^C^I* About Rescue Rover! * RESCUE ROVER! is the first in a 2-part game series featuring Roger and his faithful dog Rover. It's a whimsical arcade/puzzle game that pits you against evil Robots while you try to rescue Rover from their clutches. In RESCUE ROVER!, you'll discover a totally new game concept that challenges your I.Q. as much as your imagination. Just when you think you've come up with the perfect plan to free Rover... ZAP! Think again -- you're history! ^C^I* Getting started * For most players, starting this game is as simple as typing the following at the DOS prompt: ^CSTART followed by the [ENTER] key. However, if you encounter a problem with your SVGA graphics display (if you have one), then type the following at the DOS prompt: ^CSTART /COMP followed by the [ENTER] key. ^CIf you need further help, ^Ccall our Technical Support group at 1-318-221-8311. ^C^I* Summary of how to play * Rover keeps getting snatched by evil Robots. He's your best friend so you must journey into their deadly Robot Rooms to rescue him. Each Robot Room is fraught with dangerous traps that only the most brave and clever person in the world could manage to evade. Must be you! Get Rover and get out of there! ^C^1The Cast Roger Our hero Rover Our friend and goal Guards Robots that shoot anything in front of them Troopers Robots that run around and kill on contact Patrols Robots that run around and shoot Homingbots Robots that chase you around ^C^1Things to watch for Crates Can be pushed around Laser turrets Fire a constant deadly beam Mirror blocks Reflect lasers Force doors Require Amber Energy Cards to open Star pearls Large rollable spheres Teleporters Teleport you elsewhere in the room Anti-grav carts Can be pushed over any surface Grated floors Robots can't walk over these Glowing floors Roger can't walk over these Pools, streams Flowing water may prove useful ^C^I* Controlling Play * ^CHere's a quick summary of the controls to use while playing. Move Roger around by pressing the arrow keys or moving your joystick. There are no special control buttons to worry about other than that! F1: Help F2: Sound on/off F3: Keyboard setup F4 Joystick setup F5 Restart game F7: Give up & try this level again! ESC Quit game ^C^I* THE RESCUE ROVER THEME SONG! * Now the time has come You've got to Rescue Rover, boom boom The Robots took him to their Robot Rooms, and they are All a'guarding him with Guns and lasers, and you Gotta get him back Because he is your dog. So you gotta Rescue . . . Rover . . . Now! Woof woof!