REM REM "LEISURE SUIT LARRY 6: SHAPE UP OR SLIP OUT!" REM REM First, check for free disk space and create sub-directory. space %1: 10240 NoSpace godir %1:%4 CantCreate echo echo Copying Files... echo copy %2:\sierra.exe copy %2:\both\ copy %2:\dosonly\*.* copy %2:\both\*.* copy %2:\version REM Create batch files and place them in the proper directories. echo echo off > ..\LSL6.bat echo cd %4 >> ..\LSL6.bat echo sierra >> ..\LSL6.bat echo cd .. >> ..\LSL6.bat echo echo off>readme.bat echo type readme|more>>readme.bat echo sierra > LSL6.bat echo %3 > resource.cfg echo Copy Game Resources... clear exists %2:\disk2 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 2" in drive %2:. clear echo echo Since you have nothing else to do right now except wait echo for this floppy disk to copy, why not take a few echo moments to discard your Official Sierra Product echo Registration Card, since that's what you always do with echo those cards anyway! echo echo Hey, wait! Stop!! That was just a joke. We don't echo really want you to trash your Registration Card. echo Instead, fill it out right now and mail it in before echo midnight tomorrow. If you don't, we won't be able to echo send you all kinds of free prizes and stuff. echo echo echo copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 clear exists %2:\disk3 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. clear echo echo You didn't fall for that stuff on the last screen about echo free prizes and stuff, did you? You did? Already echo mailed it? Didn't notice the double negative, eh? echo echo Nah, seriously, send in your card and we'll keep in echo touch. We may even send you something. You'll never echo know if you don't send it in. echo echo In fact, if you write "I Love Larry" in the corner of echo the card, we'll send you a free subscription to echo "InterAction" magazine, Sierra's great way to keep up echo on the latest and greatest in computer games! echo echo copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 clear exists %2:\disk4 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 4" in drive %2:. clear echo echo Have you bought a CD-ROM drive yet? echo If you haven't yet, I bet you will soon! echo echo When you do, you'll want to upgrade this game to our echo CD-ROM version. It only costs a few measly bucks. echo echo Just see your local software dealer or contact Sierra. echo You'll finally get to hear what Leisure Suit Larry's echo voice sounds like! Plus you get to hear lots of echo heavy breathing by the whole cast! echo echo Both you and your money will be well spent! echo echo copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 clear exists %2:\disk5 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 5" in drive %2:. clear echo echo It won't be long now! (Now that's a line Leisure Suit echo Larry has heard before!) We'll be done copying in only echo one more disk. echo echo This might be a good time to head out to the lobby for echo a refreshing soft drink and some delicious popcorn. echo But hurry: the movie starts in only 3 minutes! echo echo echo echo echo echo echo copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 clear exists %2:\disk6 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 6" in drive %2:. clear echo echo Now we're going to decompress tons and tons of echo digitally-sampled audio files. echo echo And while you're waiting, why don't you jes' hop up echo here on ol' Uncle Al's lap and I'll tell you a li'l echo story. A story of the Ol' West. A story of a echo prescription-fillin' man. (And the horse that loved echo him.) If you enjoy my sense of humor, make your next echo game, "Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist!" echo echo It's as funny as the Leisure Suit Larry games, but echo with a different twist. echo echo %2:\auddcomp .\ %2:\both > nul clear if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto AudError REM If there are patches, copy them now. clear copy %2:\patches\*.* :exit clear echo echo To play the game, change to the directory echo %1:%4, and type LSL6. echo echo pause end :NoSpace clear echo echo There is not enough space on %1: to install Larry 6. echo You need 10.5 megabytes of free disk space. echo echo Come on, delete that word processor! Trash that echo spreadsheet! Free up some hard disk space. echo echo IT'S WORTH IT!! echo echo pause end :CantCreate alert Unable to create directory %1:%4. end :AudError alert Audio decompression failed! end