Èþ1_“Çñ Q‡²ä <eÑ7m¢Ó1R‡®Ôú%Z‚¨Ñý"VvBuyback shops pay nicely once*you learn to negotiate. I see you playing flip-flop*and winning a fortune! The lender will give*you money at good rates. Healers can help you*after you find the Juton bush. Carry gold - merchants might*sell you museum coins. Carry climbing gear.*It will prove handy. The path to greatness lies*through the museum. The warlord's agents*are everywhere. Watch out! Learn to lie - so you'll*master the Stones of Wisdom. The pirate's cave is*west of Eagle Hollow. Only the 4 jewels can*thwart the evil compendium. You need herbs to*succeed in dungeons. It works best to club the*slash nettle to death. Keep money in the*bank in case of death. Castle doors require*four different keys. Visit ALL the museum displays.*They will help more than you know. Behind the castle gardens*lies a special flower. In the right places, magic*seeds make you invisible. Hidden passageways line the castle!*LOOK CAREFULLY!!! Many guards protect the mints.*It's worth the fight. An evil warlord's man*was here asking about you. Healers are more than they seem.*Bide your time. The Maston Leaper fears*only a bladed staff. You must master the spiral room. Use the bladed staff to*neutralize the Neural Cloud. Go back to school.*You can learn more. Speak to the temptress*in the castle. The castle wizards know many answers. There's a path around*the castle gas trap. You can't climb up the*knight's dungeon. STAY AWAY! You can flail the*sea swallow to death. Have you visited each*museum display? Watch out. The agents*may be after you. One day you will travel*high above the sea. Talk to the guardians of the scroll. Learn the password to the*castle wizard's quarters. You can trust the winged horse. .