^C^I* About the game * In HOVERTANK 3-D you play mercenary Brick Sledge, hired by a beneficent organization to rescue people from cities targeted for limited nuclear strikes. Get in, get 'em, and get out, before the missile hits. Climb on board your new HOVERTANK and go to it! ^C^I* Getting started * For most players, starting this game is as simple as typing the following at the DOS prompt: START followed by the [ENTER] key. However, if you encounter a problem with your SVGA graphics display (if you have one), then type the following at the DOS prompt: START /COMP followed by the [ENTER] key. If you need further help, call our Technical Support group at 1-318-221-8311. ^C^I* Summary of how to play * The cities are full of nuclear mutants, armored patrols, and other terrors bent on your destruction. You must enter the cities and rescue the innocent humans needing your help. Here's the catch --- the nuclear missiles are on their way. You must rescue the people... the ones that are still alive. You and the legendary HOVERTANK will not be teleported back to safety until you've accomplished your mission. You have an energy cannon as your main weapon. Holding down the fire button will build up power in the cannon. Release the button to fire. After all the people in the area are either rescued or killed, a warp gate will appear. And, it may not appear where you teleported in... Other things to know... Watch the time. If that missile arrives, goodbye HOVERTANK. Be careful about picking up the people. You don't want them killed by your stray cannon shots (and, of course, you get more money for more safely rescued people.) Good luck! ^C^I* Controlling Play * Here's a quick summary chart of the controls you can use. Left & Right arrows Rotate left or right Up arrow Forward thrust Down arrow Reverse thrust CTRL Fire a missile at an opponent ALT Kick in the afterburner F1 Get help F5 Reset the game F2 Sound on/off ESC Quit play F3 Keyboard setup F4 Joystick setup IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no "save game" function in this game. Use your joystick and its buttons as appropriate, pressing Button 1 for CTRL and Button 2 for ALT.