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2012-03-30 22:27:30 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:27:30 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:27:30 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:27:30 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:27:30 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:27:31 -03:00 12 years ago

1024.gus265 B

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readme.txt6.2 KB

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4.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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sound.cfg82 B

82 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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5.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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JAGGED ALLIANCE : Version 1.12 (FD)      May 2/95     Sir-tech Software Inc.

The following enhancements and changes have been made to the program after
the manual and quick reference card had already been printed:

- Pressing the 'V' key in either the regular playing screen, in the "office"
	screen, or the A.I.M screen will display a message showing the version
	number of your copy of Jagged Alliance.

- Jagged Alliance requires an additional 5 MB of free disk space to run.  This
	is a safety measure to preserve the integrity of your game.  The
	program uses temporary disk space to keep track of items and changes
	to the terrain; also, not having enough disk space to save your game
	would be very  frustrating!

- Individual first-aid kits, medical kits, tool kits, and locksmith's kits can
	be "combined" by merging them together in the hand position.
	If the combined percentage status is 100% or less, a single kit is
	created from two, and its status becomes the combined percentage
	status of the source kits.  If the combined status is greater than
	100%, one kit is "refilled" to 100%, the other is reduced by an equal
	amount (retaining the over-100% status portion).

- Left-clicking on an merc's inventory slot with multiple items in it while
	holding down the CTRL key will "rotate" the positions of the
	items in the pocket.  This can be used to review the working
	conditions of multiple grenades, canteens, etc.  Also, it can be used
	to select which particular item gets used/thrown/picked up/discarded,
	since it is now the item whose status is being shown that is "active".
	(This will work both inside the inventory screen & on the selected
	merc's inventory bar at the bottom of the screen).

- Mercs on REPAIR can repair ALL items in a pocket holding multiple repairable
	items in need of repair, not just one per each pocket.

- The inventory pool (in the morning assignment screen) scrolls down 4 items
	at a time rather than 1 for quicker browsing.

- All canteens in the common inventory pool and in all mercs' pockets are
	refilled (status back to 100%) every morning.

- A mercenary assigned as a DOCTOR for the day is also treated as another
	PATIENT, so that a second (superior) DOCTOR can also help him heal.

- In the inventory screens, if you are holding several (groupable) items in
	the hand cursor and attempt to add them to a pocket with the same type
	of item that has some room, but not enough room to add all of them,
	then just enough items will be transferred to the pocket to fill it

- Each merc needs at least 5 APs to traverse and it will take 1 turn's time.

- If the Action Point estimate for an action is flashing between white &
	black, this indicates the selected merc does not have sufficient APs
	remaining to complete the intended action this turn.

- If the targeting cursor for an item being used is flashing between red &
	black, this indicates the spot is out of normal accurate range for
	that item.  Thrown items will likely fall short, and gun shots are
	very likely to miss their target when attacking beyond maximum range.

Corrections/Clarifications to Game Manual/Reference Card

- The keys listed for control of MUSIC and SOUND FX volumes via keyboard are
	actually reversed: '-' and '+' control MUSIC volume, ',' and '.'
	control SOUND FX volume.

- To drink, click on the head portion of the merc's silhouette in the
	inventory screen rather than his portrait.

- When in the morning's inventory assignment screen, pressing the 'E' key on
	the keyboard will empty the shown merc's inventory and dump all his
	items into the common inventory pool.

- Although extra vests can not be carried inside another vest's pockets (even
	if both vests are empty), they CAN be carried in a merc's hand or
	secondary hand positions.

- The F9 key tells how many enemies are visible to the currently selected
	merc, and the display adjusts to show only those enemies. This is a
	mode toggle, press F9 again to turn this mode off.

- Pressing the ENTER key (during combat situations) scrolls between all
	visible enemies and briefly displays a red "beacon" over each one.
	This helps to locate opponents obscured by terrain or doorways, etc.

- Flashing black/white dots in the overhead full sector view indicate the
	locations of all known items in the sector.

- While "all-move" doesn't function in turn-based mode, holding down the
	ALT key prevents the screen from relocating over to mercs as you
	select them (via their portrait), so this is the next best method
	of moving multiple mercs to the same area.

Additional Notes
- Make sure you have your maximum open DOS files set to at least 20 in your 
	CONFIG.SYS file (ie. you have a line such as "FILES=20" there).
	Running with the DOS default of only 8 or so is likely to cause
	miscellaneous problems during both the introduction and play. 

- If you experience frequent freeze-ups or crashes and have a memory cache
	(e.g. SMARTDRV) or a memory manager (e.g. QEMM, EMM386) loaded, try
	running from a configuration with all of these removed.

- If you find that the game does not respond to any keyboard input (such as
	the 'C' key to compress time, or ALT-X to exit), your hardware
	configuration probably requires a keyboard reset.  Start the game
	by typing "JA RESET" instead of just "JA" (with 4MB RAM, use 
	"JAVM RESET" instead of "JAVM").  You may want to make a DOS batch 
	file to do this for you in the future...

- Towards the end of the game, the saved game files (.SAV extension) start
	to get VERY large, possibly greater than 1MB each.  If you are
	keeping many different saved games going, beware than this can use
	up over 10MB of additional disk space!  To conserve space, consider
	deleting or archiving some of your older saved game files.  The game
	will not let you play if the free space on your HD drops below 5MBs.
