ScriptsMy name is Ancyra LaMarr; I am the Rigellian Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors and, of course, the Federal Minister for Culture. The Rigellian Confederation predates the Federation by many millennia; indeed, as you may know, the original concept of the Federation was a Rigellian idea. We have continued to set the standards for political and cultural thinking ever since. Much of the Rigellian presence in the Fragmented Sectors is scientific; research is fundamental to our society and way of being. Obviously, we make our contribution to the wealth of the Federation as well, but our primary purpose is generally benign and exploratory. If you wish to learn from the Rigellian Confederations, I am your first point of contact.It is obvious that if the Rigellians were funding some sort of information-gathering exercise, it would be purely for scientific reasons. You must be mistaken.I can't see that there is anything left to say. You know that we are a peaceful and civilised culture, unversed in the arts of war. Why should we utilise such creatures?We certainly have no wish to see the alliance at an end. Very well, although I wish to make it clear that this is under strong protest. Have your blood money!Please don't waste my time with this; if you wish to cancel the alliance, have the decency to say so and pay your fine!I fail to understand your concern; agents are used by all cultures, for all sorts of reasons. We mean you no harm, you must remember that.I would expect nothing less from you.Is the good word of the Rigellians not enough for you? What more would you have of us?Perhaps. Give me a little time to consult with the Confederation and I'll get back to you.I am very sure you would. We, however, do not see it that way. Good day to you.Please don't waste my time with this; if you wish to cancel the alliance, have the decency to say so and pay your fine!I offer formal apologies for a situation desired by neither side. Although it is not our normal practice, we also offer a gift in the hopes that this will ensure your belief in the inherently peaceful intentions of the Rigellians.Despite the legendary even temper of the Rigellians, this time we are not prepared to go along with your attempts at bribery. If that results in death and destruction, remember that it was of your seeking, not ours.It is obvious that if the Rigellians were funding some sort of information-gathering exercise, it would be purely for scientific reasons. You must be mistaken.I can't see that there is anything left to say. You know that we are a peaceful and civilised culture, unversed in the arts of war. Why should we utilise such creatures?We certainly have no wish to see the alliance at an end. Very well, although I wish to make it clear that this is under strong protest. Have your blood money!Please don't waste my time with this; if you wish to cancel the alliance, have the decency to say so and pay your fine!I fail to understand your concern; agents are used by all cultures, for all sorts of reasons. We mean you no harm, you must remember that.I would expect nothing less from you.Is the good word of the Rigellians not enough for you? What more would you have of us?Perhaps. Give me a little time to consult with the Confederation and I'll get back to you.I am very sure you would. We, however, do not see it that way. Good day to you.Please don't waste my time with this; if you wish to cancel the alliance, have the decency to say so and pay your fine!I offer formal apologies for a situation desired by neither side. Although it is not our normal practice, we also offer a gift in the hopes that this will ensure your belief in the inherently peaceful intentions of the Rigellians.Despite the legendary even temper of the Rigellians, this time we are not prepared to go along with your attempts at bribery. If that results in death and destruction, remember that it was of your seeking, not ours.That is a flagrant lie. The Rigellians would not accept your declaration were it based on such transparent provocation.My people have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?I suppose that is reassuring, in a sense. Do I have your promise that nothing similar will happen to mar our alliance in the future?Absolutely and with no reservations.Then I must accept your reassurance.A good philosophical point - but unfortunately one that has just lost you the alliance.As you know, the Rigellians always desire peace with their neighbours. We will accept your apologies, provided they come with an assurance that there will be no repeat of this occurrence.You consider this a minor matter? Sending some cheap freelancer to spy on a fellow Federation member?Very well. Never let it be said that a Rigellian turned down an appeal to reason...I'm so glad you think this is a laughing matter! Apologise for that or face the wrath of the Rigellians!Very well - please continue.How dare you! To even dream of accusing us of such a foul act is beyond comprehension - except of course for a Terran! I will have no further dealings with you.But I have nothing to say to you. Good day.I can think of no good reason not to consider terms, at least. Send them to me and I will give them due thought.It seems unlikely under current conditions but I will consider terms. Name your conditions.As the Rigellian Ambassador I am obliged to consider your terms if you send them. That doesn't mean I am going to enjoy the process.The Rigellian Confederation has nothing to say to you.-*--*--*--*-Certainly.Very well. Understand that you will be closely observed, however.I have grave misgivings about the wisdom of this. However, I agree.Very well. You are unlikely to find such advantageous conditions elsewhere, but it's your choice.Your loss, not ours.It seems increasingly unlikely.If you so wish, I'm sure we're not going to stand in your way.I think that's for the best.The Rigellian Confederation will be relieved to hear that.-*--*--*-I assure you, we had no such intent.I beg your pardon? I think you'll find it was nothing to do with us.You can't expect us to take you seriously! The Rigellians have done nothing wrong and have nothing to defend!We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.This is a formal declaration of war on behalf of the Rigellian Confederation.My people will welcome this move.I would be ecstatic at the prospect, if I thought for a minute that we could trust you. But I can see no point in stopping right now.Not a prayer!The Rigellians wish an end to this conflict. Can you speak for your people's wishes in this matter?What sort of behaviour?Really. And I suppose you have done absolutely nothing to provoke this?Don't inflict your feeble Terran attempts at humour on me, please. I will speak with my people and once I have discovered the truth of the situation, I will take the appropriate action.But of course.I have no desire to insult you, but you must acknowledge that you have proved yourselves untrustworthy in the past?You are right of course; compassion and tolerance are qualities greatly admired by the Rigellians, and common among our people. I will resolve this situation for you.I would need some sort of assurance that you were serious about this. Will you sign a Non-Aggression Pact with us - our terms, of course?Typical.Greetings to you. My name translates into your tongue as Lord Solon Valtravers, and I hold the honoured position of Braccatian Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors. As such it is my duty and my pride to safeguard the interests of my people in these distant areas. The Braccatia are an ancient culture, who value plain speaking and make no apology for our warrior ethics. We respect those who show respect for us, but we are merciless towards the dishonourable. I hope and trust that our relationship will be long and fruitful.You have demonstrated perfectly that you are a worthless member of a degenerate species and that you deserve no more mercy than would be shown a rabid dog. For this act, you and any fools you may have conned into allying with you will be wiped out, will burn for eternity in whatever hells you believe in. There is no appeal. There is no escape. Although you are still breathing and your heart still beats, you are already dead. The Braccatia will not rest until the last of your people is a charred corpse. Your children, your families, your loved ones, all are dead. Their blood is on your hands. If we fail to carry out our lawful vengeance, may the sea flood my lungs with salted mud, may my ancestors' graves open and consume my living body, may the starred void drain my essence and my soul wander homeless and bloodless forever. You're dead. You do realise that, don't you?You must be out of your mind. Using that filth against us!Don't patronise me, Terran.Don't try to pretend you don't know what I mean - you used that disgusting weapon against my colonies and you are ALL going to die for it. Every last one of your colonies.Save it, Terran. We know it was you - do you imagine this is the first time anyone has used this filth on us? You used a warhead to deliver it - your electronic signature is all over the instruments like a rash.You are insufferably arrogant and deserve everything that you are about to get! May your collective souls rot forever!I understand war. I neither understand nor wish to understand this. War is a matter of honour, of bravery and risk. This is... base cowardice.That is precisely what I would have expected from one of your species. Very well - we shall see who wins. Make your peace with whatever deity you serve. Death follows.I marvel at your insouciance. You have just foully murdered several of my people, and you can sit there and pretend ignorance. You are wholly without shame or any concept of honour, like all of your species!Oh, I am quite sure that you believe that. This is pointless, you have no understanding; I wish only to inform you that from now on we will show you no mercy. Prepare yourself - death awaits you.It is conceivable. Let us know the terms and we will respond forthwith.It seems unlikely, but never let it be said that we were not amenable to reason. Name your conditions.As the Braccatian Ambassador I am obliged to consider your terms if you send them. But only to consider them.No. We do not talk to scum.So be it.Very well. But do not attempt to pull the wool over our eyes, Terran.Very well. But I am watching you, Terran.Of course, whenever you are ready.Possibly. It all depends on subsequent behaviour, does it not?It seems inconceivable at present. But if we knew what the future held, we would be as gods.As you wish. It seems a little premature to us, but it is your prerogative.I think that is wise.One of your smarter decisions, and thus a rare event; but greatly to be welcomed.You must be mistaken, Terran. The Braccatia are an honourable culture and would not condone such an act.We have no desire to ally with a culture which thinks so lowly of it's loyal allies. I am agreed. The treaty is dead.Watch your step. Accusing a Braccatian of oath-breaking is a serious matter.You doubt the commitment of a Braccatian?So. I understand. The treaty stands. We will both be more aware, yes?You will discover what the Braccatia owe to people who make such slurs on our culture!You are a perfect example of your species, Terran: a mean intelligence, virtually no diplomacy and absolutely no memory of your own failings. We don't have to justify a damn thing to you.Fine. Look to your defences!We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.This is a formal declaration of war on behalf of the Braccatia.It is just possible that my people have enough respect for you to allow a ceasefire.Not until we have won. Then it is ended.When your people are beaten and your colonies are ours. Not before.Why? It's not as if you don't deserve it.I'm sorry to hear that. In what way are our communications blocked?I am sure my people have good reason: but your concerns are noted. It is not impossible that the situation can be... redrawn.The crucial aspect is that honour is maintained, as I'm sure you understand. Perhaps a gift to the Braccatian people might help to soothe the sting of withdrawing before total conquest has been achieved?I may not specify a particular gift. There are certain commodities that the Braccatia favour; it should not be beyond your considerable powers of deduction to discover them and make the appropriate arrangements.Honour-gifting is an ancient Braccatian custom; there is no suggestion of bribery, an utterly offensive concept doubtless originating in the Terran sectors!Thank you. I may say, you display a better grasp of the niceties of honour than many of your compatriots.So. You have not contacted me to discuss peace at all, but merely to insult me and by implication my people. Look to your defences!I do not believe that we have anything to discuss. Your recent actions have provoked a certain response; now you come looking for us to back down? I don't believe we have to accept this treatment. Talk to me when your actions match your words.My apologies; you are entitled to a courteous answer, at least. Yes, my people are angry with you. You cannot blame them, but if you have a suggestion for resolving the situation, I will hear you out.You will forgive me for saying that you have a strange way of showing it! But the Braccatia are as generous in ascendancy as they are ferocious under pressure: an honour gift from your people to mine will serve to heal the rift.Or at least make the effort to start doing so! The Braccatia smile on you and your works.You talk a good fight, Terran. Let us see if your forces are as effective.The Braccatia would never stoop to such an underhand method of dealing! Your security must have made a mistake.What are we expected to say? You must cancel the treaty or not, as you see fit.I could perhaps persuade my people that this was a fair exchange... Very well, you will receive it within the week.You have been listening to those who wish to sow discord between us. Be careful not to repeat such malicious slander; the Braccatia are not minded to treat such a matter lightly.Not possible; we would not cheapen our good name by resorting to such tactics.Of course. We expect only to be treated with respect.So, first you insult us and then you have the nerve to demand an honour-gift! Your lack of diplomacy is truly breathtaking!With the greatest of pleasure.It pains me to say it, but you have a point. Let us forget this unfortunate incident and start again.You have been listening to those who wish to sow discord between us. Be careful not to repeat such malicious slander; the Braccatia are not minded to treat such a matter lightly.It is not the custom of the Braccatia to apologise; nonetheless, we have no desire to seek conflict with your people at this time. Therefore an honour-gift is due. We trust that you will hold to your side of the bargain.It is inconceivable that we should concur with this pathetic attempt to avoid conflict. Do your worst!By all means. We do not care what reason you wish to salve your consciences with, we are the Braccatia and we never refuse conflict!By all means. We do not care what reason you wish to salve your consciences with, we are the Braccatia and we never refuse conflict!My people have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?Nor we; but the Braccatia do not take such insults lightly.I sincerely hope not. This time, we will overlook the breach of trust and the treaty will stand.Just so, but I think we will not take the risk. The alliance is at an end.Nor we. We would be grateful for some token of your good faith in this matter, however.I'm sure that it will. Our thanks for your sensitivity.True but hardly appropriate to the situation. Very well, as you wish.I would hardly call it minor. Do you intend to apologise and gift us to remove the stigma of dishonour, or are you intent upon war?Very well - please continue.I don't have to listen to this filth. Mention it one more time and your colonies will be smoking ruins.You were warned, Terran. Be told: when the Braccatia tell you something, they mean it.I have only this to say to you. For the short time left to you, you will regret this.That is all. I have no more to say.I am Ge Tra Xi, Mikotaj Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors. My people are bodiless, beings of pure energy; this gives us little in common with the other cultures of the Federation. Nonetheless, we wish you well in your endeavours. Contact me if you have any matter to discuss with the Mikotaj.It is inconceivable. Check your security for corruption - our enemies must have bribed them to blacken our name.Why should I? The accusation is clearly absurd.If and when that happens, I shall expect the worst.The Mikotaj would not normally consider such an act; but we have no desire to see the alliance fall. Very well; you will receive a token of our goodwill within the week.Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.Nothing. There is no law against the use of agents, and the Mikotaj have little reason to trust you implicitly.I await it with interest.I don't think the Mikotaj would be remotely impressed by that. Let us simply leave things as they are, for the sake of all our colonists.The Mikotaj have no gods - nor any need of them.What realistic alternative do you have? Attack us if you like - how smart would that be when you know that we have current strategic information about your capabilities?Yes.Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.Although the Mikotaj see no call to apologise, nonetheless conflict at the present time would serve neither of our peoples well. Apologies are therefore proffered, along with the bribe traditional to Terrans in such situations.Your wits must be even more addled than usual if you really expect the Mikotaj to fall for that one. There is nothing more to be said.It is inconceivable. Check your security for corruption - our enemies must have bribed them to blacken our name.Why should I? The accusation is clearly absurd.If and when that happens, I shall expect the worst.The Mikotaj would not normally consider such an act; but we have no desire to see the alliance fall. Very well; you will receive a token of our goodwill within the week.Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.Nothing. There is no law against the use of agents, and the Mikotaj have little reason to trust you implicitly.I await it with interest.I don't think the Mikotaj would be remotely impressed by that. Let us simply leave things as they are, for the sake of all our colonists.The Mikotaj have no gods - nor any need of them.What realistic alternative do you have? Attack us if you like - how smart would that be when you know that we have current strategic information about your capabilities?Yes.Don't waste my time; you have no such proof for no such thing occurred. Try it again and you will regret playing games with the Mikotaj.Although the Mikotaj see no call to apologise, nonetheless conflict at the present time would serve neither of our peoples well. Apologies are therefore proffered, along with the bribe traditional to Terrans in such situations.Your wits must be even more addled than usual if you really expect the Mikotaj to fall for that one. There is nothing more to be said.If you so wish; I'm sure the Mikotaj will oblige your blood-lust. But don't think to pass it off as our fault; we sent no agent to your colonies.The Mikotaj have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?The Mikotaj are pleased to accept your apologies. Don't let it happen again.Your loss.Yes, that's what you people always say. And yet you behave like this. Why is that?Just so.I am so glad to hear it.Do you think the Mikotaj would not?Not possible for a lower race. But no, I will make it clear for you: as of this moment, we have no intention of escalating the conflict.I'm so glad. Prepare yourselves.I'm sure they have their reasons.When it suits you. Very well, I will speak to the Mikotaj.Good.Your financial concerns are not my business. I have said I will speak to the Mikotaj; you must be content with that.Precisely.By all means. She at least will understand the limitations of my position.I'm sure they have their reasons.And why should I intercede for someone who has already demonstrated their lack of integrity?Has it crossed your mind to wonder why this has happened? You surely aren't telling me that the Mikotaj are the only guilty party?Perhaps, perhaps not. What assurance are you prepared to give me that your people will not take advantage of any situation in which I elicit promises of neutrality from the Mikotaj?Perhaps because, after this length of time, I have managed to grasp the essentials of politics - which, it is abundantly clear, you have failed to do. Now, do you have any other trivia with which to take up my time, or may I get on with important business?You speak like the ignorant fool you are. Good day to you.Some token of good faith, perhaps? The Mikotaj set great store by such things.Not necessarily - although I have found that it does concentrate the minds of less-developed species wonderfully.I'm afraid the answer would be beyond you. But enough of this: if you will present the Mikotaj with some appropriate gift, I can undertake to elicit pledges of neutrality towards your colonies. Do you wish to deal?It is, as always, your choice.A wise decision.Yes?So what are you going to do about it?Oh yes, I see what you mean. You are blackmailing us.Fine. Business is business. You'll be receiving payment within the week. But don't get any funny ideas about double-crossing us, will you?You astonish me. Very well; what is it?Ah, I see. You wish us to bribe you?No, I don't think so. We are prepared to risk whatever you will do.It would doubtless make our lives easier not to have to cope with an impertinent Federal interest just at the moment. Your cheque's in the mail, as I believe you say.As of this time, we are no longer at war with you.Very well - please continue.If this is some paltry attempt at blackmail, Terran, forget it. The Mikotaj have done nothing to be ashamed of, and can prove it!You become repetitious and very tedious. Go away.If you submit your terms, I will consider them.Submit your terms. They will receive consideration.As the Mikotaj Ambassador I am legally obliged to consider any terms submitted to me.No.-*--*--*--*-Agreed.Possibly.Doubtful.Who knows?As you wish.I can see that you would.A wise move.-*--*--*-I think you will find this is a mistake. The Mikotaj have done nothing to contravene the treaty.The fault is not ours.I am delighted that we see eye to eye on this.The Mikotaj have nothing to justify.I think you will find this is a mistake. The Mikotaj have done nothing to contravene the treaty.-*--*--*-We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.This is a formal declaration of war on behalf of the Mikotaj.By all means let there be a ceasefire.I am surprised to find you so intelligent. The Mikotaj will be pleased for the slaughter to end.There is unfinished business. We will continue.The Mikotaj are weary of this pointless death and destruction. Would you be prepared to consider a ceasefire?Greetings. I am SabrisSan Lars, Federal Minister for Law Enforcement. As you can see, I am Artemian, and in addition to my Federal post I have the honour to be the Artemian Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors, the area in which your franchise operates. Being so far from the central sectors, the Federal writ does not run as strongly there as I might wish; but I am confident that with the assistance of decent law-abiding citizens such as yourself, we will continue to pull the frontier territories within the sphere of Federal good order. I hope your time will be both life-enhancing and profitable; do not forget that what profits you profits the Federation, allowing all cultures to flourish.Very well - please continue.What? The Artemia trading with the Mauna? You're raving mad! You start spreading rumours like that around, and you will be in serious trouble. You hear me? SERIOUS trouble.Not interested, thank you. Spit your dirty stories into someone else's ears.You didn't really think you'd get away with it, did you?Don't play the innocent with me. What the hell do you think you're doing?You are going to suffer for this. Starting with the official side of the matter. As Federal Minister for Law Enforcement, it is my duty - and my pleasure - to inform you that you have been fined two million credits.I haven't finished yet. In addition, the Federation is confiscating one third of your combat fleet, personnel excluded, until such time as it is felt that more responsible behaviour can reasonably be expected.Oh yes I can. You are in violation of over a dozen separate Federal statutes, most importantly, the use of anti-personnel viruses. It was a calculated risk and you miscalculated. Now you pay the price - and I do mean pay.You should have thought before you did it, shouldn't you? I trust that this will be the last time it happens. I should warn you that if you are stupid enough ever to do this again and get caught, the penalty is immediate incarceration. Plus, and I am speaking unofficially here, I will personally ensure that your colonies are destroyed to the last atom of space dust, do you understand me?Good.Look... We are familiar with the delivery, the pattern and the effects of this virus; we've seen it before. We also have instrumentation capable of tracking where the warhead came from. We know it was you.-*-Understood? So you have been fined, and the Federation is confiscating one third - I will repeat that, one third - of your combat fleet. There is no appeal. I have nothing more to say; other than that if you are ever tempted to do this again - to the Artemia or anyone else - DON'T.You scum.This is not something you can lie your way out of. This is not something there is any doubt about. I am Federal Minister for Law Enforcement, in case you had forgotten: I can impose whatever sanctions the law deems proper whether or not you admit a single damn thing.Understood? So you have been fined, and the Federation is confiscating one third - I will repeat that, one third - of your combat fleet, excluding personnel. There is no appeal. I have nothing more to say; other than that if you are ever tempted to do this again - to the Artemia or anyone else - DON'T.Very well. If you feel you must persist in this pathetic travesty of injured innocence, I will take another look at the records - although I know perfectly well that they are accurate - and I will do it in the presence of Federal witnesses.Shut up. And then I will come down on you like the wrath of god. I'll tell you the results of the investigation now, it will save time; you will be fined two million credits and have a third of your combat fleet, excluding personnel, confiscated until the Federal Council feels that you can be trusted to behave responsibly.No. I do not wish to have anything more to do with you, but the law dictates that I must at least deliver this message before severing contact. You have not only broken the law, but you have stooped to commit an act that I had thought was beyond anyone with any pretensions to civilisation, never mind sanity. The Federation will exact the due penalties; my people will exact theirs.FROM: SabrisSan Lars, Federal Minister for Law Enforcement The Federation has judged you to be in violation of Federal Statute 47536.29, forbidding the trading of stolen goods. As of now you may not enter into any trading negotiations for the next THREE MONTHS. Failure to comply with these restrictions will attract the maximum penalty. No appeal allowed.FROM: SabrisSan Lars, Federal Minister for Law Enforcement The Federation has judged you to be in violation of Federal Statute 45546.229, forbidding the inflicting of injury or death or neglect leading to injury or death upon protected species. You are fined the sum of 500,000 Cr. Failure to comply will attract the maximum penalty. No appeal allowed.Sure. Send over your terms and we'll consider them.Doesn't seem very likely, but we can give it a try. Name your conditions.As the Artemian Ambassador I am obliged to consider your terms if you send them. But I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.There is no dialogue between us.Our pleasure.Alright. But we'll be keeping a close eye on you.Agreed. Reluctantly.Sure, why not?Perhaps.Doubtful. But who knows?And things were going so well, too. But of course, if that is your wish...And not a minute too soon.Too right.No, no, a mere oversight on our part, I assure you. It won't happen again.Defence? Watch your language, please. It was nothing to do with us.I'm glad we can agree.Suit yourself.You've got a damn nerve, Terran. Given your history, I don't believe we have anything to justify. That is not a wise move, but have it your own way.No, no, a mere oversight on our part, I assure you. It won't happen again.I'm glad we can agree.We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.This is a formal declaration of war on behalf of the Artemia.It is possible that a ceasefire will be welcomed by my people. I will consult them and let you know.The Artemia end wars one way only. We will fight on.Finding the game not worth the candle? We are not giving up - fight on!Very well; your protest is noted.It is possible that they believe they have due cause. Nonetheless, I will investigate and try to persuade them that this is not a wise course of action.Just doing my job.I don't believe so. The Artemia are after all a warrior culture with a historically-established land-hunger. I will do my best to resolve this situation - I can promise no more, and in all fairness, I don't believe that you can ask for more.Very well; your protest is noted.Be reasonable - whatever the Federal Pledge may say, I cannot hope to patrol the whole of frontier territories such as the Fragmented Sectors. I will do what I can to persuade my people that they should cease all hostilities towards you - if I judge that they do not have good cause.That makes two of us.It is your decision. Should I say that I can never trust a Terran because they once tried to butcher my people as though they were mindless vermin? Look at my record - does my judgement seem partial to you?We will both hope so.Watch your tongue! Whether or not the Federation is corrupt, and whether you trust my judgement or not, I am all that currently stands between you and one of the most feared fighting forces in the universe!I. Will. Do. What. I. Can. For. You.This conversation is going nowhere. I see no reason why I should attempt to put myself out for someone who is plainly only intent upon insulting myself, my culture and the organisation on whose behalf I work. If you find in yourself a genuine desire for peace, come back to me. Otherwise, good day.The use of agents is not banned by any Federal law. It is possible my people felt they had reason to mistrust you - could this be the case?What can I say? People are often suspicious, with or without good reason. All I can ask is that you give the Artemia a second chance.Unfortunately, bribery IS illegal under Federal law. And my people would consider it dishonourable in the extreme. I'm afraid you either trust us you don't.I'll see what I can do.Understood. Thank you for your understanding.No, I don't think so. In future, be wary of making baseless accusations against the Artemia - it can get you into more trouble than it's really worth.I fear that you must expect such incidents from time to time; but I will swallow my pride and offer apologies on behalf of the Artemia, if that is what you seek.Of course; just so long as you understand that the same rules apply in reverse...Come now - you know full well that honour-gifting is a Braccatian affection, not an Artemian practice. Nor do I accept that it is necessary in this case. No laws have been broken.I am glad we see eye to eye on this. My regards to you.If you wish for conflict, you are going the right way about getting it! Let us not disturb the peace between our peoples for the sake of a minor infringement of good nature.We do not seek confrontation, but the Artemia never back away from battle, you know that.Please accept from me on behalf of the Artemia an apology for an incident which has had unwanted consequences. It is not our practice to pay blood money but we hope nonetheless that war may be averted.We owe you no apology. We have never run from conflict, nor are we about to begin now.Do not be a fool. If you wish to declare war on the Artemia, go ahead; but have the guts not to hide behind stupid pretences.The use of agents is not banned by any Federal law. It is possible my people felt they had reason to mistrust you - could this be the case?What can I say? People are often suspicious, with or without good reason. All I can ask is that you give the Artemia a second chance.I'll see what I can do.Understood. Thank you for your understanding.I fear that you must expect such incidents from time to time; but I will swallow my pride and offer apologies on behalf of the Artemia, if that is what you seek.Of course; just so long as you understand that the same rules apply in reverse...Come now - you know full well that honour-gifting is a Braccatian affection, not an Artemian practice. Nor do I accept that it is necessary in this case. No laws have been broken.I am glad we see eye to eye on this. My regards to you.If you wish for conflict, you are going the right way about getting it! Let us not disturb the peace between our peoples for the sake of a minor infringement of good nature.We do not seek confrontation, but the Artemia never back away from battle, you know that.My people have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?I am very glad to hear it. I would be... disappointed... if the alliance should cease before it's natural termination.I am glad to hear it. I would be even happier were you to cement your desire for peace between our cultures by signing a Non-Aggression Pact with the Artemia.I wouldn't, no. My people may well.You'd better hope the Artemia believe you. And you'd better not be lying.And that is?Typical. I will take the matter up with Ambassador map Gryar immediately. Thank you for the information.Thanks for the information. I'll see what I can do.You'd better be right this time. I don't relish being made to look like a fool.I might have known it. I will take the matter up with Ambassador Tra Xi immediately. Thank you for the information.You're out of your mind! I'm sorry, but I have no intention of bothering - or insulting - SabrisSan with this.Hmm. I don't know. I'll look into this and if I think there's good reason, I'll have a word with Solon.I don't think so, somehow. For all their superior attitudes, the Rigellians aren't that dishonourable - or stupid.Are you suffering from some sort of delusional illness? I've looked into these allegations of yours before, and there isn't a shred of truth in them. Now, please, go and mine something.Ambassador Fong is unavailable at present.Very well. What's the problem?And what's the problem this time?If your speaking to SabrisSan has had no effect, I doubt I shall be able to do much more. But yes, I will try.You should have been more diplomatic to begin with; you know what the Artemia are like. SabrisSan does her best, but really, they're just a bunch of barbarians. However, I'll have another word with her.Very well. What's the problem?And what's the problem this time?The Braccatia are a wilful and aggressive culture; you should have taken more care not to annoy them.Despite profound reservations; I'll see what I can do.Look, if you've got yourself into hot water with one of the heaviest cultures in the Federation, you'd be better advised to try courtesy than bullying. I said, I'll do what I can.More fool you for getting into this in the first place; the Brac are wholly unreasonable as you must have learnt by now. If Solon's on his honour kick then I don't think I'll be able to achieve anything - but yes, I'll try.-*--*-You're hopeful, aren't you? That ... thing ... gives a whole new resonance to the word `supercilious'I can barely bring myself to exchange the time of day with Ambassador Ge, but I will try.I'd say my chances were approaching zero from the wrong side, but I suppose I'll have to make the attempt. Just try not to do this again, will you?Very well. What's the problem?And what's the problem this time?If I really have to. You know, you have to try really quite hard to annoy the Rigellians: what have you been doing?Ye-es. Very well, I'll call Ancyra for you.I'll refrain from asking what the hell you've been up to; I know the answer will be less than helpful, never mind the honesty content. Alright, I'll do my best.-*-And what's the problem this time?I'll do what I can. Are you sure your own hands are clean in this? The Achaeans are rarely either aggressive or vindictive...Good. I'll talk to Valtimar on your behalf.I am. But you must understand that I need to know all pertinent facts before I start rattling cages on your behalf, especially since Valtimar is not unreasonable - despite being an alien.It seems frankly unlikely that I will be able to effect any changes by this stage, but I will see what I can do.I am Jane Fong, Federal Minister for Trade Relations. I also hold the post of Terran Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors and as such, I am your representative while your franchise runs its course. I do my best to ensure that the Terrans get a fair deal out in the Sectors, although it is not always easy: although I would not insult you by suggesting that you thought this was a soft option, until you have tried it you have no idea how... challenging it can be at times. If there is anything I can do to help, do not hesitate to ask me. Bear in mind also, however, that I am responsible to the Federal Council for the behaviour of the Terran franchisees; and I expect that they will play their part in keeping our good name clear. I wish you the best of luck.I am Valtimar map Gryar Shirran, that is Valtimar child of Gryar of the Shirran Tribes, Achaean Ambassador for the Fragmented Sectors and member of the Achaean Trading Union. The Achaean Gatherings have a great part to play in the opening-up of such backwaters as these, and I hope and believe that you will come to find our company enjoyable and profitable. As you must know, we are the traders of the Federation, and if there are any supplies that you need, be they basic necessities or life's luxuries, we will do our utmost to procure them for you. I do not foresee problems between our colonies; we are an easy-going, tolerant collection of cultures, and it is our boast that we are friends with all the diverse species of the Federation.I am very distressed by your behaviour. What were you thinking of?This was a profoundly inhumane act. Many of my people have suffered terribly because of it. Why did you do it?That is true. And I fear that your people will come to regret your actions as much as mine have.Do not compound your evil-doing with mendacity. There is no question that you were responsible - do you think that I would make such an allegation without being absolutely certain that I was right?You will be hearing from the Federation, without a doubt. As to our reaction - well, you'll just have to wait and see.Do you mean in monetary terms? None whatsoever. Do you think that because we are a trading people, that we can be bought off, no matter what?There is nothing. You made your decision and you acted on it. Now take the consequences.No. It is simply a realistic reaction. You could not have believed that you would get away with it?Oh, I understand it alright. Do you understand the consequences of your miscalculation?Just as well.There is nothing that you can do except listen. I have only this to say: your actions are those of a barbarian who has never heard of the civilising power of compassion. To call you a savage would be to insult primitive peoples everywhere. To know the rules of social behaviour, and then refuse to abide by them; to know that there are depths to which no sentient being should ever go, and then immerse yourself in those depths; this is beyond forgiveness and beneath contempt. I have instructed my people to have no further dealings with you, and I have informed the Federation of your actions. I pity you.Certainly. If you would like to submit your initial suggestions, we will consider them and send our response as quickly as possible.It's possible, although given recent events unlikely. Name your conditions.I fear the constant stress of combining colony management and your expansionist ambitions may have turned your mind. After the way you have treated us, we have little desire to negotiate with you. Nonetheless, it would be discourteous to refuse to hear you out; name your conditions.We have no desire to talk to you.It is our pleasure to concur.So be it.We agree.That is our hope also.That is our profound hope.It is possible.Very well, although I wish I could change your minds on this.I suppose we should have been prepared for this. Very well, it's over.I can only wish that we had moved first. You are welcome to your isolationism.Allow me to offer my most profound apologies for this incident and assure you that it won't happen again.Sorry, nothing to do with us. Must have been someone impersonating an Achaean trader - happens all the time, you know.Not a damn thing. With your track record, what makes you think we would care?That is not a wise move, but have it your own way.We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.I deeply regret the necessity, but I have to inform you on behalf of the Achaean Gatherings that our cultures are now officially at war.I am sure my people will welcome the opportunity. As from now, let there be a permanent ceasefire.It has gone on far too long already. We would welcome the cessation of hostilities.You are of course entitled to your opinion. However, I don't believe the Gatherings are willing to give up just yet.My people are tired of this struggle. We would like to suggest a ceasefire, at the very least, and preferably a complete end to hostility.I am grieved to hear that, my friend; however, while it is my firm belief that violence is always unwarranted, I hardly think in this particular case that it was unjustified. While my people are essentially peaceful, even they have their limits.A very proper concern; so let's talk business. My people feel that they have suffered at your hands and wish for reparation; are you prepared to discuss this?A sane and rational approach, and much appreciated. 50,000 Cr and your borders are secure - at least from the Achaeans.It is of course entirely your choice, my friend. And I do resent the term 'blackmail'; I prefer to think of it as an investment in security.Very well. Don't say you didn't have the opportunity.But of course.Very well. Don't say you didn't have the opportunity.We are a trading culture; in my experience, trading is almost always infinitely preferable to combat.A canny response, as I believe one of your Terran idioms has it. A pleasure doing business with you.Maybe not one that a Terran would recognise; but then again, many of us in the Federation do not believe that a Terran benchmark of honour would be especially worthwhile.On the contrary; I am showing you how easy it is to play this sort of game, and where all too often it irrevocably leads. Come now; do you wish to fight on, or do you wish for a ceasefire?I'm sure your colonists will be overjoyed to hear that.Now that's more like it. On behalf of the Gatherings, I welcome your decision.Such an attitude would do you credit, if there were a shred of truth in your accusation.Not at all. I am denying that these actions are either unjustified or unwarranted. My people are fighting back against what they perceive - correctly, as far as I can judge it - intolerable levels of provocation. Now, what do you wish to do about this?Very well. And what are you prepared to offer in order to procure this cessation?As I understand the situation, people would be dying whatever; I am suggesting a proven method of stopping these unfortunate occurrences.Given the extreme nature of the provocation, I can't see the tribes settling for much under 500,000 Cr.An ability to learn fast has always been one of humanity's major advantages.100,000 Cr and you will be troubled no further.My pleasure.As ever, it's your choice.-*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-I can't believe the tribes would have done such a thing; are you sure you're not mistaken?Very well - I am sorry that it had to end like this, but I understand your position. I hope that perhaps the situation between us can be rectified at a later date.Perhaps some token of our regard would help to convince you that it was indeed an honest mistake?I understand completely. Leave the matter in my hands.-*-You are mistaken this time, my friend. I suggest you are more careful in future when you make such accusations; it would be a shame to jeopardise our fruitful relationship over such a matter.Such things happen. Will you accept my apologies and believe that I will endeavour to ensure that it doesn't happen again?Understood.Your reaction is only to be expected. I will do my utmost to avoid another such incident, but I do not think the Tribes would be prepared to pay on this occasion.So be it.I always hope for the best.You are mistaken this time, my friend. I suggest you are more careful in future when you make such accusations; it would be a shame to jeopardise our fruitful relationship over such a matter.Please accept our most profound apologies, and our fervent hopes that this token of our esteem will help to avert that most hated of outcomes.So be it. We do not desire to be at war with you, but acknowledge the unwelcome dictates of fate.Do not think that you can use lies and deceit on the Tribes; we were practising psychological warfare before humanity had learned how to light fires! Nor are we interested in your bullying.My people have reported to me that they have captured an agent who, under interrogation, has told them that you sent them. What is your response?That is our wish also. Send us a token of your good faith - say, 100,000 Cr - and the alliance holds.That depends in part upon your response.It is guaranteed. A pleasure doing business with you.-*-That sounds interesting: what is it you have to say?The alternative being that we make it worth your while to leave the Federal bureaucrats in blissful ignorance?That is certainly an interesting proposition. And if we refuse? There is after all nothing to stop you taking our... gift, and then informing the Federation anyway.True enough, and you seem to have a sufficient grasp of diplomacy not to risk it. Very well. We will ensure that your silence does not go unrewarded.I feel that you would probably regret it if you did. Fair trading makes for powerful friends...I think you should give very careful consideration to your decision.Even in circumstances such as these, we are almost always prepared to talk business.Hmm. How about money? That usually works with you people.Oh, very well.Certainly - it makes far more sense from our point of view.As of this time, we are no longer at war with you.That sounds interesting: what is it you have to say?No, I'm afraid this time you are quite wrong, my friend. And if you should go to Ambassador Fong with this information, you will regret it. We would have to suspend all trading with someone who tried - unjustifiably - to make such trouble for us. Good day.No, no, I know what's coming here. I'm not interested in this conversation.We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Non-Aggression Pact between our two cultures. Would you be interested?We would like to negotiate the setting-up of a Joint Combat Treaty between our two cultures. Would you be interested?Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.Without wishing to cause offence, we wish to cancel the Non-Aggression Pact existing between us.Without wishing to cause offence, we wish to cancel the Joint Combat Treaty existing between us.It pains me to say this, Ambassador, but it appears that you have broken the terms of the Non-Aggression Pact that we signed with you. Do you have anything to say in your defence?I hope not. Let the treaty stand for now.Nonetheless we cannot take the risk. I must cancel the treaty immediately.Very well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. The treaty stands.I'm not interested. The treaty is dead. The Mikotaj owe us.It pains me to say this, Ambassador, but it appears that you have broken the terms of the Joint Combat Treaty that we signed with you. Do you have anything to say in your defence?Sure - send us your terms and we'll have a look.Well, okay then. But I'm not sure we're interested just now.Not a chance.Ambassador, this war is costing both our cultures dearly. Might I suggest that we consider ending it?No problem. We too are weary of the war.No can do, Ge - there's too much at stake.Ambassador, I wish to protest about repeated attacks by the Mikotaj on my colonies.I'm sure they believe they have reason; nonetheless, I am appealing to you as the Mikotaj Ambassador to intercede with your people and explain to them that we have no hostile designs on them and would be grateful for similar forbearance on their part.Thank you. Your readiness to assist is appreciated.I need a more binding answer than that; I'm losing money here!Very well. Your call.Your attitude is appalling, Ambassador, do you know that? I have a good mind to lodge a formal complaint with the Terran representative.I don't understand your reply. I am asking you as representative of your people to mediate, since relations between us seem to have become less than friendly.I am uninterested in apportioning blame, Ambassador; I merely wish the situation resolved as peacefully and speedily as possible. Is this too much to ask?And supposing it was true? I sometimes wonder why I bother even attempting to resolve any situation through your mediation, Ambassador; your whole mindset appears to revolve around 'my people right or wrong' and I entirely fail to understand how, with this attitude, you manage to keep your job!By all means concentrate on whatever it is you do. I can see there is absolutely no point in asking you to do your actual job!What assurance can I give?Ah! You want money!Are you trying to be offensive? Or is it just that your species is so far advanced that they have no need of tact?Stuff your deal. I don't have to sit here and be insulted - do your worst and be damned to you!I'm sure you're right, Ambassador, as always. Very well; I will gift the Mikotaj and will rely on your integrity to ensure an appropriate result.Good day, Ambassador. I have something to say to you regarding your business ethics.We have evidence that your people have been trading with the Mauna. Now we could of course inform the Federation of this inconvenient fact; but that would hardly endear us to you. On the other hand, you are our competitors; it could be said that it would be to our advantage should you fall foul of Federal regulations.That rather depends on your actions. If you see what I mean.That's an ugly way of expressing it, but yes, that's right. Well?Perish the thought.Very well. We have evidence that your people are trading with the Mauna. That gives us a serious advantage over you. What would you like to offer us to keep silent?Much the best course for you to take, don't you think? After all, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew...Your decision, Ambassador.In a word, yes.What can I do for you, Ambassador?Wha-at?Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; I thought we had an alliance - what's going on here, Ambassador?No. I have to say I'm disappointed in you, and that I must consider the alliance between us at an immediate end.It's conceivable, although frankly unlikely. Do you have nothing more to say in your defence?I don't believe so; but if you're so sure, very well, we will leave the alliance to run its course. But make no mistake, Ge; one more 'absurdity' like that and you will find my attitude considerably less forgiving.I'm not buying this, Ambassador; either make us some offer of restitution or the treaty is dead in the water.Very well; although you understand that if it does happen again, you must expect a less conciliatory reaction.Not this time, Ambassador. I must warn you that my people are deeply unhappy about this. Something to prove your good faith would be much appreciated.I am reluctant to agree, but on this occasion I will do so. Try it again, though, Ge, and the gods help you and your colonists!Not a chance! You really think we're just going to ignore this?You think you have an answer for everything, don't you?Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; what do you have to say for yourself, Ambassador?Our Security reports that we have captured an agent and that your people sent them; I am informing you that unless we receive an apology and some form of remuneration within the week, you must accept that a state of war exists between our peoples.Please accept our apologies, Ambassador. We have no wish to be in conflict with the your people.We do not wish for conflict, but equally have no desire to continue this alliance.Must be a quirk of Terran genetics, Ambassador. The Mikotaj must thank whatever they worship that they have no such... instabilities.One of the mysteries of creation, Ambassador. Now are you going to accept our apology or not? We are more than prepared for the alternative.It happens. You would not go to war over such a minor issue, Ambassador?That's what I'm asking - we have no desire for conflict, Ambassador, I am merely trying to understand your intentions.I am absolutely sure the Mikotaj are capable of anything, Ambassador. And equally sure that we are ready for them.Very well. I am prepared to make an exception this once. The treaty stands.I'm not interested. The treaty is dead. You owe us.Very well, Ambassador. I will try one more time to make this treaty work - and I would be grateful if the Rigellians could bring themselves to work with me, rather than against me!No can do, Ancyra - there's too much at stake.Ambassador, I wish to lodge a formal complaint with you about the behaviour of your compatriots.My colonies have repeatedly been attacked by Rigellian weapons. I would ask you to request your people to observe Federal law concerning interference with legitimate business activity!Of course not - how could you even think such a thing?Thank you, Ambassador, I knew I could rely on your sense of fair play and justice.Of course - perish the thought you might take a Terran's word for it.As have all the cultures of the Federation, Ambassador - can we not after this length of time begin to trust one another just a little?I don't need a lecture on the shortcomings of my culture, Ambassador, I need you to help me out. Now, are you going to or not?Anything to sort this out! Send it over...Not a chance - I don't care for blackmail. I'll risk your weaponry - which, let's face it, isn't up to much anyway...That's an extremely noble attitude, Ambassador, but out here things are simpler, nastier and frequently more crude. Bluntly, will you pay restitution to us or are you content for the alliance to cease?For me, of course, but perhaps not for my people. Would you be prepared to treat with us?Frankly, no. I'd prefer hard cash.-*-How can I promise such a thing, Ambassador? You must realise that the situation changes all the time.Very gracious of you, Ambassador. You have our assurances.I think that is stretching the truth somewhat, Ambassador, but no matter.Your point is taken, Ambassador. Our apologies. Can I have your reassurance that good sense and reason will prevail between our peoples?Actually they were far from cheap...The wrath of the Rigellians? Now that is a laughing matter - do your worst, Ambassador!No, no, I take it back, Ambassador, you are right. Let us live in peace like civilised beings.Ambassador, I wish to lodge a formal protest with you.My colonies are under repeated attack by the Achaeans; I have complained to Valtimar map Gryar but it seems to have had no effect. Could you take the matter up with him?I swear to Gaia we have not provoked this.Oh, thanks. I thought you were supposed to be on my side!My colonies are under repeated attack by the Braccatia; I have complained to Solon Valtravers but it seems to have had no effect. Could you take the matter up with him?I know, I know - but you'll have a word with him anyway?I don't need a lecture, I need some back-up! Are you prepared to talk to Solon on my behalf or not?My colonies are under repeated attack by the Mikotaj; I have complained to Ge Tra Xi but it seems to have had no effect. Can you help?Well, I don't find - it - easy to deal with myself, but I was hoping you might be able to talk Ambassador to Ambassador, as it were.My colonies are under repeated attack by the Rigellians; I have complained to Ancyra LaMarr but it seems to have had no effect. Could you take the matter up with her?Nothing, I swear! A misunderstanding, nothing more.Ambassador Fong, I think there's something you should know concerning the activities of the Achaeans in the Fragmented Sectors.They're trading with the Mauna. And no, I don't have any proof, but my agent is usually reliable in this sort of matter.Ambassador Fong, you should know that the Achaeans are engaged in illegal trading with the Mauna. Again.Ambassador Fong, I think there's something you should know concerning the activities of the Mikotaj in the Fragmented Sectors.Ambassador Fong, you should know that the Mikotaj are engaged in illegal trading with the Mauna. Again.Ambassador Fong, I think there's something you should know concerning the activities of the Artemia in the Fragmented Sectors.Ambassador Fong, I think there's something you should know concerning the activities of the Braccatia in the Fragmented Sectors.Ambassador Fong, I think there's something you should know concerning the activities of the Rigellians in the Fragmented Sectors.My colonies are under repeated attack by the Artemia; I have complained to SabrisSan Lars but it seems to have had no effect. Could you take the matter up with her?Oh really? Get off your high horse, Ambassador. This treaty is cancelled and I want full - and prompt - payment.Is that a fact? Right - the treaty is off and I am making a formal declaration of war on the Artemia.Ambassador, I have to tell you that this is a formal declaration of war.You could offer us something to, how shall we say, take the sting out of the situation, Ambassador?I can't take the risk. The treaty is over, you must pay us the fine.I'll take the risk; you get your second chance. But tell your people, Ambassador: one more incident like this and I won't be answerable for the consequences.Only perhaps those of good manners. Very well, I will leave it at that.So you are only concerned with breaches of the letter, rather than the spirit of the law? I might have expected as much.Very well, as you wish.Your choice; one more trick like that and we are at war!Whilst not desiring conflict, we have no wish to continue with this alliance.Of course. Send us the details and I'm sure something can be worked out.I'm afraid that isn't currently possible, Ambassador; nonetheless I hope and trust that the current state of neutrality between our cultures will continue.Very well. Please accept my apologies and my assurances that this will not happen again.Then I hope they are ready for all... eventualities.Ambassador Lars - Minister Lars - I wish to protest about Artemian incursions in my sectors.Is that it? Your people are attacking my colonies!Oh... right. Thank you.I'm sorry, SabrisSan, but this isn't good enough; my business is suffering. Your people are out of control, aren't they?No dice, SabrisSan; I won't be fobbed off with official platitudes. I want some action here!Very well. Thank you - I hope to see results before too long.Oh right - very fair. How can I trust a Law Enforcement Minister to judge fairly when she's also Ambassador for the people who are trashing my colonies?No. Very well: do your best and I will hope that it works out.Who can tell? The Federation is riddled with corruption. Look - I just want to be able to pursue my legitimate business interests in peace, and right now I can't because your land-grabbers are running riot all over my colonies!Thank you; I rather think you just proved my point for me.Don't tell me your pride in the blood-soaked accomplishments of your compatriots is getting the better of you, Ambassador?What can I do for you, Ambassador?I beg your pardon?Not really. However, war is war, Ambassador.How much?!You can't do this!Good grief...Understood.I'm sorry, I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.Right.This isn't possible. I'm sorry, Ambassador, but your instrumentation must be wrong. I swear to you by all that the Artemia hold sacred that we were not responsible for whatever tragedy has befallen your people.Ambassador, please...I only wish to ensure that the right people are condemned, and that there is no miscarriage of justice...Thank you, Ambassador, that's all I am asking for -You wished to speak with me, Ambassador?Believe me, I would not make such an accusation lightly. But that seems to be the case, and in that case I must cancel the treaty.Let the treaty stand, Solon; just be more careful in future.Believe me, I wouldn't do it without good cause. I have no desire to break the treaty; I am merely explaining to you that we have our doubts about your commitment.Not in that sense. Come on; we're not looking for problems here, we're just signalling wariness. Don't leap to conclusions, Solon.Yes. Thank you for your understanding, Solon.News to me they can spell it, Ambassador.One more word and you'll have a war on your hands as well as a broken treaty.I wish to protest at the constant attacks of the Braccatia against my colonies.We seem to have a communications problem here, Solon.We seem to be under almost constant attack from your people: is there not some way in which full-scale war can be avoided?I'm glad to hear it. Do you have any suggestions?A gift, you say. What sort of thing did you have in mind, Solon? We're a little short of luxury items out here, you know.I'm not entirely sure I just heard that correctly, Solon. You're suggesting that we bribe you to stop attacking you?Oh very well, if it'll make you happy, I accept; I'll send your people something. Your people must cease the attacks, though, Solon, or the deal falls.You show disrespect for your own people with such talk. The Braccatia are not the only culture who have a sense of honour and the sooner you grasp that, the better!If you're going to take that line, there is no point on continuing the conversation. I had hoped for a more responsive attitude.That's not a very constructive attitude, Solon; I had hoped for a more sympathetic response.I am unsure of how to pursue my goal; I would prefer - as who wouldn't? - that the Braccatia regarded me as a peaceful neighbour, but...You are more than kind. I'll find something to salve your people's wounded dignity, and may our cultures continue to live in harmony.Not a chance, Solon! Why should I pay to get your dogs off my back when I can blast them into submission?I beg your pardon?Don't speak to me like that, Ambassador. Calm down and tell me what's on your mind.I'm sorry, Ambassador, you'll have to tell me what all this is about.I think you are over-excited. Whatever has happened to your colonies, it was nothing to do with us.Your instrumentation must be wrong.Very well. I admit it, but this is war - as a Braccatian you should understand that.War is about winning, Solon, and only winning. Talk of bravery and honour is for romantic fools.That was not my intention - I merely wish to find out what is troubling you.What are you talking about, Solon - we have done nothing to be ashamed of.Come on, Solon, you could make an effort to compromise a little more! How about paying something towards our breached security - an honour gift, you might say?Very well, I withdraw that statement; if I will accept that the whole thing was an unfortunate oversight on your part, can you promise me that it will not happen again, and allow our peoples to co-exist in peace?As is yours! It is - impolite - to say the least to use agents against peaceful neighbours!That suits me.I wish I could believe you. If I think you're back-sliding, there will be serious trouble.No insult was intended; it was a mistake on the part of our Security and will not happen again.Thank you for that, Ambassador.I hope you are not going to be over-sensitive about this, Ambassador - mistakes can happen to anyone.Very well. We will gift you 50,000 Cr and trust that this will ensure continuing neutrality between our peoples.After an honour-gift, Solon? No, I don't think so. After all, we have done nothing illegal.Oh, very well, I apologise. But no honour-gift - don't push your luck, Solon.Certainly not. Do your worst, Ambassador!I hope not. Let the treaty stand for now.Nonetheless we cannot take the risk. I must cancel the treaty immediately.Oh, pull the other one, Valtimar. Don't think it'll let you out of the treaty though - and I want the fine paid promptly this time.Fine. The treaty is hereby cancelled.If that's your attitude, not only am I immediately cancelling the treaty but I am also declaring war on the Achaeans. Laugh that one off!No problem. We too are weary of the war.No can do, Valtimar - there's too much at stake.-*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-That's a possibility. I'll leave it to your discretion, Ambassador, but make no mistake: if the token is insufficient, or if we find that you have done anything like this again, the alliance will be terminated and your people must live with the consequences.No deal, Ambassador. The alliance is over.It's your call, Ambassador. All I can say is that while I will in my turn attempt to avert the worst consequences of this, I cannot say with certainty that my people will see things the same way.Very well. I suppose we must leave it at that and hope for the best.We have no wish to lose this alliance, Ambassador. Please accept our apologies and allow the treaty to run its course.Accept it with our blessings.I'm afraid we can't do that, Ambassador. But we hope that our peoples will remain at peace anyway.You want money? Very well, accept 100,000 Cr - but in return we expect the Achaeans to stay away from our colonies.Do as you please - you get no money from us.I beg your pardon?It was necessary. War is a terrible thing, Ambassador, and many people suffer the consequences.Whatever act of violence you are referring to, Ambassador, I can assure you that we had nothing to do with it.Probably not... Very well, what next?That sounds ominous. Is there any reparation we can make to avert your... reaction?No! No, not at all, I was merely thinking that maybe there was something we could do, some act of contrition...Is that a threat, Ambassador?It was a calculated risk. You must understand that, Valtimar?It's something I am prepared to live with.Ambassador, I am deeply perturbed by your people's unjustified and unwarranted attacks on my colonies.Let's not chop logic, Valtimar. I am happy to concede that neither of us are guiltless, but my main concern is to effect a cessation of this unnecessary border war.I suppose so. I have to say that I disapprove in principle but my people have neither the time nor the inclination to pursue this at the present time. How much do you want?You must be out of your mind, Valtimar! You can't seriously believe I'm going to give in to this sort of blackmail!I'll bet you do. No way. I'll take the chance.Oh, very well: anything for a quiet life. There'll be hell to pay if I find you reneging on this, though.No way. I'll take the chance.You'll make money out of anything, won't you?I can't say I'm impressed, but I don't need this at the moment; very well, have your blood money.So the Achaeans have no concept of honour?Are you trying to push me into an escalation of this conflict, Valtimar?I'll fight on. No-one impugns my sense of honour.I'm not interested in playing your games. I'll pay up, and the gods help you if you break faith with us.Are you denying that the Achaeans are harassing Terran colonies?I want these attacks to stop immediately!I don't believe you, Valtimar: I'm talking about war here, people dying, and you're talking money!How much is it going to cost me this time?Have it. I'm beginning to realise it's easier in the long run.I don't think so, Valtimar; I'm not handing you a blank cheque every time your people come wailing to you that the nasty Terrans have been provoking them. See you out there.You certainly have a way of redefining the word 'cynical'. Very well; how much will it cost me to get out of this?Good grief... Okay, you gotta deal.No way! Not a chance, I'd rather have the harassment.Precisely so.How could you suspect us of such a thing? There would be little long-term advantage in such behaviour.That's not a very nice attitude, Ambassador. Perhaps we should just inform the Federation anyway.I think perhaps we had better terminate this conversation. I leave it up to your good sense as to your next move. Should we receive a... gift in the next week, the Federation will never know your secret. If you don't - well, who knows?Very well. We have evidence that your people are trading with the Mauna. That gives us a serious advantage over you. What would you like to offer us to keep silent?That'll do fine. Quite a lot of money, I should think?Not this time. I'd rather have payment in kind: how about you and us ceasing this singularly pointless conflict?[ Propose Non Aggression Pact ][ Propose Joint Combat Treaty ][ Complain about attacks ][ Complain about use of agents ][ Accuse of trading with the Mauna ][ Talk about the Rigellians ][ Talk about the Braccatians ][ Talk about the Mikotaj ][ Talk about the Artemians ][ Talk about the Achaeans ]Agreed. To take effect immediately.We cannot agree to these terms, but trust that on another occasion we can resume negotiations.We cannot agree to these terms, but will you consider this counter proposal?[Proposal received][New proposal received][Proposal sent][Connection terminated]