrice(J)*Shares(J,I)) next J next I for I=1 TO NumPlayers% call IdentifyPlayer(I) call KTab(10) call KPrint("$"+fnToStr$(Holdings(I))) call KTab(33) call KPrint("$"+fnToStr$(Cash!(I))) call KTab(50) call KPrintln("$"+fnToStr$(Holdings(I)+Cash!(I))) next I call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KPrintln("") call KInputStr("Press return to exit", X2$) KGraph%=0 call KRedraw color 7, 0 locate KCursorRow%+1, KCursorCol%+1 END KError: KGraph%=1 - KGraph% resume next CompanyNames: data "'Altair Starways'" data "'Betelgeuse, Ltd.'" data "'Capella Freight Co.'" data "'Denebola Shippers'" data "'Eridani Expeditors'" KFontData: data &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0008, &h0808, &h0808, &h0808, &h0800, &h0008, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0024, &h2424, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0014, &h1414, &h147F, &h147F, &h1414, &h1414, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0008, &h3F48, &h4848, &h3E09, &h0909, &h7E08, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0020, &h5021, &h0204, &h0810, &h2042, &h0502, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0038, &h4444, &h4428, &h1028, &h4546, &h4538, &h0000, &h0000 data &h000C, &h0C08, &h1000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0004, &h0810, &h1010, &h1010, &h1010, &h1008, &h0400, &h0000 data &h0010, &h0804, &h0404, &h0404, &h0404, &h0408, &h1000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0849, &h2A1C, &h081C, &h2A49, &h0800, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0808, &h0808, &h7F08, &h0808, &h0800, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h1818, &h1020, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h7F00, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h1818, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0001, &h0204, &h0810, &h2040, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003E, &h4141, &h4345, &h4951, &h6141, &h413E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0008, &h1828, &h0808, &h0808, &h0808, &h083E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003E, &h4101, &h0102, &h1C20, &h4040, &h407F, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003E, &h4101, &h0101, &h1E01, &h0101, &h413E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0002, &h060A, &h1222, &h4242, &h427E, &h0202, &h0000, &h0000 data &h007F, &h4040, &h407C, &h0201, &h0101, &h423C, &h0000, &h0000 data &h001E, &h2040, &h4040, &h7E41, &h4141, &h413E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h007F, &h0102, &h0204, &h0408, &h0810, &h1010, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003C, &h4242, &h4242, &h3C42, &h4242, &h423C, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003E, &h4141, &h4141, &h3F01, &h0101, &h023C, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h1818, &h0000, &h0018, &h1800, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h0018, &h1800, &h0000, &h1818, &h1020, &h0000 data &h0002, &h0408, &h1020, &h4020, &h1008, &h0402, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0000, &h0000, &h003E, &h003E, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000, &h0000 data &h0020, &h1008, &h0402, &h0102, &h0408, &h1020, &h0000, &h0000 data &h001E, &h2101, &h0101, &h0608, &h0808, &h0008, &h0000, &h0000 data &h001E, &h2141, &h4D55, &h5555, &h4F40, &h201E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h001C, &h2241, &h4141, &h417F, &h4141, &h4141, &h0000, &h0000 data &h007E, &h4141, &h4141, &h7E41, &h4141, &h417E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h001E, &h2140, &h4040, &h4040, &h4040, &h211E, &h0000, &h0000 data &h007C, &h4241, &h4141, &h4141, &h4141, &h427C, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003F, &h2020, &h2020, &h3C20, &h2020, &h203F, &h0000, &h0000 data &h003F, &h2020, &h2020, &h3C20, &h2020, &h2020, 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