▴Name | ▴Size | ▴Last modification |
-OLDGA~1.HTM67 B | 67 B | 2002-07-18 16:32:56 -03:00 22 years ago |
200.HEP2.7 KB | 2.7 KB | 1992-12-31 10:50:14 -03:00 32 years ago |
200.SCR6.9 KB | 6.9 KB | 1992-12-31 10:50:14 -03:00 32 years ago |
201.HEP4.6 KB | 4.6 KB | 1992-12-31 12:14:34 -03:00 32 years ago |
201.SCR13.5 KB | 13.5 KB | 1992-12-31 12:14:34 -03:00 32 years ago |
201.TEX13 B | 13 B | 1992-12-31 12:14:44 -03:00 32 years ago |
203.HEP1.1 KB | 1.1 KB | 1992-12-31 12:37:32 -03:00 32 years ago |
203.SCR2.5 KB | 2.5 KB | 1992-12-31 12:37:32 -03:00 32 years ago |
221.HEP1.6 KB | 1.6 KB | 1992-12-30 15:32:20 -03:00 32 years ago |
221.SCR3.2 KB | 3.2 KB | 1992-12-30 15:32:20 -03:00 32 years ago |
242.HEP1.1 KB | 1.1 KB | 1992-12-31 12:47:36 -03:00 32 years ago |
242.SCR4.4 KB | 4.4 KB | 1992-12-31 12:47:36 -03:00 32 years ago |
250.HEP3.4 KB | 3.4 KB | 1992-12-31 13:17:38 -03:00 32 years ago |
250.SCR6.4 KB | 6.4 KB | 1992-12-31 13:17:38 -03:00 32 years ago |
717.V561.8 KB | 1.8 KB | 1992-12-22 13:51:12 -03:00 32 years ago |
65535.MAP416 B | 416 B | 1992-12-30 15:52:36 -03:00 32 years ago |
ADL.DRV9.3 KB | 9.3 KB | 1992-10-02 11:30:04 -03:00 32 years ago |
AUDBLAST.DRV6.5 KB | 6.5 KB | 1992-12-14 09:08:24 -03:00 32 years ago |
AUDDISNY.DRV5.2 KB | 5.2 KB | 1992-12-04 14:45:18 -03:00 32 years ago |
AUDNONE.DRV1.1 KB | 1.1 KB | 1992-12-04 14:47:56 -03:00 32 years ago |
AUDPRO.DRV6.1 KB | 6.1 KB | 1992-12-04 14:45:26 -03:00 32 years ago |
AUDPS1.DRV4.8 KB | 4.8 KB | 1992-12-04 14:45:50 -03:00 32 years ago |
EGA640.DRV5.9 KB | 5.9 KB | 1992-05-11 13:54:40 -03:00 32 years ago |
GENMIDI.DRV2.6 KB | 2.6 KB | 1992-07-02 13:41:42 -03:00 32 years ago |
IBMKBD.DRV564 B | 564 B | 1991-08-09 18:45:16 -03:00 33 years ago |
IBMPS1.DRV4.0 KB | 4.0 KB | 1992-07-09 17:54:50 -03:00 32 years ago |
INSTALL.EXE57.8 KB | 57.8 KB | 1992-11-24 13:56:06 -03:00 32 years ago |
INSTALL.HLP17.6 KB | 17.6 KB | 1992-11-20 12:03:52 -03:00 32 years ago |
INSTALL.SCR2.1 KB | 2.1 KB | 1992-12-31 13:02:28 -03:00 32 years ago |
INSTALL.TXT8.5 KB | 8.5 KB | 1992-09-29 12:18:16 -03:00 32 years ago |
INTERP.ERR6.1 KB | 6.1 KB | 1992-12-14 16:13:04 -03:00 32 years ago |
JOYSTICK.DRV607 B | 607 B | 1991-07-01 11:05:54 -03:00 33 years ago |
MESSAGE.MAP441 B | 441 B | 1992-12-30 15:52:28 -03:00 32 years ago |
MMAWARE.DLL6.4 KB | 6.4 KB | 1992-02-07 11:25:14 -03:00 33 years ago |
MT32.DRV2.6 KB | 2.6 KB | 1992-07-02 13:41:52 -03:00 32 years ago |
PROGLIB.DLL55.7 KB | 55.7 KB | 1992-12-16 12:07:22 -03:00 32 years ago |
README2.5 KB | 2.5 KB | 1992-12-23 11:29:32 -03:00 32 years ago |
RESOURCE.0006.0 MB | 6.0 MB | 1992-12-30 16:25:14 -03:00 32 years ago |
RESOURCE.AUD865.1 KB | 865.1 KB | 1992-12-30 15:52:36 -03:00 32 years ago |
RESOURCE.CFG194 B | 194 B | 2010-12-01 14:12:30 -03:00 14 years ago |
RESOURCE.MAP6.5 KB | 6.5 KB | 1992-12-30 16:19:10 -03:00 32 years ago |
RESOURCE.MSG119.6 KB | 119.6 KB | 1992-12-30 15:52:28 -03:00 32 years ago |
SCIDLL.DLL15.4 KB | 15.4 KB | 1992-11-03 15:36:08 -03:00 32 years ago |
SCIWV.EXE176.1 KB | 176.1 KB | 1992-12-30 13:48:56 -03:00 32 years ago |
SIERRA.EXE68.2 KB | 68.2 KB | 1992-12-17 14:06:00 -03:00 32 years ago |
SIERRA.PIF2.9 KB | 2.9 KB | 2003-01-10 20:00:12 -03:00 22 years ago |
STD.DRV1.5 KB | 1.5 KB | 1992-07-02 13:44:16 -03:00 32 years ago |
TANDY3V.DRV4.0 KB | 4.0 KB | 1992-07-09 17:54:58 -03:00 32 years ago |
VERSION8 B | 8 B | 1992-12-30 15:54:04 -03:00 32 years ago |
VGA320.DRV7.5 KB | 7.5 KB | 1992-10-21 11:10:22 -03:00 32 years ago |
VGA320BW.DRV5.9 KB | 5.9 KB | 1992-09-05 13:22:14 -03:00 32 years ago |
Welcome to "Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation" Thank you for purchasing Space Quest 5. We hope you have as much fun playing it as we had creating it! This file contains the most up-to-date information about the version of the game you're currently playing. To be more specific: 1. If your computer is close to the minimum "free memory" to run this game, you may experience slowdowns in some areas or receive the error message "Out of Hunk". If this occurs, try running the game from a boot disk as described in your Sierra Game manual. (To check free memory, type "chkdsk" from DOS. If the "bytes free" number reported is less than 574,800, you may need to use a boot disk.) 2. Our INSTALL program is unable to "auto-magically" detect whether or not you have a Creative Music System GameBlaster Card in your computer. If you have one, go ahead and select it yourself. (Who says computers are smarter than you?!) 3. Sometimes INSTALL will report that you have the Disney DAC. If you don't have it, just don't choose it! 4. If you select the General MIDI sound driver and your MIDI sound device is NOT hooked up, the game will not function properly and you will have to reboot your computer. Please be sure that your MIDI device (or any device you select during INSTALL) is properly hooked up before you begin the game. 5. The Galactic Inquirer that came in your game box contains some important (and some just plain funny) information, including a map of the galaxy. Be sure not to throw this documentation out! 6. You may experience problems running on a system with STACKER or SUPERSTOR loaded, especially when using sounds. If you do have problems, try loading the game on the standard DOS partition instead of the STACKER or SUPERSTOR partition. If you still experience difficulties, try running without sound support. 7. If you experience problems running with a Pro-Audio Spectrum sound card, make sure the parameters in your device statement in your config.sys file are correct. If they are and you still are having difficulties try selecting SoundBlaster as your sound driver instead of the Pro-Audio Spectrum. P.S. If you are interested in future adventure games or any other of the Sierra family of fine software products, call us at 800-326-6654 (or 209-683-4468 outside the United States).