The International Network of Crackers Proudly Presents: The Spirit of Excalibur! Supplied by: Claude Rains Cracked by: Jenetic Bytemare Packaged by: Cool Hand and Phantom GAME: \Spirit of Excalibur VIDEO SUPPORTED: \EGA\VGA PROTECTION: \Doc Check Here is another cool EGA/VGA game. They keep releasing large games with nice graphics. INC Hopes you enjoy the game! This game looks pretty good in VGA, with a very nice sound track. The game play is similar to a Cinemaware game on the Amiga called Defenders of the Crown. Anyways have fun. I tested the save and restore feature, I was unable to test this program on another computer other then my 386 so hopefully it doesn't contain any of those invalid opcodes as in TV Basket. -Jenetic Bytemare Special Hi's and Ho's go out to our hard-working couriers, especially Galactic Warrior, The Gopher, and The Mutant Warrior (good job guys), Line Noise (If Candyman touches you in your special place, be sure to tell on him!), Jenetic Bytemare (Cracker from Hell), Shadow Demon (Good Luck on the 911, dude), Rad MaN (Killer ANSI Artist), and of course Slavelord (Better slow down on the gay sex scene for awhile, dude, AIDS is getting worse. Not to mention, you're probably a little too sore by now to sit at your puter.).. Keep up the Good Work, PE, NYC (Hmm...?), RSI, IRS, and THG. We're gonna have a hectic Christmas folx, so hold on.. Give these Fine Systems a Call - 911 Is A JoKE - (516) X-T-C Systems - (214) Midnite Oil - (214) Plutonium Mines - (716) Send Your Comments, Suggestions, Gripes, Letter Bombs too: INC Mailbox 8365 Park Lane #200 Dallas, TX 75231 --Phantom --X-T-C Systems [214]/348-1022