space %1: 19726 noIntro godir %1:%4 cantcreate echo install the intro. >dointro goto Continue :noIntro rem Check to see if they can at least install the game, if not goto nospace space %1: 12900 nospace clear echo If you want to see the opening cartoon, 20.2 megabytes echo of hard disk space is necessary on drive %1:. However, echo you do have enough space to install just the game. echo Continue installing Kings Quest VI? (Y/N) pick yn Continue Quit :Quit end :Continue godir %1:%4 cantcreate del resource.000 echo Copying files to %1:%4 ... rem Make the batch files to run the game echo echo off >..\kq6.bat echo cd %4 >>..\kq6.bat echo kq6 >>..\kq6.bat copy %2:*.* del intro.p01 echo %3>resource.cfg if not exist dointro goto doGame echo echo Copying Intro files... exists %2:intro.p01 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 1" in drive %2:. copy seq.exe + %2:intro.p01 exists %2:intro.p02 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 2" in drive %2:. copy seq.exe + %2:intro.p02 exists %2:intro.p03 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. copy seq.exe + %2:intro.p03 :doGame del dointro echo echo Copying Game files... exists %2:resource.p01 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p01 exists %2:resource.p02 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 4" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p02 exists %2:resource.p03 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 5" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p03 exists %2:resource.p04 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 6" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p04 exists %2:resource.p05 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 7" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p05 exists %2:resource.p06 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 8" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:resource.p06 rem audio files echo echo Copying audio files... exists %2:audio.p01 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 8" in drive %2:. copy resource.aud + %2:audio.p01 exists %2:audio.p02 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 9" in drive %2:. copy resource.aud + %2:audio.p02 copy %2:*.* del audio.p02 cls echo echo ˙To play Kings Quest VI now: echo ˙ Type KQ6 [ENTER]. echo echo ˙To play Kings Quest VI later: echo ˙ From the directory of %1:%4, echo ˙ Type KQ6 and press [ENTER]. echo pause end :cantcreate alert Unable to create directory %1:%4 end :nospace cls echo echo There is not enough space on %1: to install. echo 13.2 megabytes of disk space are necessary. pause end