:~Y:Yes :~YES: YES :~N:No :~NO: NO :~Dir?: Please Enter The Subdirectory Name: :~Int?: Enter Number: :~Str?: Enter Text: :~Esc:Press the [Esc] key ... :~Any:Press any key to continue ... :~AnyOS:Press any key to return to the operating system ... :~EscAny:Press [Esc] to quit, any other key to continue ... :~Out=In:The output drive cannot be the same as the input drive :~Dr:Drive %c: :~Rights1:You do not appear to have the minimum access rights to :~Rights2:drive %c: which are required for installation. :~HD:Hard Disk :~FD:Floppy Disk :~DiskType1: Please select the disk type of output disk %c: :~DiskType2: If you are installing onto a hard disk, RAM disk, or other NON-REMOVABLE :~DiskType3: disk, please select "Hard Disk". If you are installing onto a 5¬" :~DiskType4: floppy diskette, 3«" microfloppy diskette, or other REMOVABLE disk, :~DiskType5: please select "Floppy Disk". :~Mkg:Making: %s :~Rdg:Reading: %s :~Wrg:Writing: %s :~Apg:Appending: %s :~Skpg:Skipping: %s :~Verg:Verifying: %s :~Decg:Decompressing: %s :~Abrg:Aborting installation :~RdgLib:Reading: Library File --> %s :~RdgFree:Reading free space from drive %c: :~RdgTotal:Reading total space from drive %c: :~Insg:Installing files; please wait . . . :~InsgP: Installing %s; please wait . . . :~DOSErr:INTERNAL MS-DOS ERROR DETECTED :~!Size:Unable to determine the size of drive %c: :~AssSize?1:Would you like INSTALL to assume that there is :~AssSize?2:adequate free disk space on drive %c: and :~AssSize?3:attempt to install files even though the disk :~AssSize?4:size could not be determined (Y/N)? :~!Mem:Not enough memory :~Term?:Do you wish to terminate installation (Y/N)? :~Done:Installation complete. :~.DAT?1:INSTALL.EXE could not find the software you are installing. :~.DAT?2:Please select the INPUT disk drive: :~.DAT?3: The INPUT disk drive is the disk drive (usually a floppy disk drive) :~.DAT?4: containing the first disk of the software you are now installing. :~Acc:Unable to access disk drive %c: :~Acc1:Unable to access disk drive. :~Acc2:If you have removed or replaced the disk in this drive :~Acc3:since this operation was started, then please replace it. :~Acc4:Also, please make sure the disk drive door is shut. :~Full1:The disk in output drive %c: does not have enough space. :~Full2:The minimum required free space is %lu bytes. :~Full3:Drive %c: has only %lu bytes currently free, :~Full4:plus %lu bytes of files that will be overwritten. :~!Rd:Unable to read file :~!Wr:Unable to write file :~!OpF:Unable to open file %s :~!OpIn:Unable to open input file %s :~!OpOut:Unable to open output file :~!OpOutF:Unable to open output file %s :~!OpOut1:Unable to open file %s. If this file cannot be opened :~!OpOut2:then the installation process cannot continue. :~!ReopOut:Unable to reopen output file %s :~Over?1:The file %s already exists and is about :~Over?2:to be overwritten. Are you sure you want to overwrite this file? :~Over?3:Overwrite (Y/N)? :~File:Filename: %s :~!ChDrv:Unable to change to drive %c: :~!MkDir:Unable to make new directory Directory: %s :~!ChDir:Unable to change to new directory Directory: %s :~!RdID:Unable to read disk ID file %c:\DISK.ID :~!Mas1:The disk in drive %c: is not the Master Distribution Disk :~!Mas2:"%s" or a complete copy :~InsD1:Please place the distribution disk labeled :~InsD2:"%s" in drive %c: :~BadP1:The disk in drive %c: contains files for :~BadP2:the product %s :~BadV1:The version of the disk in drive %c: is %s :~BadV2:The version of %s which is now being installed is %s :~Ins1:Please place the disk labeled :~Ins2:in drive %c: :~A?:Do you wish to abort the installation (Y/N)? :~NoErr:No error :~Term:Execution terminated. :~Con?:Continue installation: OK or Cancel (O/C)? :~OK:OK :~Can:Cancel :~ARI?:Do you want to Abort, Retry, or Ignore (A/R/I)? :~RA?:Do you want to Retry or Abort (R/A)? :~R:Retry :~A:Abort :~BrowseCmds: <> = Up. <> = Down. = Done. :~ERR: ERROR :~ANY: PRESS ANY KEY :~VER: VERIFY :: :: :: :Lang:For ENGLISH, highlight this line and press ENTER :AutoDet:<<< Detect automatically >>> :SBclone:SoundBlaster clone :AdLib:AdLib music synthesizer card :AdLibG:AdLib Gold music synthesizer card :None:None :PCspkr:PC internal speaker :NowWhat?:What do you want to do? :EscCmd:You may press the [Esc] key at any time to abort. :SelectCmds: <> <> = Select. = Done. = Quit. :CheckBoxCmds: = Alternate between YES and NO. = Done. = Quit. :!Avail:Unavailable :Dec?:Enter a decimal value :Hex?:Enter a hexadecimal value :Dir?:Choose a directory :HiNew:Thank you for purchasing %s. :HiOld:Since you have already installed %s, you may now select new system configuration options. :LongTime:Installing %s onto your computer system may take a fairly long time. :ProdDrv?1:%s requires that certain files be located on your hard disk. :ProdDrv?2:You may select any available drive with at least %s,000,000 bytes of free space. :ProdDrv?3:If the selected drive is on a network, you must have access rights to it. :ProdDir?:Please enter a directory name for %s. :CreDir:If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically. :CopyPRJ1:You can improve game performance by copying the project file onto your hard disk. This step is optional. :CopyPRJ2:The file takes up almost %s,000,000 bytes of additional space. :PRJFits:Drive %s: has enough space for the project file. :!PRJFits:Drive %s: does not have enough space for the project file. :CopyPRJ?:Do you want to copy the project file to your hard disk? :Win1:%s can be set up to be launched from Windows as well as from the DOS command line. :Win2:You may select this option even if you have not yet installed Windows. :Win?:Set up to launch from Windows? :WinDrv?:Please select the drive where Windows is (or will be) installed. :WinDir?:Please enter the name of the Windows directory. :DirExist:The directory %s already exists. :NewCfg:Select new system configuration options :NewDrv:Choose another drive :NewDrvOrDir:Choose another drive or directory :Overwrite:Overwrite the directory :TryToInstall:Try to install anyway :Abort:Abort the installation :NotEnufDisk:The installed version of %s takes up almost %s,000,000 bytes of disk space. Drive %s: has less than %s,000,000 bytes available. :SysCfg:System Configuration :Snd:Sound device :IOA:I/O address :IRQ:IRQ number :DMA:Extra/DMA value :Mus:Music device :Smooth:Sound smoothing :EMS:Use extended/expanded memory :LoadHi:Load drivers in upper memory :CD:CD-ROM drive :Cfg?:Do you want to change the settings right now? :Snd?:Please select a sound device :IOA?:Please enter the I/O address for the sound card :IRQ?:Please enter the IRQ number for the sound card :DMA?:Please enter the extra/DMA value for the sound card :Mus?:Please select a music device :Add?:Please select additional system options :Smooth?:Do you want to enable sound smoothing? :EMS?:Do you want to use extended and/or expanded memory? :LoadHi?:Do you want to load the drivers in upper memory? :CD?:Please select a CD-ROM drive for %s :README1:The %s installer has created a READ.ME file. :README2:The READ.ME file contains additional information which may not be in the printed documentation. :VuREADME?:Do you want to view the READ.ME file? :Done:The installation of %s is now complete. :ToPlay:To play the game, type :ToChg:To change the system settings from the command line, type :: :: ::