; ;Mpxplay v1.53 configuration file (not recommended to use it for other versions) ; ;always write a ';' char before the remark and empty lines ; ;If you don't need some functions ([keyboard],[serialport],[LCDdisplay],etc.) ;then you can delete their settings from the file (delete the complete section, do not delete just a part of it) ; ;Keyboard mapping ; ;important: 1. don't give the same value for two different key variables, ; because only the first one will work (the functions for the ; keys are in the same order like the key variables) ; 2. if you want to disable a key-function, then set it to 0xffff ; (if you remove a key-mapping (line), then the default/built-in (in keyboard.c) ; setting will be used (usually what you see here too)) ; ;Check the KEYCODES.LST for all available keyboard codes ; [keyboard] KeyRewind1 =0x4b00 ; white left rewind 50 frames (configurable with SeekFrames) KeyRewind2 =0x4be0 ; gray left KeyForward1 =0x4d00 ; white right forward KeyForward2 =0x4de0 ; gray right KeyQRewind1 =0x7300 ; ctrl-white left 4x rewind (200 frames) KeyQRewind2 =0xffff ; no key KeyQForward1 =0x7400 ; ctrl-white right 4x forward KeyQForward2 =0xffff ; no key KeyPRewind =0x73e0 ; ctrl-gray left seek -1% (or 4*50 frames at least) KeyPForward =0x74e0 ; ctrl-gray right seek +1% KeyCRewind =0xff01 ; alias for UIR continuous 1x seeking (while you don't press again key) KeyCForward =0xff02 ; KeyStepBegin =0x0e08 ; backspace step to begin of song KeyStepBack =0x4a2d ; gray - step (back) to previous song KeyStepForward =0x4e2b ; gray + step to next song in playlist KeyStepBackCD =0x0c2d ; white - step back like a CD player KeySkipAlbumBack=0xe02f ; gray / step to previous album (subdirectory (level 0)) KeySkipAlbumFrwd=0x372a ; gray * step to next album KeySkipAlbL1Back=0xffff ; no key step to previous album-group (subdir level -1) KeySkipAlbL1Frwd=0xffff ; step to -"- KeySkipAlbL2Back=0xffff ; step to previous album-group (subdir level -2) KeySkipAlbL2Frwd=0xffff ; step to -"- KeyExit1 =0x011b ; esc KeyExit2 =0x2e03 ; ctrl-c KeyExit3 =0x4400 ; F10 exit without shutdown KeyShutDownExit =0xffff ; no key exit with shutdown KeyStop1 =0x1f73 ; s KeyStop2 =0x1f53 ; S ; KeyPlayPause1 =0x1970 ; p pause/start playing KeyPlayPause2 =0x1950 ; P KeyPlayPause3 =0x3920 ; space KeyTimeMode1 =0x1474 ; t change display of time mode KeyTimeMode2 =0x1454 ; T KeyCrossfade1 =0x2e63 ; c crossfade enable/disable KeyCrossfade2 =0x2e43 ; C KeyFadeType1 =0x2166 ; f fade out/in enable/disable KeyFadeType2 =0x2146 ; F KeyPlayReplay1 =0x1372 ; r replay (repeat) playlist one/all/disable KeyPlayReplay2 =0x1352 ; R KeyPlayRandom1 =0x316e ; n random (shuffle) mode enable/disable KeyPlayRandom2 =0x314e ; N KeyAutoPause =0x1910 ; ctrl-p autopause enable/disable KeyPauseNext =0x1f13 ; ctlr-s pause (before) next song KeyHiLiteScan =0x2064 ; d hi-lite scan start/stop KeyCDdoor =0x186f ; o open/close CD door (tray) ; KeyHQmode1 =0x2368 ; h hq mode (mp2 decoder & au_mixer) KeyHQmode2 =0x2348 ; H KeyVolumeReset =0x2f16 ; ctrl-v reset software volume to 100% KeyAutoVolume1 =0x2f76 ; v autovolume enable/disable KeyAutoVolume2 =0x2f56 ; V KeySwapchan1 =0x2d78 ; x swap channels (reverse stereo) KeySwapchan2 =0x2d58 ; X KeyPlayMute1 =0x326d ; m mute sound (while push) KeyPlayMute2 =0x324d ; M KeyPlayMuteSw =0x320d ; ctrl-m mute sound (on/off switch) KeyVolumeUp1 =0x4700 ; white-home increase software volume KeyVolumeUp2 =0x342e ; . KeyVolumeDown1 =0x4f00 ; white-end decrease software volume KeyVolumeDown2 =0x332c ; , KeyVolBalanceL =0x333c ; < volume balance KeyVolBalanceR =0x343e ; > KeySurroundUp =0x2827 ; ' more surround (superb stereo) KeySurroundDown =0x273b ; ; less surround (mono) KeySpeedUp =0x1b5d ; ] playing speed up KeySpeedDown =0x1a5b ; [ -"- down KeySpeedSeekFrwd=0x2b5c ; \ fast forward/seek (3x-9x) with speed control KeySCardVolUp =0x34f0 ; alt-'.' soundcard (hardware) volume up KeySCardVolDown =0x33f0 ; alt-',' -"- down KeyBassUp =0x2822 ; " more bass KeyBassDown =0x273a ; : less -"- KeyTrebleUp =0x1b7d ; } more treble KeyTrebleDown =0x1a7b ; { less -"- KeyLoudness =0x2b7c ; | 50<->80 bass & treble ; KeyEditUp1 =0x4800 ; white up playlist editor keys KeyEditUp2 =0x48e0 ; gray up KeyEditDown1 =0x5000 ; white down KeyEditDown2 =0x50e0 ; gray down KeyEditPgUp1 =0x4900 ; white page up KeyEditPgUp2 =0x49e0 ; gray page up KeyEditPgDn1 =0x5100 ; white page down KeyEditPgDn2 =0x51e0 ; gray page down KeyEditHome =0x47e0 ; gray home move cursor to the top of the playlist KeyEditEnd =0x4fe0 ; gray end move cursor to the bottom of the playlist KeyEditAlbumUp =0x9900 ; alt-gray page up move cursor one album up (album=subdir difference in playlist) KeyEditAlbumDn =0xa100 ; alt-gray page dn move cursor one album down KeyEditFieldTyp1=0x1265 ; e editor field type (filenames/no filenames) KeyEditFieldTyp2=0x1245 ; E KeyEditChgSide =0x0f09 ; TAB change editor side KeyEditUpDir1 =0x8400 ; ctrl-white-PgUp jump to updir/uplist KeyEditUpDir2 =0x84e0 ; ctrl-gray-PgUp KeyEditSubDir1 =0x7600 ; ctrl-white-PgDn jump to (open) subdir/sublist KeyEditSubDir2 =0x76e0 ; ctrl-gray-PgDn KeyEditRootDir =0x2b1c ; ctrl-\ jump to rootdir/rootlist KeyEditPListPrev=0x9500 ; ctrl-gray / jump to previous paralell playlist KeyEditPListNext=0x9600 ; ctrl-gray * jump to next paralell playlist KeyEditReLoad =0x1312 ; ctrl-r refresh browser / reload playlist, rescan disk KeyEditMovSngUp1=0x8d00 ; ctrl-white-up move highlighted entry in playlist KeyEditMovSngUp2=0x8de0 ; ctrl-gray-up KeyEditMovSngDn1=0x9100 ; ctrl-white-down KeyEditMovSngDn2=0x91e0 ; ctrl-gray-down KeyEditDelSng1 =0x4200 ; F8 delete playlist entry KeyEditDelSng2 =0x5300 ; white del KeyEditDelSng3 =0x53e0 ; gray del KeyEditDelFile =0xffff ; 0x6f00 = alt-F8 delete file from disk (and from playlist) KeyEditCopyFile =0xffff ; 0x6c00 = alt-F5 copy file to target dir (of directory browser) KeyEditMoveFile =0xffff ; 0x6d00 = alt-F6 move file to target dir (of directory browser) KeyEditStartSng1=0x1c0d ; enter start selected (highlighted) song KeyEditStartSng2=0xe00d ; keypad enter KeyEditSelNxtSg1=0x1c0a ; ctrl-enter select next song KeyEditSelNxtSg2=0xe00a ; ctrl-keypad enter KeyEditOrdFile =0x5e00 ; ctrl-F1 order side-entries by filenames KeyEditOrdArtist=0x5f00 ; ctrl-F2 order side-entries by artist KeyEditOrdTitle =0x6000 ; ctrl-F3 order side-entries by titles KeyEditOrdTime =0x6100 ; ctrl-F4 order side-entries by time KeyEditCpySng =0x3f00 ; F5 copy playlist entry (song/list/dir/drive) to the other side (load playlist/dir entries) KeyEditInsSng1 =0x5200 ; white ins KeyEditInsSng2 =0x52e0 ; gray ins KeyEditCpySngEhl=0xffff ; no key copy entry to editorhighline pos (of other side) KeyEditCpyEntry =0x5800 ; shift-F5 copy playlist entry (song/list/dir/drive) to the other side (do not load list/dir entries) KeyEditCpySide1 =0x6200 ; ctrl-F5 copy all entries to other side KeyEditCpySide2 =0x9200 ; ctrl-white-ins KeyEditCpySide3 =0x92e0 ; ctrl-gray-ins KeyEditClearList=0x93e0 ; ctrl-gray-Del clear playlist KeyEditJukebox1 =0x246a ; j switch between jukebox and normal mode KeyEditJukebox2 =0x244a ; J KeyEditFListPrev=0xa400 ; alt-gray / load previous fastlist ([fastlists] config) KeyEditFListNext=0x37f0 ; alt-gray * load next fastlist KeyEditSaveList =0x3c00 ; F2 save playlist ; KeyDosShell =0x2004 ; ctrl-d dos shell KeyFullEdit25 =0x5c00 ; shift-F9 alt-F9 + ctrl-F9 Key2550lines =0x7000 ; alt-F9 25/50 lines mode KeyFullEdit50 =0x6600 ; ctrl-F9 full screen editor KeyAnaliserOff1 =0x1e61 ; a spectrum analiser off/on KeyAnaliserOff2 =0x1e41 ; A KeyResizeEditUp =0x9800 ; alt-gray-up resize playlist editor/song browser KeyResizeEditDn =0xa000 ; alt-gray-down KeyEditChgSizeL =0x9b00 ; alt-gray left modify size of editorsizes KeyEditChgSizeR =0x9d00 ; alt-gray right KeySwitchGFX =0x2267 ; g switch between text and svga mode ; KeyLCDpageNext =0x2207 ; ctrl-g select next page (0->1,1->2,2->3,3->0) KeyLCDpage0 =0xff10 ; no real key select page 0 KeyLCDpage1 =0xff11 ; -"- select page 1 KeyLCDpage2 =0xff12 ; -"- select page 2 KeyLCDpage3 =0xff13 ; -"- select page 3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;KeyGroups (execute more key-functions with one button) ; ;syntax: button=function1,function2,...,function16 ('button' and 'function' are 2-byte (4-digit) hexa codes) ;max. number of buttons (groups) is 32, max. number of functions is 16 ; [keygroups] 0x4800=0x4800,0xff11 ; KeyEditUp1 + KeyLCDpage1 0x5000=0x5000,0xff11 ; KeyEditDown1 + KeyLCDpage1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Fastlists (load list/files with one key) (max. 16 FastList lines) ; ;syntax: FastList=keycode,"filename" ; [fastlists] ;FastList=0x8500,"f:\audiomp3\new\*.*\*.*" ; F11 ;FastList=0x8600,"f:\audiomp3\magyar\*.*\*.*" ; F12 ;FastList=0x0000,"f:\audiomp3\music\1.m3u" ; keycode is not required ;FastList=0x0000,"f:\audiomp3\kulfold1\1.fpl" ; you can use alt-gray-'/' and '*' too ;FastList=0x0000,"h:\*.*\*.*" ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Mouse button functions ; ;Btn1:left, Btn2:center, Btn3:right; Pri:continuous press, Sec:single click ; [mouse] EnableMouse=1 ; turn on/off mouse (0 or 1) (it requires a mouse driver too, like Cutemouse) MouseFuncBtn1Pri=0x0000 ; MouseFuncBtn1Sec=0x0000 ; MouseFuncBtn2Pri=0x4b00 ; white-left (rewind) MouseFuncBtn2Sec=0x0c2d ; white '-' (CD skip back) MouseFuncBtn3Pri=0x4d00 ; white-right (fforward) MouseFuncBtn3Sec=0x4e2b ; gray '+' (skip forward) MouseFuncWheelUp=0x0000 ; (desktop: editorhighline up) MouseFuncWheelDn=0x0000 ; (desktop: editorhighline down) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Joystick settings, function mappings ; [joystick] Joy1Port =0x0000 ; enable joy 1 with the port setting (0x0200-0x0210) Joy1FuncLeft =0x7300 ; rewind Joy1FuncRight =0x7400 ; fast-forward Joy1FuncUp =0x4800 ; editorhighline up Joy1FuncDown =0x5000 ; editorhighline down Joy1FuncBtn1 =0x1c0d ; enter (start song) Joy1FuncBtn2 =0x4a2d ; skip back Joy2Port =0x0000 ; enable joy 2 with the port setting (0x0200-0x0210) Joy2FuncLeft =0x0000 ; Joy2FuncRight =0x0000 ; Joy2FuncUp =0x0000 ; Joy2FuncDown =0x0000 ; Joy2FuncBtn1 =0x4e2b ; skip forward (joy2btn1=joy1btn3) Joy2FuncBtn2 =0x326d ; mute (joy2btn2=joy1btn4) JoyAxisPreDelay =16 ; pre-delay before axis (function) repeat (16 = 0.5 sec) JoyAxisDelay =1 ; axis delay (repeat interval) (1=20char/sec,2=13char/sec) JoyButtonPreDly =14 ; pre-delay before button repeat JoyButtonDelay =1 ; button delay (repeat interval) JoySensitivity =2 ; joy axis sensitivity (1-3) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Serial and parallel port control (send in N bytes on COM/LPT port, execute key-function) ;(port config for COMC and UIR : 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity) ; ; HandlerCFG=handlername,portname,baud,indatalen ; handlername : COMC, UIR, LPTC, NECIR, VT100, SERMOUS (see control\serial.c) ; portname : COM1 .. COM4 , LPT1 .. LPT3 (any other: ignored portname/portnumber) ; baud : com port setting, max. 115200 (ignored at non-COM handlers) ; indatalen : 1 - 16 (ignored at some handlers), or 128 at COMC : direct keyboard codes (2 bytes) (in this mode the SerialFunc lines are not required) ; ; SerialFunc=databytes_in_hexa,keyboard_code_in_hexa (2 hexa numbers = 1 byte) ; [serialport] SerialEnable =0 ; - set to 1 to enable serial control HandlerCFG =UIR,COM1,9600,6 ; - configure a handler SerialFunc =45ba00ff0000,0b30 ; '0' - set functions (buttons) for this handler SerialFunc =45ba807f0000,0231 ; '1' SerialFunc =45ba40bf0000,0332 ; '2' These values are configured SerialFunc =45bac03f0000,0433 ; '3' to my remote controller. SerialFunc =45ba20df0000,0534 ; '4' SerialFunc =45baa05f0000,0635 ; '5' You can declare max 99 SerialFunc lines (buttons) SerialFunc =45ba609f0000,0736 ; '6' for one handler. SerialFunc =45bae01f0000,0837 ; '7' SerialFunc =45ba10ef0000,0938 ; '8' SerialFunc =45ba906f0000,0a39 ; '9' SerialFunc =45ba68970000,1f73 ; 's' stop SerialFunc =45ba18e70000,1970 ; 'p' play/pause SerialFunc =45bae8170000,1970 ; 'p' play/pause SerialFunc =45ba52ad0000,316e ; 'n' random mode SerialFunc =45ba88770000,4a2d ; '-' skip back SerialFunc =45ba08f70000,4e2b ; '+' skip to next SerialFunc =45ba7a850000,2064 ; 'd' hi-lite scan SerialFunc =45baf00f0000,ff01 ; continuous rewind SerialFunc =45ba708f0000,ff02 ; continuous forward SerialFunc =45ba38c70000,4400 ; F10 exit SerialFunc =45bad02f0000,332c ; , volume down SerialFunc =45ba50af0000,342e ; . volume up SerialFunc =45ba6a950000,372a ; gray-'*' next album SerialFunc =45bab04f0000,246a ; 'J' programming (juke box mode) ; ;you can add more HandlerCFG with SerialFunc lines, but you can initialize a handler(name) only once, and you cannot use more handlers on the same port (irq) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;LCD configuration (see lcd_disp.txt and display\lcd.c for extra infos) ; ;LCD_items[pagenum]=linepos,rowpos,itemname1,itemname2,"userstring",itemname3 etc. ; [LCDdisplay] LCDport =none ;LPT1..LPT4 or COM1..COM4 LCDtype =1 ;1,2,3,4: LPT, 5,6,7,8:COM-port LCD LCDrows =20 ;number of characters/line (usually 8-40)(max. 512) LCDlines =2 ;number of LCD lines (1-16) LCDportdelay =5 ;for LCDtype 1,2,4 (value should be between 1 and 500 (or maybe more))(increase it if the display doesn't work properly, reduce it to get a faster displaying) LCDrefresh =0 ;refresh delay (lower value faster, higher value slower refresh (0=40fps,1=20fps,3=7fps,5=4fps)) LCDscrollspeed=4 ;(-"-) LCDscrolldelay=30 ;pre-delay before scrolling (20 = 1 sec) LCDpagereset =30 ;(re)set LCD to page 0. after n/20 sec (20 = 1 sec) if there's no desktop (keyboard) activity ;LPT to LCD controlbit configuration for LCDtype 1 and 3 (different wiring schemes, different bit configs)(0x01=LPT-pin 1, 0x02=LPT-pin 14, 0x04=LPT-pin 16, 0x08=LPT-pin 17) ;(note: old LCDtype3 cfg: RS=0x08,E1=0x01, old LCDtype4 cfg:RS=0x04,E1=0x08) (set the unused bits to 0x00) LPT_cntrlbit_RW=0x02 ;read/write bit (used at type 3) LPT_cntrlbit_RS=0x04 ;register select bit (command/data) LPT_cntrlbit_E1=0x01 ;enable (data send) for controller 1. LPT_cntrlbit_E2=0x08 ;enable for controller 2. (LCDtype 1 only: 4x40 displays) ;display-item config(s) LCD_items =1,1,LINESCROLL,P_ARTIST," - ",P_TITLE," (",P_TIMEPOS,"/",P_SONGTIME,") " ; LCD_items =2,1,LINESCROLL,"From the '",P_ALBUM,"' album in the year ",P_YEAR," [",P_GENRE,"] " ; LCD_items1=1,1,LINESCROLL,EDITORHLINE," "; LCD_items1=2,1,LINESCROLL,EDITORHLINEP1," "; LCD_items2=1,1,volmeter ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Common & command line variables (don't modify the structure of these lines at UseVariables=3 !) ; [global] UseVariables =1 ;0:don't use, 1:use, 3:save these variables at exit (be careful with this) Prebuffertype=1 ;0:no buffer, 1:small (4 blocks=128kb) 2: -bp, 4: -bl Intsoundcfg =0 ;1:interrupt decoding (for -bp,-bl) Bufferblocks =0 ;prebuffer blocks at pbt=1 or 2 (0:auto setting -> 4 or 32) PlaySongCount=999999999 ;-psc PlayRandom =0 ;1:-prn 2:-prn2 PlayReplay =0 ;1:-pre1 2:-pre PlayControl =0 ;+1:-pap +2:-phs +4:pause at 1st song (only) +8:autoGFX (switch to video screen at video files) SeekFrames =50 ;at left/right-arrows SoundcardName=AUTO ;-scs (AUTO, CMI,ICH,SBA,VIA, S16,ESS,WSS,GUS,SBP,NUL) SoundcardFreq=0 ;manual setting of output freq (0:outfreq controlled by freq of song(s)) SoundcardChan=0 ;manual setting of output channels (at Sbpro or wav-output) SoundcardBits=0 ;manual setting of output bits (at Audigy 2/4/LS, Live24, ICH4, wav-output) SoundcardVol =0 ;-scv (1-100)(0:get value from the card) SoundcardTrbl=50 ;-sctr (1-100)(50:original tone, 0:get value from the card) SoundcardBass=50 ;-scbs (hardware tone at SB16/AWE cards, else soft-tone at MP3/MP2/MPC files) MixerControl =1 ;+1:enable limiter (fast auto volume reduction (if required)(after crossfade(HQ),surround(HQ),tone-control(HQ) or if SoundVolume>100 (LQ,HQ))), +2 allways use soft-tone (disable hw-tone) HQmode =1 ;-hq (32-bit float mixer functions, else 16-bit integer) SoundVolume =100 ;-sv AutoVolume =0 ;-sva (slow volume correction (up and down too)) Surround =100 ;-sr Speed =100 ;-sp Balance =0 ;(-99...0...+99) Swapchan =0 ;swap channels (reverse stereo) SoundLimitVol=5 ;-sl SoundLimitBeg=400 ;check begins at EndOfFile-SoundLimitBeg (in frames) SoundLimitLen=23 ;length of check UseCrossfade =0 ;-cf CFtype =1 ;-cft CFlimit =0 ;-cfl CFpoint =120 ;-cfp CFoutlength =250 ;-cfo CFinlength =200 ;-cfi ChannelMode =1 ;0:-cl (mp3,ogg) 2:-cm (mp3) CDWcontrol =1 ;1:jitter correction Displaymode =126 ;see moreinfo.txt for details (126=2+4+8+16+32+64) Desktopmode =1019 ;see moreinfo.txt (1019=1+2+8+16+32+64+128+256+512) TimeMode =0 ;0:elapsed, 1:remaining, 2:allelapsed, 3:allremaining EditSideBordr=64 ;-ebs (or set by ALT-LEFT/ALT-RIGHT) EditorBegin =0 ;relative sonpos-line/editor-begin (set by ALT-UP/ALT-DOWN) MaxFilenames =9999 ;max. file-entries in playlist (/5 in browser)(increase it if this is not enough for you) Preloadinfo =1 ;0:-inl 1:load at prg start 2:-ipl 4:-idl 8:-ihl ID3ordertype =12 ;-io (see readme.txt) SortOrder ="AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz" ; general ABC (?), use "" to disable PlayListSave =0 ;auto save&load playlist/doombox-queue (into/from Mpxplay's dir)(1=M3U,5=MXU,9=EXTM3U,17=CUE type) (it has higher priority than StartupEnabled:11) LoadID3tag =7 ;0: -in, +1: use mxu/extm3u/id3list, +2: load tags from audio files, +4: create id3info from (long)filename, +8: prefer list-tags (else prefer audiofile-tags) LoadID3list =0 ;1: -il ID3savetype =63 ;-ist (see readme.txt) Conv852437 =8 ;+1:-8 +4:-8u +8:-8ua +16:-8uv +32:-8f WinChars ="" ; for -8 option (codepage conversion) DosChars ="I" ; write here only those chars, which you want to convert UseLFN =1 ;use long filenames (if possible) ShutdownATX =0 ;-xas ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Startup (start playing at the last played song and (frame) position) ; ;StartupEnabled bits are (0:disable), 1:load (only), 2:save (only) ; 1+2(=3) : restore song and frame position if the playlist/song/dirscan is the same at command line (OldListname==newlistname) ; +4 (=7) : use CMOS (save list and song position to CMOS RAM: in every 2. sec, at newfile and at end of program) ; +8 (=11): restore directory/playlist (from OldListname) and song-pos if there's no playlist/dirscan argument in command line (when using directory browser only to load files/playlist/fastlist)(doesn't work with CMOS!) ; (don' 1 will lose them)) [startup] StartupEnabled =3 OldListType =1 OldListname =D:\TEST\MP4\AAC\A\1.m3u OldSongname =D:\TEST\MP4\AAC\A\TRACK14.AAC OldFrameNum =0 ;