clear space %1: 8900 NoSpace godir %1:%4 CantCreate rem Copy over the necessary files. echo Copying Startup Files ... copy %2:\dosonly\*.drv echo echo **Psst. Hey you.** echo copy %2:\dosonly\sierra.exe copy %2:\both\hlpconv.txt echo echo **Yeah, YOU.** echo copy %2:\both\interp.err copy %2:\dosonly\readme. copy %2:\dosonly\readme.bat echo echo **Have you played Hoyle Volume 3 yet?** echo copy %2:\both\version echo echo **It's got six great games!** echo copy %2:\dosonly\install.* copy %2:\dosonly\pkdecomp.exe copy %2:\both\*.map echo Looking for patches... if exist %2:\both\*.scr copy %2:\both\*.scr if exist %2:\both\*.hep copy %2:\both\*.hep if exist %2:\both\*.tex copy %2:\both\*.tex if exist %2:\both\*.fon copy %2:\both\*.fon if exist %2:\both\*.v56 copy %2:\both\*.v56 if exist %2:\both\*.p56 copy %2:\both\*.p56 if exist %2:\both\*.snd copy %2:\both\*.snd if exist %2:\both\*.aud copy %2:\both\*.aud echo **Got a modem?** echo **If so check out The Sierra Network** echo **See the details inside your game box.** echo copy %2:\dosonly\hoyle.bat copy %2:\dosonly\classic.bat echo %3 > resource.cfg copy %2:\both\resource.000 echo Copying Game files... rem exists %2:disk2 echo Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 2" in drive %2:. pause copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 rem exists %2:disk3 echo Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. pause echo echo **These installs take forever don't they?** echo copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 echo echo Think about this: Most full-length novels echo contain from 750K to 1M of text. echo At this moment you are writing (to your hard echo drive) the equivalent of 7 books! echo copy %2:\both\resource.aud rem exists %2:disk4 echo Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 4" in drive %2:. pause echo echo Almost done. echo When this disk finishes copying your screen echo may blank out for a few minutes. echo Don't panic. echo It's only the decompression software echo doing that which it does oh-so-well. echo Your screen will soon return-- echo and then you can play card games! echo copy resource.aud + %2:\both\resource.aud pkdecomp resource.aud del pkdecomp.exe :exit clear rem echo rem echo ˙To play NOW: rem echo ˙ Type HOYLE [ENTER]. echo echo Done! echo echo ˙To play: echo ˙ From the directory of %1:%4, echo ˙ Type HOYLE and press [ENTER]. echo pause goto Exit2 :NoSpace space %1: 2700 GiveUp clear echo You don't have enough disk space on %1: to echo completely install this game. The best we echo can do is a partial install which will omit echo all the digitized speech. For complete echo installation you need 8.9 Megabytes of disk echo space. If you elect to do the partial install echo and at some later time free up the necessary echo disk space you may re-install the game from echo your floppy disk set. echo echo Hit y to proceed with partial install or echo hit n to cancel and return to DOS. pick yn partial Exit2 :partial godir %1:%4 CantCreate rem Copy over the necessary files. echo Copying Startup Files ... copy %2:\dosonly\*.drv copy %2:\dosonly\sierra.exe copy %2:\both\hlpconv.txt copy %2:\both\interp.err copy %2:\dosonly\readme. copy %2:\dosonly\readme.bat copy %2:\both\version copy %2:\dosonly\install.* copy %2:\both\*.map echo Looking for patches... if exist %2:\both\*.scr copy %2:\both\*.scr if exist %2:\both\*.hep copy %2:\both\*.hep if exist %2:\both\*.tex copy %2:\both\*.tex if exist %2:\both\*.fon copy %2:\both\*.fon if exist %2:\both\*.v56 copy %2:\both\*.v56 if exist %2:\both\*.p56 copy %2:\both\*.p56 if exist %2:\both\*.snd copy %2:\both\*.snd if exist %2:\both\*.aud copy %2:\both\*.aud copy %2:\dosonly\hoyle.bat copy %2:\dosonly\classic.bat echo %3 > resource.cfg copy %2:\both\resource.000 echo Copying Game files... exists %2:disk2 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 2" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 exists %2:disk3 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. copy resource.000 + %2:\both\resource.000 clear echo Disk 4 is not used for this partial install. echo Remember: You won't be able to hear any of echo those wonderful characters speak to you! echo If you can clear off the necessary 8.9 echo Megabytes from your hard drive you should echo re-install the game--from the floppies. pause goto exit :GiveUp clear echo echo There is not enough space on %1: to install echo Hoyle Classic Card Games! echo 8.9 megabytes of disk space are necessary to perform echo the install, after which only 6.0 megabytes echo will be permanantly needed. echo If you can free about 3 megabytes you will be echo offered the opportunity to perform a partial echo install which will run the game without any echo digitized audio. echo pause :Exit2 end :CantCreate alert Unable to create directory %1:%4 end