------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark citadel README section. Hexen: Deathkings consists of 20 all new levels of skull-bashing fun for use with the original Hexen version 1.1. If you have Hexen but it's not version 1.1., don't fret! There is a patch included on the Hexen: Deathkings CD that will upgrade you from version 1.0 to version 1.1. If you don't have Hexen at all, that's not a problem either. We've included Hexen version 1.1 as well as a few other items on the CD-ROM in a locked format that you can purchase through our 1-800-idgames order number. To enter the id Store, you must be in Windows and go to the "idstuff" subdirectory on the Hexen CD-ROM. Run the INSTALL program to install the id Store on your hard drive. Since this is an add-on product for Hexen, everything in the Hexen README will apply to Hexen: Deathkings as well. ------------------- MULTI-PLAYER UPDATE ------------------- STARTING A GAME: Hexen 1.1 and Hexen: Deathkings no longer have the option of using SETUP.EXE to start a multi-player game. You must use DM (easiest) or SERSETUP.EXE/IPXSETUP.EXE (hardest) to start a multiplayer game. LOADING A GAME: When loading a multi-player save game, you must specify the -loadgame parameter to DM or SERSETUP/IPXSETUP. E.G. DM -LOADGAME <#> where # is a number from 0-5 ------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen, the Hexen logo and Hexen likenesses are trademarks of Raven Software, (C) 1995. GT Interactive is a trademark of Goodtimes Entertainment. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, inc. Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.