KNIGHTS OF XENTAR Thank you for purchasing this game. Xentar is a unique role-playing game. Beautiful Anime art with characters that come alive with full digitized speech throughout the game. Designed to run on single-speed, 2x, 3x and 4x speed CD-ROM players, Xentar runs flawlessly on 3x and 4x players (you may notice an occa- sional program hesitation during voice playback using a single-speed player but otherwise Xentar plays great!) Xentar is compatible with all IBM(tm) PCs and compatible 386SX 16MHz or faster processors including the IBM PS/1(tm), however, the game's 3D mode (see manual) requires at least a 486DX 33MHz processor. Compatible with MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, Xentar can also run from the Windows(tm) DOS Prompt (full view only not windowed). INSTALLATION The Xentar CD version will create and install a permanent directory on your hard disk. You can select the name and location or use the default C:\GAMES\XENTAR. You must have at least 4 MB free on your hard disk. MEMORY If your game does not play, add the following or increase the values of these parameters to your CONFIG.SYS file. FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 The game's 3D mode requires at least 560K of free conventional memory. We recommend using MS-DOS's HIMEM manager instead of QEMM(tm) to free up conventional memory. The program crashes if the keyboard keys are pressed too quickly during voice playback using QEMM(tm). SOUND Problems with music and voices (erratic play, game hangs, etc.) are likely due to your sound card setup and/or DMA and IRQ conflicts. Type INSTALL from the game directory to check or change the Xentar sound configuration. VOICES Voices for Xentar were recorded in studio using the latest in digital audio tape (DAT) technology. Due to the varying types of sound cards available, the quality of the voice reproduction will vary. Some of you may experience popping sounds during voice playback. This popping is due to Creative Labs(tm) VOC sound file format and/or your sound card. There are no patches for this condition from Creative Labs(tm) at the time of this writing. ###