J  D ^ 9|[! ;!!h""-##H$%%=&&t'7(*++Eons ago,# nomadic warriors roamed the=planet Tarmalon. #dThey hunted and=fought with stone knives, #2much like=the one you see in this exhibit.^This knife is primitive - #2but=effective. #dAs a Museum patron, #(you=may take it for as long as you like.=#dThe knife is now in your inventory.%As Tarmalon culture advanced, #2weapons=developed a ceremonial importance. =#dIn this exhibit you see the famed=staff of sacrifice. #dIt was used to=coronate kings.^Although intended for ceremony,#2 the=staff is actually bladed for combat.#d=As a Museum patron, #(you may use this=weapon for as long as you like. #dIt=is now in your possession.%This exhibit shows a typical Tarmalon=town called Thornberry. #dThe town was=established over 100 lifespans ago by=a group of wealthy merchants.^Thornberry has changed little since=its founding. #dThe rich and the poor=still live on opposite sides of town=#Fseparated by a massive stone wall.^Despite its inequity, #2Thornberry is=a bustling community,#2 containing=shops, craftsmen, banks, and places=of amusement.%Here's some gold to spend on=your trip.@Tarmalon's deep ocean waters are so=turbulent that few trading ships ever=venture far from shore. #dYet, #long=ago, #the oceans were calm and ocean=travel flourished.^As time went by, #2pirates came to rule=the seas. #dThey preyed on helpless=vessels, #2taking gold, weapons, armor=and supplies.^Their treasures were stored in deep=caves on remote islands. #dThis booty=was guarded by paid soldiers and by=animals bred for their ferocity.^When the oceans became rougher, #2many=of the caves could no longer be=reached. #dIn this exhibit, #(you see=the entrance to one such cave. #dThe=wealth stored within is enormous.%The pirate's lair is located in a=chain of islands called the ]Three=Sisters.] #dYou will be transported=to the largest island. #dFrom there,=#(you're on your own.^The pirate's lair has many levels.=#dAt the very bottom, #it is said, #lies=a priceless SAPPHIRE!%Planet natives believe in the curative=power of a variety of ]healing herbs.]=#dHowever, #the effectiveness of these=plants has never been verified by=Museum personnel.^This display contains a Juton bush.=#dAccording to lore, #its fruit increases=the power of other native herbs.^While this claim is doubtful, #(the=fruit is really quite tasty. #dYou may=sample one.%Here you see a replica of the famous=enchanted Flower Fountain.#d Legend=says that its waters once flowed in=splendor.^One day a tulip was taken from the=Fountain gardens and the Fountain=waters stopped. #dThe stories say that=only when that flower is returned=will the fountain flow again.^Myth or fact?#< Judge for yourself.=#PIn either case,#2 the Museum has agreed=to help search for the Tulip.%Bring the Tulip back here for a nice=reward. #dMeanwhile, #2here's some native=gold to aid you in your search.@Thank you for returning the Tulip!=#dAs a reward, #dCharm: +10@Different planets have different=treasures. #dOn Tarmalon, #2as on=many planets, #2the scarcity of GOLD=makes it exceedingly valuable.^Here you see the Museum currency room.#d=It contains a small# (but noteworthy)=#portion of the planet's wealth. #dYou=are welcome to a sample.%Stones of Wisdom is probably the most=popular bar-room game on Tarmalon.#d=It is not only fun,#2 but said to help=develop a player's intelligence.%This giant tapestry is actually a map=of the planet Tarmalon. #dIt's the only=remaining world map made by Tarmalon=natives.^This Museum is located in the north-=east portion of the main continent.=#xBaron Kelfor's castle is on an island=in the major inland lake.^Near the bottom left of the tapestry,=#(you can see the chain of islands=called the ]THREE SISTERS.] #dA large=pirate's lair is said to be on one=of these islands.%The underground catacombs of Armak=are infamous for their twisting=passageways and deadly monsters.=#nTo venture there, #(it is said, #2is=almost certain death.^Yet, #for many years, #(the rulers of=Tarmalon have cast their best knights=into these dungeon depths. #dOnly a=few ever make it back to the surface.^Those who survive become tougher,#2=fiercer, #2and wiser. #dThey emerge=virtually unbeatable in battle.^You now face the same test, #2for in a=moment, #you'll find yourself at the=very bottom of Armak. #dthe way out=lies far above. #dThe risk is great -=#