Powerslave Cheat Codes / Commandline Shortcuts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lobocop gives you all weapons and ammo lobosphere fills in entire map in map mode lobosnake toggles "snake-cam" lobopick all keys lobolite turns off flash effects from explosions and guns loboslip lets you slip through walls (but you stick to the floor, no jumping) loboswag all items loboxy displays coordinates in upper corner holly turns on a command line prompt at the top of the screen, where you can enter any of the above commands, plus any of these: level n jumps to level number "n" doors toggles all switches, which should open most doors and activate traps exit finishes the level you're on creature n places creature of type "n" where you're standing (0 is Anubis, 1 is spider, 2 is mummy, etc.) Entering a blank line will turn off the command line. To start a modem play game, type ps /modem and for a null-modem cable connection game, type ps /null at startup.