^I* System requirements * Computer type: An XT, 286, 386, or 486 processor. Memory: You need 640K of conventional memory with at least 545K free. Graphics mode: EGA graphics required (supported on EGA, VGA, & SVGA cards). Sound support: PC internal speaker sound only. Game controls: The game is controlled by use of your keyboard or joystick. ^I* Getting started * For most players, starting this game is as simple as typing the following at the DOS prompt: START followed by the [ENTER] key. However, if you encounter a problem with your SVGA graphics display (if you have one), then type the following at the DOS prompt: START /COMP followed by the [ENTER] key. If you need further help, call our Technical Support group at 1-318-221-8311. ^I* The Story of SHADOW KNIGHTS * Naipusan was an idyllic land. Green forests covered the high ranges. Fertile terraces decorated the foothills. Verdant pastures filled the lowlands. The villages of Naipusan were tidy, well kept, and clean. And the people were happy. Then came the armies of the North, led by Sashika, the evil shogun. Unaccustomed to mayhem, the peaceful people of Naipusan were no match for the deadly northern hordes. Naipusan fell in a few days. Sashika and his legions looted Naipusan. Wealth the Naipusani had wrested from the land was taken north. Fields were burned; forests felled; garrisons erected; tribute demanded, and chambers of torture filled to capacity. Sashika's fervent faith in the evil powers of dark magic has led to the emergence of swarms of haunted souls bent on vengeance and destruction. Most believe that Sashika himself is possessed by the demon Kuskuro who holds power to lay waste to the land. But all hope is not lost. The sages of the mountain retreats tell of an ancient prophecy: "The Shadow Knight shall come from the East. Wise in the ways of wizardry, he alone shall destroy the beast of the North and banish forever the Shogun of Death." You are a ninja born in the East. You know the secret incantations. You are deemed wise and just. You are on a Path of Destiny to redeem the land of Naipusan! You are predestined to defeat the evil Shogun of Death! ^I* Playing SHADOW KNIGHTS * You will begin in the Village, a place overrun with ninja assassins, skilled archers and wild leaping dogs. Make your way to the bridge to the right which will lead you onward to your destiny. Learn to find and collect the glowing magic spheres that are scattered throughout the land. Acquiring them will increase your magic power, enabling you to hurl magic stars and heal yourself. Yellow and red spheres will increase your magic. Green spheres will enable you to heal yourself. Purple spheres will grant you an extra life. When attacking opponents swarm you, use the Multiple Magic Attack by pressing the ENTER key. If you have 4 or more magic points, you will throw 4 stars in all directions to confound your enemies. It is wise to hit and move, rather than stand toe-to-toe with an aggressive opponent. And, it is often wiser to attack from a distance rather than heal the wounds of a close-up battle. While fending off your opponents, you should diligently explore the areas which you discover. Many secrets lie ready to be discovered! ^I* GAME CONTROLS * Keys to press... Result... ---------------- --------- Left/Right arrows Run to the Left/Right CTRL key Jump up Down arrow Duck down Down arrow + CTRL Drop down from a platform Up arrow Throw a magic star ALT key Attack with your sword SPACE key Heal yourself ENTER key Panic button! Throw lots of stars! F1 Help screen F2 Sound on/off F3 Keyboard configuration F4 Joystick configuration F5 Reset game (start over) ESC Quit play Joystick users should use Button 1 for CTRL and Button 2 for ALT. ^I* Credits * John Carmack Programming John Romero Programming Tom Hall Creative Director Adrian Carmack Art Director Jim Weiler Quality Assurance Director