Here are a few late-breaking news items that didn't make the game manual: 1) Dragonsphere should run fine with 800k (819,200 bytes) of free EMS memory. We have found that 1.8 MB of free EMS will deliver the best performance. For conventional memory, 575K should do just fine. Crashes may occur due to low conventional or EMS memory. You should be good-to-go if you have these minimums. 2) During the install, if you select any Roland, SoundBlaster, or Midi, be sure to select the music card address that is highlighted (or the one that makes sense for your machine.) Cal knows why It highlights the address but does not put a '.' next to it. If you fail to do this, you may not like the results. 3) During game play, you can Alt-Q, Alt-X, Ctrl-Q, or Ctrl-X to DOS. This is a fairly quick way to get to DOS, but you should not rely on the resume feature of the game when you do this at a bad time. If you choose this route, make sure that you are at a point in the game where you could have double-clicked the mouse to bring up the game menu as the resume feature will only work correctly at these 'player-has-control' points. In other words, don't try to quit this way when you see the 'dragon' cursor. 4) We have found that a couple of not-so-Microsoft-compatible mouse drivers can cause some problems with Dragonsphere. The symptom is the mouse cursor only operating on the left-hand half of the screen. To cure this, run Dragonsphere with the -U command line option (Type DRAGON -U [ENTER]). 5) Our sound card detection routines will not detect a Sound Blaster, Covox, or compatible if the factory default hardware settings have been changed. If you have one of these cards and have changed the factory settings, then the installation menu will list your card as a 'greyed-out' option. You will need to select your sound card even though it is greyed-out, after which you will be asked for the proper address, IRQ, and DRQ settings. 6) The install program is designed to detect automatically what type of sound system you are using. We have found through painful experience that certain machines become irritated when we try to figure out what kind of sound card they contain. These machines express their displeasure by locking up when you select "Reconfigure Hardware Options" from the installation menu. If yours is such a machine, run INSTALL with the "-s" option (i.e., Type "INSTALL -s [ENTER]"), and the install program will not even attempt to figure out what sound cards you have-- This will be left up to you. 7) Dragonsphere is not compatible with Quarterdeck QEMM386's STEALTH mode. If you are experiencing choppy digital speech, or rooms that should be scrolling are breaking up, and you are using QEMM386, be sure you are not using STEALTH mode. 8) If you have a modem, you can call MicroProse's 24-hour bulletin board at (410) 785-1841 for demos, new product information, or product updates. 8) The MicroProse 900 hint line is now in operation. Hints and tips are available for Return of the Phantom, Dragonsphere, Rex Nebular, Civilization, Darklands, and many other MicroProse titles. The 24-hour number is: 1-900-933-PLAY (7529) Calls cost $0.95 per minute and the caller must be 18 years or older, or have their parent's permission to call. We hope you enjoy Dragonsphere! - The Dragonsphere Development Team