* The *'s indicate that the line is a comment when the * is * the first character on the line. * * DEFAULTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: * * ACCELERATION = 0.019532 * Rate of acceleration of ball * * BALL_VMAXX = 4 * Maximum velocity of a ball in the x (horizontal) direction * * BALL_VMAXY = 6.666666 * Maximum velocity of a ball in the y (vertical) direction * * NORMALDAMPING = 0.75 NORMALDAMPING = 0.65 * NORMALDAMPING_X = 1.0 * NORMALDAMPING_Y = 1.0 * Coefficient of velocity retention during a collision with wall pixel. * or (stationary) flipper (_X & _Y allows tweaking if necessary) * * FLIPPERNORMAL_X = 1.0 * FLIPPERNORMAL_Y = 1.0 * * Allows tweaking of the normal of a flipper impact. * * FLIPPERVELOCITY_X = 1.0 * FLIPPERVELOCITY_Y = 1.0 * Allows tweaking of change in velocity due to flipper impact. * * INTERELASTICITY = 0.610351 * Coefficient of velocity retention during a collision with another ball. * * WEIGHT_NEW = 1 * WEIGHT_OLD = 5 * The ratio WEIGHT_NEW : WEIGHT_OLD determines how far the scrolling * mechanism scrolls. Moves WEIGHT_NEW of (WEIGHT_NEW + WEIGHT_OLD) * parts of the way from the old scroll position to the new scroll * position. * Actual position is calculated as follows: * ROW_NEW = (ROW_NEW * WEIGHT_NEW + ROW_OLD * WEIGHT_OLD) * / (WEIGHT_NEW + WEIGHT_OLD) * * SCROLL_MAX = 20 * The maximum number of rows the table image is allowed to scroll * in one redraw. * * PLUNGER_MAX_VELOCITY = 6.666666 * Velocity of the ball after plunger impacts from maximum displacement * * NUDGE_STRENGTH = 1.5 * Velocity change of the ball during a table nudge * * NUDGE_SENSITIVITY = 1 * Amount of agitation nudge sensor receives during a table nudge * * NUDGE_TOLERANCE = 4.6875 * Maximum amount of nudge * * NUDGE_DECAY = 0.010406 * Time of nudge * * MUSIC_VOLUME = 127 * Master volume level for music (0..127) * * SAMPLE_VOLUME = 127 * Master volume level for sound effects (0..127) * BALL_VMAXY = 7.5 PLUNGER_MAX_VELOCITY = 7.5 NUDGE_TOLERANCE = 9.0 NUDGE_DECAY = 0.03 *MUSIC_VOLUME = 255 MUSIC_VOLUME = 90 *MUSIC_VOLUME = 0 SAMPLE_VOLUME = 255 *SAMPLE_VOLUME = 0 NUMBALLS = 3