_________ _____ __________ ______ :__:___________ / /(_____) \_ \____ \ | \| _/\_ \____ \ _/ |____/ / \ / __/ \_| \ \ | / __/ \_ v1.31 \ | \ | \_ / \_ /| \ | / \_ / released on \_________\| / \___/ ____/ | |\___| \___/ ____/ 25.07.98 :______/ |____| _________ _____ _________ ____ _______ ________ _________ / _______/ (_____) / _______/ ___| |_ / ____/ \_____ \_ / _______/ \_____ \_/ \ \_____ \_\__ ____/_/ __>/\ / __/ /_\_____ \_ \ | /| \_\ | / | | \__ | / \ _/ \ /\ | / \_______/ | / \_______/ | | \______\|____\ / \_______/ :______/ | | \:/ |___| : <==============================================================================> 1) Credits: ----------- - All Coding done by MYTH - Graphics pixeled and enhanced by KYP - Music tracked by TU - Levels have been created by DeeJay99, Kyp, Myth, Obscure, Shine, Sonic and XFact0r. >> I REALLY NEED LEVEL-DESIGNERS!! << 2) What's new since version 1.2: ----------------------------- - Sound effects have been updated to amiga-style (sounds much better) - Added 4 new enemy-types, which now makes a total of 7 different enemies, including the new feature of different movement-speeds and different enemy-behavior. - Added bidirectional enemy-walking-animation - Added new levels! - Added 4-button joypad support - Added beta background copper-colors (looks nice, though) - Fixed a bug when using sound-blaster (memory hadn't been freed) - Bugfixed the Live-Bonus. The status-line hadn't been updated, thus there'll be played a bonus-sound, now. What's new since version 1.1: ----------------------------- - Sound effects (not very much right now, if you think that you've better samples, please send them to me) - Joystick/Joypad support ----------------------- If a joystick has been detected you'll be prompted at the very beginning to calibrate you joystick. If this screen doesn't appear your joystick is not supported. Since I down't own a joypad I'm not sure if this routine is really compatible. Bug reports are welcome. To overpass the calibration you can start giana with the /NOJOY option 3) Legal stuff: --------------- - This game is FREEWARE - We are not responsible for any damage this game may bring to your hardware equipment, including your brain. - Use this game at your own risk. - You can always put this game on any CD or mass storage item if you want to. If you press a public CD I'd rather be happy if you'd send me an email (this keeps me motivated in producing more stuff like this) to: sinsch@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de 4) Notes about the release: --------------------------- - This release features C64-style music made by TU. Soundeffects have been enabled in amiga-style, only. Furthermore I have plans of releasing a version which will feature both amiga & c64 style music. - The game has been developed using Borland Pascal 7.0 (I modified the compiled .exe to achive a better compression rate) and TASM 4.1. 5) F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions: --------------------------------------- - Will there be further releases? Yes, indeed. Since I've received lot's of e-mail comments, I'll continue developing Giana Sisters. If you want to be part of this project you can always contact me. I'll always interested in people who can help (we need lot's of more levels!). - Why can't giana morph to the Lady with the stormy hairstyle? Well, there's really just one answer: I've been too lazy (or busy) at the moment. Adding this feature requires a lot of thing to do, which are not implemented. But I think there may be a further version which includes this. - How much memory does one level require? The exact unpacked size is 10129 bytes. At it's final packed state a huge, fancy level requires about 1.2-1.7kbyte. - How did you create those levels? With an own level-editor, of course. It has lots of features and makes creating levels easy. If you want to create an own level you may contact me for the editor. 6) Contact address: ------------------- - You can always contact me (the coder) if you want to: (I'm always happy about emails that keep me motivated, anyway, I'm looking for people who want to help design this game) Rainer Sinsch Kiefernweg 8 61184 Karben Email: sinsch@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de BBS: POiNT OF NO REtURN BBS +49-6039-95934 (28k8) +49-6039-95935 (ISDN) 7) Greetings: ------------- - must go to Assign, Obscure, red_13, Yoda, Trojan, RIK, TU, Noize, Syntic, Dodger. and to all those fanatics that keep me motivated in further-developing.